1.1.0 Type of Business Entity of Which the Reporting Unit is a Part. (Mark one.) A. _____ Corporation B. _____ Partnership C. _____ Proprietorship D. _____ Not-for-profit organization E. _____ Joint Venture F. _____ Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) Y. _____ Other (Specify) ____________________ 1.2.0 Predominant Type of Government Sales. (Mark one.) 1/ A. _____ Manufacturing B. _____ Research and Development C. _____ Construction D. _____ Services Y. _____ Other (Specify)_______________________ 1.3.0 Annual CAS Covered Government Sales as Percentage of Total Sales (Government and Commercial). (Mark one. An estimate is permitted for this section.) 1/ A. _____ Less than 10% B. _____ 10%-50% C. _____ 51%-80% D. _____ 81% - 95% E. _____ Over 95% 1.4.0 Description of Your Cost Accounting System for Government Contracts and Subcontracts. (Mark the appropriate line(s) and if more than one is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) 1/ A. _____ Standard costs - Job order B. _____ Standard costs - Process C. _____ Actual costs - Job order D. _____ Actual costs - Process Y. _____ Other(s) 2/ 1/ Do not complete when Part I is filed in conjunction with Part VIII. 2/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
1.5.0 Identification of Differences Between Contract Cost Accounting and Financial Accounting Records. List on a continuation sheet, the types of costs charged to Federal contracts that are supported by memorandum records and identify the method used to reconcile with the entity's financial accounting records. 1.6.0 Unallowable Costs. Costs that are not reimbursable as allowable costs under the terms and conditions of Federal awards are identified as follows: (Mark all that apply and if more than one is marked, describe on a continuation sheet the major cost groupings, organizations, or other criteria for using each marked technique.) 1.6.1 Incurred costs. A. _____ Specifically identified and recorded separately in the formal financial accounting records. B. _____ Identified in separately maintained accounting records or workpapers. C. _____ Identifiable through use of less formal accounting techniques that permit audit verification. D. _____ Determinable by other means. 1/ 1.6.2 Estimated costs. A. ________ By designation and description (in backup data, workpapers, etc) which have specifically been identified and recognized in making estimates. B. ________ By description of any other estimating technique employed to provide appropriate recognition of any unallowable amounts pertinent to the estimates. C. _______ Other. 1/ 1.7.0 Fiscal Year: ____________________ (Specify twelve month period used for financial accounting and reporting purposes, e.g., 1/1 to 12/31.) 1.7.1 Cost Accounting Period: __________________ (Specify period. If the cost accounting period used for the accumulation and reporting of costs under Federal contracts is other than the fiscal year identified in Item 1.7.0, explain circumstances on a continuation sheet.) 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
This part covers the three major categories of direct costs, i.e., Direct Material, Direct Labor, and Other Direct Costs.
It is not the intent here to spell out or define the three elements of direct costs. Rather, each contractor should disclose practices based on its own definitions of what costs are, or will be, charged directly to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives as Direct Material, Direct Labor, or Other Direct Costs. For example, a contractor may charge or classify purchased labor of a direct nature as "Direct Material" for purposes of pricing proposals, requests for progress payments, claims for cost reimbursement, etc.; some other contractor may classify the same cost as "Direct Labor," and still another as "Other Direct Costs." In these circumstances, it is expected that each contractor will disclose practices consistent with its own classifications of Direct Material, Direct Labor, and Other Direct Costs.
