9:15 Discussion of agenda
9:45 Robert E. Rubin, Secretary of the Treasury
10:30 Edward M. Gramlich, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
11:15 Paul Posner, Director, Budget Issues, General Accounting Office
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Rudy Penner/Stan Collender: Budget Concepts
2:00 Break
2:30 Representative for
Research and Development
Raymond G. Kammer, Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Department of Commerce
3:15 Representative for
Physical Capital
David Plavin, President, Airport Council International
4:00 Adjourn
8:00 Conference Center Opens
9:00 Review of Minutes of
January 30 and 31 Hearing and Meeting and Other Housekeeping
Items (if any)
9:15 The Congressional Budget Process
Sue Nelson, Minority Director of Budget Review and Analysis, Senate Budget
Jack Conway, Professional Staff Member, Senate Appropriations Committee
Susan J. Irving, Associate Director, Budget Issues, General Accounting
Art Sauer, Majority Deputy Director, House Budget Committee
10:45 Break
11:00 Report from Each of the Six Task Forces
12:30 Summary and Next Steps
1:00 Adjourn