January 30, 1998 10:21AM draft
Sue (x40560); Bruce (x49712)
I appreciate the opportunity to
appear today before the Capital Budgeting Commission.
I would like to commend the co-chairs
for holding the first of what I'm sure will be many informative hearings
on this important issue. You have a great deal of hard work ahead of you
but I'm confident that this distinguished group of experts is up to the
I was pleased when President Clinton
established this Commission. I firmly believe that public investment is
a critical basis for a growing economy. Unfortunately, spending for public
investment has declined steadily over the past three decades.
In 1981, the Federal government
spent 2.6 percent of total national income on nondefense investment. According
to Administration estimates for the 1998 budget, that figure is now 1.5
percent. I believe that our current budget practices have contributed to
this dramatic decline.
My perspective on this issue has
been shaped by my personal experience. Like many of you, my background
is in business. Before I came to the Senate, I was a CEO of a Fortune 500
The company I founded with two
friends, Automatic Data Processing, is the largest computing services firm
in the world, and it employs about 30,000 people in a number of countries.
But it wasn't always that way.
We grew our company from scratch,
using not only our own funds but money lent to us to make wise investments.
In the end, many of those investments paid off. That's how most successful
businesses do it.
Unlike a business, the federal
budget treats all dollars the same regardless of whether they are spent
on school construction or office supples. This is true even though a new
school provides benefits for many years while paper clips enjoy a relatively
brief shelf life. As a result, we make billion dollar spending decisions
every year with no notion of how they might affect economic growth and
I don't want to imply that public
investment is superior to all other types of Federal spending. We need
to support a strong national defense, criminal justice programs, health
care benefits, and unemployment compensation. But failure to distinguish
between these very different forms of spending means that we are unable
to budget for investment in any meaningful way.
There is a growing body of evidence
that public investment, carefully chosen, can contribute to economic growth.
A CBO report found that federal investments in physical infrastructure
such as highway and aviation projects yield economic rates of return higher
than the average return on private capital. The highest benefits resulted
from maintaining existing infrastructure assets and from expanding capacity
at highly congested facilities. In March, CBO will include the latest evidence
of the economic returns to public investment in their annual report on
long-term budgetary pressures and policy options.
By failing to recognize its critical
importance, we have allowed public investment to decline steadily over
the past decade both in terms of overall Federal spending and as a share
of the economy.
The United States is at the bottom
of the list of major industrialized nationals in terms of share of national
income devoted to public capital investment. Japan invests in infrastructure
at almost triple the rate of the U.S.
This underinvestment in our future
is more critical in some areas than others. A study by the U.S. Department
of Transportation found that we would need to invest an additional $15
billion a year in our highway and transit systems just to maintain them
-- not expand or improve them. The $15 billion figure grows to $40 billion
when you count necessary improvements.
And it is even higher if you count
the infrastructure needs of our nation's airports. While fifteen billion
dollars seems like a lot of money, consider the cost of not investing.
Congested roads in the largest 25 cities cost motorists $43 billion a year
in lost productivity and fuel.
Clearly, the challenges of the
future will require significant increases in both private and public investment.
That does not mean that we can "spend" our way to a higher standard of
living or that we shouldn't count public investment as government spending.
My point is that public investment can complement rather than compete with
investment by the private sector. It is not economically equivalent to
across-the-board tax cuts or increased noninvestment spending.
I am pleased, therefore, that you
will be considering ways to incorporate more business-oriented practices
into federal budgeting. The fact is, when businesses plan, they don't simply
equate capital investment with operating expenses. And I don't think government
should, either.
Needless to say, capital budgeting
for the Federal government would involve some difficult technical issues,
such as whether and how to depreciate assets that the Federal government
may not own, but that are purchased indirectly through grants to States
and local governments. And we need to realistically assess the risk that
any such system could be subject to gamesmanship by politicians seeking
to promote certain types of spending.
But while these issues are difficult,
the need to promote public investment makes them worth tackling with a
serious effort. Most States manage to define what is a capital investment
and what is not. I am optimistic that, with some work, we can do so at
the Federal level.
In any case, I am firmly convinced
that the federal budget process must be changed to better promote investment.
And I hope you will be able to resolve the difficult technical issues involved,
and produce recommendations on how to establish a capital budget. If not,
I also would encourage you to evaluate other approaches, such as establishing
specific targets for public investment, that also could promote a greater
focus on investment.
Again, I appreciate your invitation
to testify on this matter and I look forward with great interest to the
recommendation that you will make. I hope we can work together to implement
sensible investment budgeting throughout the budget and legislative process.