2.1.0 Description of Direct Material. Direct material as used here is not limited to those items of material actually incorporated into the end product; they also include material, consumable supplies, and other costs when charged to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives as Direct Material. (Describe on a continuation sheet the principal classes or types of material and services which are charged as direct material; group the material and service costs by those which are incorporated in an end product and those which are not.) 2.2.0 Method of Charging Direct Material. 2.2.1 Direct Charge Not Through an Inventory Account at: (Mark the appropriate line(s) and if more than one is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) A. _____ Standard costs (Describe the type of standards used.) 1/ B. _____ Actual Costs Y. _____ Other(s) 1/ Z. _____ Not applicable 2.2.2 Charged Direct from a Contractor-owned Inventory Account at: (Mark the appropriate line(s) and if more than one is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) A. _____ Standard costs 1/ B. _____ Average Costs 1/ C. _____ First in, first out D. _____ Last in, first out Y. _____ Other(s) 1/ Z. _____ Not applicable 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
NAME OF REPORTING UNIT 2.3.0 Timing of Charging Direct Material. (Mark the appropriate line(s) to indicate the point in time at which direct material are charged to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives, and if more than one line is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) A. _____ When orders are placed B. _____ When both the material and invoice are received C. _____ When material is issued or released to a process, batch, or similar intermediate cost objective D. _____ When material is issued or released to a final cost objective E. _____ When invoices are paid Y. _____ Other(s) 1/ Z. _____ Not applicable 2.4.0 Variances from Standard Costs for Direct Material. (Do not complete this item unless you use a standard cost method, i.e., you have marked Line A of Item 2.2.1, or 2.2.2. Mark the appropriate line(s) in Items 2.4.1, 2.4.2, and 2.4.4, and if more than one line is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) 2.4.1 Type of Variance. A. _____ Price B. _____ Usage C. _____ Combined (A and B) Y. _____ Other(s) 1/ 2.4.2 Level of Production Unit used to Accumulate Variance. Indicate which level of production unit is used as a basis for accumulating material variances. A. _____ Plant-wide Basis B. _____ By Department C. _____ By Product or Product Line Y. _____ Other(s) 1/ 2.4.3 Method of Disposing of Variance. Describe on a continuation sheet the basis for, and the frequency of, the disposition of the variance. 2.4.4 Revisions. Standard costs for direct materials are revised: A. _____ Semiannually B. _____ Annually C. _____ Revised as needed, but at least once annually Y. _____ Other(s) 1/ 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
2.5.0 Method of Charging Direct Labor: (Mark the appropriate line(s) for each Direct Labor Category to show how such labor is charged to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives, and if more than one line is marked, explain on a continuation sheet. Also describe on a continuation sheet the principal classes of labor rates that are, or will be applied to Manufacturing Labor, Engineering Labor, and Other Direct Labor, in order to develop direct labor costs. Direct Labor Category Manufacturing Engineering Other Direct A. Individual/actual rates _____ _____ _____ B. Average rates -- uncompensated _____ _____ _____ overtime hours included in computation 1/ C. Average rates -- uncompensated _____ _____ _____ overtime hours excluded from computation D. Standard costs/rates 1/ _____ _____ _____ Y. Other(s) 1/ _____ _____ _____ Z. Labor category is not applicable _____ _____ _____ 2.6.0 Variances from Standard Costs for Direct Labor. (Do not complete this item unless you use a standard costs/rate method, i.e., you have marked Line D of Item 2.5.0 for any direct labor category. Mark the appropriate line(s) in each column of Items 2.6.1, 2.6.2, and 2.6.4. If more than one is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) 2.6.1 Type of Variance. Direct Labor Category Manufacturing Engineering Other Direct A. Rate _____ _____ _____ B. Efficiency _____ _____ _____ C. Combined (A and B) _____ _____ _____ Y. Other(s) 1/ _____ _____ _____ Z. Labor category _____ _____ _____ not applicable 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
2.6.2 Level of Production Unit used to Accumulate Variance. Indicate which level of production unit is used as a basis for accumulating the labor variances. Direct Labor Category Manufacturing Engineering Other Direct A. Plant-wide basis _____ _____ _____ B. By department _____ _____ _____ C. By product or product line _____ _____ _____ Y. Other(s) 1/ _____ _____ _____ Z. Labor category is not applicable _____ _____ _____ 2.6.3 Method of Disposing of Variance. Describe on a continuation sheet the basis for, and the frequency of, the disposition of the variance. 