July 7, 1998
AGENCY: Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President.
SUMMARY: This notice provides a list of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities, as required by the Inspector General Act of 1978 (IG Act), as subsequently amended.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Suzanne Murrin at 202-395-1040 or Jennifer Kim at 202-395-5835, Office of Federal Financial Management, Office of Management and Budget.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice provides a copy of the 1998 List of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities, which the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is required to publish annually under the IG Act.
The List is divided into two groups: Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities. The Designated Federal Entities are required to establish and maintain Offices of Inspector General. The 29 Designated Federal Entities are as listed in the IG Act, except that those agencies which have ceased to exist have been deleted from the list.
Federal Entities are required to annually report to each House of the Congress and the OMB on audit and investigative activities in their organizations. Federal Entities are defined as "any Government corporation (within the meaning of section 103(1) of title 5, United States Code), any Government controlled corporation (within the meaning of section 103(2) of such title), or any other entity in the Executive Branch of the government, or any independent regulatory agency" other than the Executive Office of the President and agencies with statutory Inspectors General. There are 3 deletions and 1 addition in the 1998 Federal Entities list from the 1997 list published in the April 30, 1997, Federal Register.
The 1998 Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities List was prepared in consultation
the U.S. General Accounting Office.
Herein follows the text of the 1998 List of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities:
1998 List of Designated Federal Entities and Federal Entities
The IG Act, as subsequently amended, requires OMB to publish a list of "Designated Federal Entities" and "Federal Entities" and the heads of such entities. Designated Federal Entities were required to establish Offices of Inspector General before April 17, 1989. Federal Entities are required to report annually to each House of the Congress and the Office of Management and Budget on audit and investigative activities in their organizations.
1. Amtrak - Chairperson
2. Appalachian Regional Commission - Federal Co-Chairperson
3. The Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System - Chairperson
4. Commodity Futures Trading Commission - Chairperson
5. Consumer Product Safety Commission - Chairperson
6. Corporation for Public Broadcasting - Board of Directors
7. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - Chairperson
8. Farm Credit Administration - Chairperson
9. Federal Communications Commission - Chairperson
10. Federal Election Commission - Chairperson
11. Federal Housing Finance Board - Chairperson
12. Federal Labor Relations Authority - Chairperson
13. Federal Maritime Commission - Chairperson
14. Federal Trade Commission - Chairperson
15. Legal Services Corporation - Board of Directors
16. National Archives and Records Administration - Archivist of the United States
17. National Credit Union Administration - Board of Directors
18. National Endowment for the Arts - Chairperson
19. National Endowment for the Humanities - Chairperson
20. National Labor Relations Board - Chairperson
21. National Science Foundation - National Science Board
22. Panama Canal Commission - Chairperson
23. Peace Corps - Director
24. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation - Chairperson
25. Securities and Exchange Commission - Chairperson
26. Smithsonian Institution - Secretary
27. Tennessee Valley Authority - Board of Directors
28. United States International Trade Commission - Chairperson
29. United States Postal Service - Board of Governors
1. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation - Chairperson
2. African Development Foundation - Chairperson
3. American Battle Monuments Commission - Chairperson
4. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board - Chairperson
5. Armed Forces Retirement Home - Board of Directors
6. Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation - Chairperson
7. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board - Chairperson
8. Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation - Chairperson
9. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad - Chairperson
10. Commission of Fine Arts - Chairperson
11. Commission on Civil Rights - Chairperson
12. Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled - Chairperson
13. Court of Veterans Appeals - Chief Judge
14. Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board - Chairperson
15. Export-Import Bank - President and Chairperson
16. Farm Credit System Financial Assistance Corporation - Chairperson
17. Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation - Board of Directors
18. Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Appraisal Subcommittee - Chairperson
19. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service - Director
20. Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission - Chairperson
21. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board - Chairperson
22. Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation - Chairperson
23. Institute of American Indian and Alaska Native Culture and Arts Development - Chairperson
24. Institute for Museum and Library Services - Board of Directors
25. Inter-American Foundation - Chairperson
26. James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation - Chairperson
27. Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission - Chairperson
28. Marine Mammal Commission - Chairperson
29. Merit Systems Protection Board - Chairperson
30. Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation - Chairperson
31. National Capital Planning Commission - Chairperson
32. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science - Chairperson
33. National Council on Disability - Chairperson
34. National Education Goals Panel - Chairperson
35. National Endowment for Democracy - Chairperson
36. National Mediation Board - Chairperson
37. National Science Foundation/Arctic Research Commission - Chairperson
38. National Transportation Safety Board - Chairperson
39. Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation - Chairperson
40. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board - Chairperson
41. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission - Chairperson
42. Office of Government Ethics - Director
43. Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation - Chairperson
44. Office of Special Counsel - Special Counsel
45. Office of the Nuclear Waste Negotiator - Negotiator
46. Offices of Independent Counsel - Independent Counsels
47. Overseas Private Investment Corporation - Board of Directors
48. Postal Rate Commission - Chairperson
49. Selective Service System - Director
50. Smithsonian Institution/John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts - Chairperson
51. Smithsonian Institution/National Gallery of Art - Board of Trustees
52. Smithsonian Institution/Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars - Board of Trustees
53. State Justice Institute - Director
54. Trade and Development Agency - Director
55. U.S. Enrichment Corporation - Chairperson
56. U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council - Chairperson
57. U.S. Institute of Peace - Chairperson