G. Elective Cosmetic Surgery Procedures and Rates
Cosmetic Surgery
Procedure |
International Classification
Diseases (ICD-9) |
Current Procedural Terminology
(CPT) 9 |
FY 1999 Charge
10 |
Amount of Charge |
Mammaplasty |
85.50, 85.32, 85.31 |
19325, 19324, 19318 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Mastopexy |
85.60 |
19316 |
Inpatient Surgical Care
Per Diem
APV or applicable
Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Facial Rhytidectomy |
86.82, 86.22 |
15824 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Blepharoplasty |
08.70, 08.44 |
15820, 15821, 15822, 15823 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem Or
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Mentoplasty (Augmentation/Reduction) |
76.68, 76.67 |
21208, 21209 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Abdominoplasty |
86.83 |
15831 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Lipectomy suction per
region 11 |
86.83 |
15876, 15877, 15878, 15879 |
Inpatient Surgical Care
Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Rhinoplasty |
21.87, 21.86 |
30400, 30410 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Scar Revisions beyond CHAMPUS |
86.84 |
15785 |
Inpatient Surgical Care
Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Mandibular or Maxillary Repositioning |
76.41 |
21194 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Minor Skin Lesions 12 |
86.30 |
15785 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Dermabrasion |
86.25 |
15780 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Hair Restoration |
86.64 |
15775 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable
Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Removing Tattoos |
86.25 |
15780 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Chemical Peel |
86.24 |
15790 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable
Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Arm/Thigh Dermolipectomy |
86.83 |
15839 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
Brow Lift |
86.3 |
15839 |
Inpatient Surgical Care Per Diem
APV or applicable Outpatient Clinic Rate |
(a b c) |
H. Dental Rate 13 Per Procedure
I. Ambulance Rate 14 Per Visit
J. Ancillary Services Requested by an Outside Provider 8
Per Procedure
K. AirEvac Rate 15 Per Visit
b Charges for ambulatory procedure visits (formerly same day surgery)
are listed in Section III.C.
(See notes 9 through 11, below, for further details on reimbursable rates.) The ambulatory
procedure visit (APV) rate is used if the elective cosmetic surgery is performed in an ambulatory
procedure unit (APU).
c Charges for outpatient clinic visits are listed in Sections II.A-K. The
outpatient clinic rate is not
used for services provided in an APU. The APV rate should be used in these cases.
Notes on Reimbursable Rates
1 Percentages can be applied when preparing bills for both inpatient and
outpatient services.
Pursuant to the provisions of 10 U.S.C. 1095, the inpatient Diagnosis Related Groups and
inpatient per diem percentages are 96 percent hospital and 4 percent professional charges. The
outpatient per visit percentages are 89 percent outpatient services and 11 percent professional
2 DoD civilian employees located in overseas areas shall be rendered a
bill when services are performed. Payment is due 60 days from the date of the bill.
3 The cost per Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) is based on the inpatient
full reimbursement rate
per hospital discharge, weighted to reflect the intensity of the principal and secondary diagnoses,
surgical procedures, and patient demographics involved. The adjusted standardized amounts
(ASA) per Relative Weighted Product (RWP) for use in the direct care system is comparable to
procedures used by the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) and the Civilian Health
and Medical Program for the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS). These expenses include all
direct care expenses associated with direct patient care. The average cost per RWP for large
urban, other urban/rural, and overseas will be published annually as an adjusted standardized
amount (ASA) and will include the cost of inpatient professional services. The DRG rates will
apply to reimbursement from all sources, not just third party payers.
4 The Medical Expense and Performance Reporting System (MEPRS)
code is a three digit code
which defines the summary account and the sub account within a functional category in the DoD
medical system. MEPRS codes are used to ensure that consistent expense and operating
performance data is reported in the DoD military medical system. An example of the MEPRS
hierarchical arrangement follows:
Outpatient Care (Functional Category) B
Medical Care (Summary Account) BA
Internal Medicine (Subaccount) BAA
5 Hyperbaric services charges shall be based on hours of service in 15
minute increments. The
rates listed in Section III.B. are for 60 minutes or 1 hour of service. Providers shall calculate the
charges based on the number of hours (and/or fractions of an hour) of service. Fractions of an
hour shall be rounded to the next 15 minute increment (e.g., 31 minutes shall be charged as 45
6 Ambulatory procedure visit is defined in DOD Instruction 6025.8,
"Ambulatory Procedure Visit
(APV)," dated September 23, 1996, as immediate (day of procedure) pre-procedure and
immediate post-procedure care requiring an unusual degree of intensity and provided in an
ambulatory procedure unit (APU). Care is required in the facility for less than 24 hours. This
rate is also used for elective cosmetic surgery performed in an APU.