2.6.4 Revisions. Standard costs for direct labor are revised: A. _____ Semiannually B. _____ Annually C. _____ Revised as needed, but at least once annually Y. _____ Other(s) 1/ 2.7.0 Description of Other Direct Costs. Other significant items of cost directly identified with Federal contracts or other final cost objectives. Describe on a continuation sheet the principal classes of other costs that are always charged directly, that is, identified specifically with final cost objectives, e.g., fringe benefits, travel costs, services, subcontracts, etc. 2.7.1 When Employee Travel Expenses for lodging and subsistence are charged direct to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives the charge is based on: A. _____ Actual Costs B. _____ Per Diem Rates C. _____ Lodging at actual costs and subsistence at per diem Y. _____ Other Method 1/ Z. _____ Not Applicable 2.8.0 Credits to Contract Costs. When Federal contracts or similar cost objectives are credited for the following circumstances, are the rates of direct labor, direct materials, other direct costs and applicable indirect costs always the same as those for the original charges? (Mark one line for each circumstance, and for each "No" answer, explain on a continuation sheet how the credit differs from the original charge.) Circumstance A. Yes B. No Z. Not Applicable (a) Transfers to other jobs/contracts _____ _____ _____ (b) Unused or excess materials remaining _____ _____ _____ upon completion of contract 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
3.1.0 Criteria for Determining How Costs are Charged to Federal Contracts Or Similar Cost Objectives. Describe on a continuation sheet your criteria for determining when costs incurred for the same purpose, in like circumstances, are treated either as direct costs only or as indirect costs only with respect to final cost objectives. 3.2.0 Treatment of Costs of Specified Functions, Elements of Cost, or Transactions. (For each of the functions, elements of cost or transactions listed in Items 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.3, enter one of the Codes A through F, or Y, to indicate how the item is treated. Enter Code Z in those lines that are not applicable to you. Also, specify the name(s) of the indirect pool(s) (as listed in 4.1.0, 4.2.0 and 4.3.0) for each function, element of cost, or transaction coded E or F. If Code E, Sometimes direct/Sometimes indirect, is used, explain on a continuation sheet the circumstances under which both direct and indirect allocations are made.) Treatment Code A. Direct material E. Sometimes direct/Sometimes indirect B. Direct labor F. Indirect only C. Direct material and labor Y. Other(s) 1/ D. Other direct costs Z. Not applicable 3.2.1 Functions, Elements of Cost, or Transactions Related to Treatment Direct Material Code Name of Pool(s) (a) Cash Discounts on Purchases ____ ___________________ (b) Freight in ____ ___________________ (c) Income from Sale of Scrap ____ ___________________ (d) Income from Sale of Salvage ____ ___________________ (e) Incoming Material Inspection ____ ___________________ (receiving) (f) Inventory adjustment ____ ___________________ (g) Purchasing ____ ___________________ (h) Trade Discounts, Refunds, ____ ___________________ Rebates, and Allowances on Purchases 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
3.2.2 Functions, Elements of Cost, or Transactions Related to Treatment Direct Labor Code Name of Pool(s) (a) Incentive Compensation ____ __________________ (b) Holiday Differential (Priemium Pay) ____ __________________ (c) Vacation Pay ____ __________________ (d) Overtime Premium Pay ____ __________________ (e) Shift Premium Pay ____ __________________ (f) Pension Costs ____ __________________ (g) Post Retirement Benefits Other ____ __________________ Than Pensions (h) Health Insurance ____ __________________ (i) Life Insurance ____ __________________ (j) Other Deferred Compensation 1/ ____ __________________ (k) Training ____ __________________ (l) Sick Leave ____ __________________ 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
3.2.3 Functions, Elements of Cost, Treatment or Transactions - Miscellaneous Code Name of Pool(s) (a) Design Engineering (in-house) ____ ___________________ (b) Drafting (in-house) ____ ___________________ (c) Computer Operations (in-house) ____ ___________________ (d) Contract Administration ____ ___________________ (e) Subcontract Administration Costs ____ ___________________ (f) Freight Out (finished product) ____ ___________________ (g) Line (or production) Inspection ____ ___________________ (h) Packaging and Preservation ____ ___________________ (i) Preproduction Costs and Start-up Costs ____ ___________________ (j) Departmental Supervision ____ ___________________ (k) Professional Services (consultant fees) ____ ___________________ (l) Purchased Labor of Direct Nature ____ ___________________ (on premises) (m) Purchased Labor of Direct Nature ____ ___________________ (off premises) (n) Rearrangement Costs ____ ___________________ (o) Rework Costs ____ ___________________ (p) Royalties ____ ___________________ (q) Scrap Work ____ ___________________ (r) Special Test Equipment ____ ___________________ (s) Special Tooling ____ ___________________ (t) Warranty Costs ____ ___________________ (u) Rental Costs ____ ___________________ (v) Travel and Subsistence ____ ___________________ (w) Employee Severance Pay ____ ___________________ (x) Security Guards ____ ___________________
The following Allocation Base Codes are provided for use in connection with Items 4.1.0, 4.2.0 and 4.3.0.
