Report to Congress on the Costs and
Benefits of Federal Regulations
September 30, 1997
Office of Management and Budget
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Table of Contents
- The Role of Economic Analysis in Regulatory Reform
- Federal Regulatory Programs
- Devolopment of the U.S. Regulatory Analysis Program
- Basic Principles for Assessing Benefits and Costs
- Estimates of the Total Annual Costs and Benefits of Federal Regulatory Programs
- Overview
- Our Estimates of the Costs and Benefits of Existing Regulations
- Other Estimates of the Total Costs of Regulation
- Assessment of the Direct and Indirect Impact of Federal Rules
- Estimates of Benefits of Benefits and Costs of "Economically Significant" Rules
- Scope
- Overview
- Benefits and Costs of Economically Significant Final Rules
- Recommendations
Appendix: Summary of Public Comments
Table of Tables
- Estimates of the Annual Cost of Social Regulation for 1997
- Estimate of the Annual Total Cost of Regulation For 1997
- Hahn and Hird's 1988 Benefit Estimates
- Estimates of the Total Annual Benefits and
Costs of Regulation for 1997
- Hopkins' Estimate of the Annual Costs of Regulation
- Economically Significant Final Rules
- Summary of Agency Estimates for Final Rules 4/1/96 - 3/31/97
- Summary of Agency Estimates for Final Rules 4/1/96 - 3/31/97
- Transfer Rules