7 Prescription services requested by outside providers (e.g., physicians
or dentists) are relevant to
the Third Party Collection Program. Third party payers (such as insurance companies) shall be
billed for prescription services when beneficiaries who have medical insurance obtain
medications from a Military Treatment Facility (MTF) that are prescribed by providers external
to the MTF. Eligible beneficiaries (family members or retirees with medical insurance) are not
personally liable for this cost and shall not be billed by the MTF. Medical Services Account
(MSA) patients, who are not beneficiaries as defined in 10 U.S.C. 1074 and 1076, are charged at
the "Other" rate if they are seen by an outside provider and only come to the MTF for
prescription services. The standard cost of medications ordered by an outside provider includes
the cost of the drugs plus a dispensing fee per prescription. The prescription cost is calculated by
multiplying the number of units (e.g., tablets or capsules) by the unit cost and adding a $5.00
dispensing fee per prescription. Final rule 32 CFR Part 220 eliminates the high cost ancillary
services' dollar threshold and the associated term "high cost ancillary service." The phrase "high
cost ancillary service" will be replaced with the phrase "ancillary services requested by an
outside provider" on publication of final rule 32 CFR Part 220. The elimination of the threshold
also eliminates the need to bundle costs whereby a patient is billed if the total cost of ancillary
services in a day (defined as 0001 hours to 2400 hours) exceeded $25.00. The elimination of the
threshold is effective as per date stated in final rule 32 CFR Part 220.
8 Charges for ancillary services requested by an outside provider
(physicians, dentists, etc.) are
relevant to the Third Party Collection Program. Third party payers (such as insurance
companies) shall be billed for ancillary services when beneficiaries who have medical insurance
obtain services from the MTF that are prescribed by providers external to the MTF. Laboratory
and Radiology procedure costs are calculated by multiplying the DoD established weight for the
Physicians' Current Procedural Terminology (CPT '98) code by either the cardiology, laboratory
or radiology multiplier (Section III.J). Eligible beneficiaries (family members or retirees with
medical insurance) are not personally liable for this cost and shall not be billed by the MTF.
MSA patients, who are not beneficiaries as defined by 10 U.S.C. 1074 and 1076, are
charged at
the "Other" rate if they are seen by an outside provider and only come to the MTF for ancillary
services. Final rule 32 CFR Part 220 eliminates the high cost ancillary services' dollar threshold
and the associated term "high cost ancillary service." The phrase "high cost ancillary service"
will be replaced with the phrase "ancillary services requested by an outside provider" on
publication of final rule 32 CFR Part 220. The elimination of the threshold also eliminates the
need to bundle costs whereby a patient is billed if the total cost of ancillary services in a day
(defined as 0001 hours to 2400 hours) exceeded $25.00. The elimination of the threshold is
effective as per date stated in final rule 32 CFR Part 220.
9 The attending physician is to complete the CPT '98 code to indicate
the appropriate procedure
followed during cosmetic surgery. The appropriate rate will be applied depending on the
treatment modality of the patient: ambulatory procedure visit, outpatient clinic visit or inpatient
surgical care services.
10 Family members of active duty personnel, retirees and their family
members, and survivors
shall be charged elective cosmetic surgery rates. Elective cosmetic surgery procedure
information is contained in Section III.G. The patient shall be charged the rate as specified in the
FY 1999 reimbursable rates for an episode of care. The charges for elective cosmetic surgery are
at the full reimbursement rate (designated as the "Other" rate) for inpatient per diem surgical care
services in Section I.B., ambulatory procedure visits as contained in Section III.C, or the
appropriate outpatient clinic rate in Sections II.A-K. The patient is responsible for the cost of the
implant(s) and the prescribed cosmetic surgery rate. (Note: The implants and procedures used
for the augmentation mammaplasty are in compliance with Federal Drug Administration
11 Each regional lipectomy shall carry a separate charge. Regions
include head and neck, abdomen, flanks, and hips.
12 These procedures are inclusive in the minor skin lesions. However,
CHAMPUS separates them as noted here. All charges shall be for the entire treatment,
regardless of the number of visits required.
13 Dental service rates are based on a dental rate multiplier times the
American Dental Association (ADA) code and the DoD established weight for that code.
14 Ambulance charges shall be based on hours of service in 15 minute
increments. The rates
listed in Section III.I are for 60 minutes or 1 hour of service. Providers shall calculate the
charges based on the number of hours (and/or fractions of an hour) that the ambulance is logged
out on a patient run. Fractions of an hour shall be rounded to the next 15 minute increment (e.g.,
31 minutes shall be charged as 45 minutes).
15 Air in-flight medical care reimbursement charges are determined by
the status of the patient (ambulatory or litter) and are per patient. The appropriate charges are
billed only by the Air Force Global Patient Movement Requirement Center (GPMRC).
16 Observation Services are billed at either the hourly or daily charge.
counting when the
patient is placed in the observation bed, and round to the nearest hour. The daily rate for
full/third party, for example, would be $660 based on 24 hours of service. If a patient status
changes to inpatient, the charges for observation services are added to the DRG assigned to the
case and not billed separately. If a patient is released from Observation status and is sent to an
APV, the charges for Observation services are not billed separately, but are added to the APV
rate in order to recover all expenses.
1. Department of Health and Human Services
For the Department of Health and Human Services, Indian Health Service, effective
October 1, 1998 and thereafter:
Hospital Care Inpatient Day
General Medical Care: |
Alaska |
$1,798 |
Rest of the United States |
1,049 |
Outpatient Medical Treatment
Outpatient Visit: |
Alaska |
$360 |
Rest of the United States |
210 |
For the period beginning October 1, 1998, the rates prescribed herein superseded those
established by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget October 31, 1997
(61 FR 56360).
Jacob Lew
Director, Office of Management and Budget
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