A. Sales H. Direct labor dollars B. Cost of sales I. Direct labor hours C. Total Cost input (direct material, J. Machine hours direct labor, other direct costs K. Usage and applicable overhead) L. Unit of production D. Value-added cost input (total cost M. Direct material cost input less direct material and N. Total payroll dollars (direct subcontract costs) and indirect employees) E. Total cost incurred (total cost O. Headcount or number of employees input plus G&A expenses) (direct and indirect employees) F. Prime cost (direct material, direct P. Square feet labor and other direct cost) Y. Other(s), or more than one basis G. Processing or conversion cost (Describe on a continuation sheet.) (direct labor and applicable Z. Pool not applicable overhead) 4.1.0 Overhead Pools. List all the overhead pools, i.e., pools of indirect costs, other than general and administrative (G&A) expenses, that are allocated to final cost objectives without any intermediate allocations. A segment or business unit may have only a single pool encompassing all of its overhead costs or alternatively it may have several pools such as manufacturing overhead, engineering overhead, material handling overhead, etc. For each pool listed indicate the base used for allocating such pooled expenses to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives. Also, for each of the pools indicate (a) the major functions, activities, and elements of cost included, and (b) the make up of the allocation base. Use a continuation sheet if additional space is required. Allocation Base Code 1. ______________________________________ _____ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost included: _____________________________ _____________________________ (b) Description/Make up of the allocation base: _____________________________ _____________________________
4.1.0 Continued. Allocation Base Code 2. ______________________________________ _____ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost included: _____________________________ _____________________________ (b) Description/Make up of the allocation base: _____________________________ _____________________________ 4.2.0 General and Administrative (G&A) Expense Pool(s). Select among the three categories of pools below that describe(s) the manner in which G&A expenses are allocated. For each category of pool(s) selected indicate the base(s) used for allocating such pooled expenses to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives. Also, for each category of pool(s) selected, indicate (a) the major functions, activities, and elements of cost included, and (b) the make up of the allocation base(s). For example, if direct labor dollars are used, are fringe benefits included? If a total cost input base is used, is the imputed cost of capital included? Use a continuation sheet if additional space is required. Allocation Single Pool Containing G&A Expenses Only Base Code ______________________________________ _____ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost included: _____________________________ _____________________________ (b) Description/Make up of the allocation base: _____________________________ _____________________________
4.2.0 Continued. Allocation Single Pool Containing Both G&A and Non-G&A Expenses Base Code ______________________________________ _____ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost included: _____________________________ _____________________________ (b) Description/Make up of the allocation base: _____________________________ _____________________________ Allocation Special Allocations Base Code 1. ___________________________ _____ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost included: _____________________________ _____________________________ (b) Description/Make up of the allocation base: _____________________________ _____________________________ 2. ___________________________ _____ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost included: _____________________________ _____________________________ (b) Description/Make up of the allocation base: _____________________________ _____________________________
4.3.0 Service Center and Expense Pool Allocation Bases. Service centers are departments or other functional units which perform specific technical and/or administrative services primarily for the benefit of other units within a reporting unit. Expense pools are pools of indirect costs that are allocated primarily to other units within a reporting unit. Examples of service centers are data processing centers, reproduction services and communications services. Examples of expense pools are use and occupancy pools and fringe benefit pools. Category Code Generally, costs incurred by such centers or pools are, or can be, charged or allocated (i) partially to specific final cost objectives as direct costs and partially to other indirect cost pools (such as a manufacturing overhead pool) for subsequent reallocation to several final cost objectives, referred to herein as Category "A", and (ii) only to several other indirect cost pools (such as a manufacturing overhead pool, engineering overhead pool and G&A expense pool) for subsequent reallocation to several final cost objectives, referred to herein as Category "B". Rate Code Some service centers or expense pools may use predetermined billing or costing rates to charge or allocate the costs (Rate Code A) while others may charge or allocate on an actual basis (Rate Code B). List all the service centers and expense pools and enter in column (1) Code A or B to indicate the category of pool. Enter in Column (2) one of the Allocation Base Codes A through P, or Y, listed on Page ___, to indicate the base used for charging or allocating service center or expense pool costs. Enter in Column (3) Rate Code A or B to describe the costing method used. Also, for each of the centers and pools indicate (a) the major functions, activities, and elements of cost included, and (b) the make up of the allocation base. Use a continuation sheet if additional space is required. Alloca- tion Category Base Rate Service Center or Code Code Code Expense Pool (1) (2) (3) 1. __________________________ ____ ____ ____ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost included: _________________________ _________________________ (b) Description/Make up of the allocation base: _________________________ _________________________ 2. __________________________ ____ ____ ____ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost included: _________________________ _________________________ (b) Description/Make up of the allocation base: _________________________ _________________________
4.4.0 Treatment of Variances from Actual Cost (Underabsorption or Overabsorption). Where predetermined billing or costing rates are used to charge costs of service centers and expense pools to Federal contracts or other indirect cost pools (Rate Code A in Column (3) of Item 4.3.0), variances from actual costs are: (Mark the appropriate line(s) and if more than one is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) A. _____ Prorated to users on the basis of charges made, at least once annually B. _____ All charged or credited to indirect cost pool(s) at least once annually Y. _____ Other(s) 1/ Z. _____ Service center is not applicable to reporting unit 4.5.0 Application of Overhead and G&A Rates to Specified Transactions or Costs. This item is directed to ascertaining your practice in special situations where, in lieu of establishing a separate indirect cost pool, allocation is made from an established overhead or G&A pool at a rate other than the normal full rate for that pool. In the case of such a special allocation, the terms "less than full rate" or "more than full rate" should be used to describe the practice. The terms do not apply to situations where, as in some cases of off-site activities, etc., a separate indirect cost pool and base are used and the rate for such activities is lower than the "in-house" rate. For each of the transactions or costs listed below, enter one of the following codes to indicate your indirect cost allocation practice with respect to that transaction or cost. If Code A, full rate, is entered, identify on a continuation sheet the pool(s) reported under items 4.1.0, 4.2.0, and 4.3.0, which are applicable. If Codes B or C, less than or more than the full rate, is entered, describe on a continuation sheet the major types of expenses that are covered by such a rate. Rate Code A. Full rate C. Special allocation at more than full rate B. Special allocation at less than full rate D. No overhead or G&A is applied Z. Transaction or cost is not applicable to reporting unit Transaction or Cost to Which Rate Indirect Costs May be Allocated Code (a) Subcontract costs ____ (b) Purchased Labor ____ (c) Government-furnished materials ____ (d) Self-constructed depreciable assets ____ (e) Labor on installation of assets ____ (f) Off-site work ____ (g) Interorganizational transfers out ____ (h) Interorganizational transfers in (Also indicate on a continuation sheet the basis used by you as transferee to charge the cost or price of interogranizational transfers to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives. If the charge is based on cost, indicate whether the transferor's G&A expenses are included.) ____ (i) Other transactions or costs (Enter Code B or C on this line if there are other transactions or costs to which either less than full rate or more than full rate is applied. List such transactions or costs on a continuation sheet, and for each describe the major types of expenses covered by such a rate. If there are no other such transactions or costs, enter code Z.) ____ 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
4.6.0 Independent Research and Development (IR&D) and Bid and Proposal (B&P) Costs. Definitions of and requirements for the allocation of IR&D and B&P costs are contained in 48 CFR 9904.420. The full rate of all allocable manufacturing, engineering, and/or other overhead is applied to IR&D and B&P costs as if IR&D and B&P projects were under contract, and the "burdened" IR&D and B&P costs are: (Mark appropriate line(s).) A. _____ Allocated to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives by means of a composite pool with G&A expenses. B. _____ Allocated to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives by means of a separate pool. C. _____ Transferred to the corporate or home office level for reallocation to the benefiting segments. Y. _____ Other 1/ Z. _____ Not applicable 4.7.0 Cost of Capital Committed to Facilities. In accordance with instructions for Form CASB-CMF, undistributed facilities capital items are allocated to overhead and G&A expense pools: (Mark one.) A. ____ On a basis identical to that used to absorb the actual depreciation or amortization from these facilities; land is assigned in the same manner as the facilities to which it relates. B. ____ On a basis not identical to that used to absorb the actual depreciation or amortization from these facilities. (Describe on a continuation sheet the difference for each step of the allocation process.) C. ____ By the "alternative allocation process" described in instructions for Form CASB-CMF. Z. ____ Not applicable. 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
5.1.0 Depreciating Tangible Assets for Government Contract Costing. (For each of the asset categories listed on Page ___, enter a code from A through H in Column (1) describing the method of depreciation (Code F for assets that are expensed); a code from A through C in Column (2) describing the basis for determining useful life; a code from A through C in Column (3) describing how depreciation methods or use charges are applied to property units; and a Code A, B or C in Column (4) indicating whether or not residual value is deducted from the total cost of depreciable assets. Enter Code Y in each column of an asset category where another or more than one method applies. Enter Code Z in Column (1) only, if an asset category is not applicable.) Column (1)--Depreciation Method Code Column (2)--Useful Life Code A. Straight Line A. Replacement experience adjusted by B. Declining balance expected changes in periods of C. Sum-of-the years digits usefulness D. Machine hours B. Term of Lease E. Unit of production C. Estimated on the basis of Asset F. Expensed at acquisition Guidelines under Internal Revenue G. Use charge Procedures H. Method of depreciation used under the Y. Other, or more than one method 1/ applicable Internal Revenue Procedures Y. Other or more than one method 1/ Z. Asset category is not applicable Column (3)--Property Units Code Column (4)--Residual Value Code A. Individual units are accounted for A. Residual value is estimated and separately deducted B. Applied to groups of assets with similar B. Residual value is covered by the service lives depreciation method (e.g., declining C. Applied to groups of assets with varying balance) service lives C. Residual value is estimated but not Y. Other or more than one method 1/ deducted in accordance with the provisions of 48 CFR 9904.409 1/ Y. Other or more than one method 1/ 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
5.1.0 Continued. Depreciation Useful Property Residual Method Life Units Value Asset Category Code Code Code Code (1) (2) (3) (4) (a) Land improvements ____ ____ ____ ____ (b) Building ____ ____ ____ ____ (c) Building improvements ____ ____ ____ ____ (d) Leasehold improvements ____ ____ ____ ____ (e) Machinery and equipment ____ ____ ____ ____ (f) Furniture and fixtures ____ ____ ____ ____ (g) Automobiles and trucks ____ ____ ____ ____ (h) Data processing equipment ____ ____ ____ ____ (i) Programming/reprogramming costs ____ ____ ____ ____ (j) Patterns and dies ____ ____ ____ ____ (k) Tools ____ ____ ____ ____ (l) Other depreciable asset categories ____ ____ ____ ____ (Enter Code Y on this line if other asset categories are used and enumerate on a continuation sheet each such asset category and the applicable codes. Otherwise enter Code Z.) 5.2.0 Depreciation Practices for Costing, Financial Accounting, and Income Tax. Are depreciation practices the same for costing Federal contracts as for financial accounting and income tax? (Mark either (A) or (B) on each line under Financial Accounting and Income Tax. Not-for-profit organizations need not complete this item.) Financial Accounting A. Yes B. No (a) Methods ____ ____ (b) Useful lives ____ ____ (c) Property units ____ ____ (d) Residual values ____ ____ Income Tax A. Yes B. No (e) Methods ____ ____ (f) Useful lives ____ ____ (g) Property units ____ ____ (h) Residual values ____ ____
5.3.0 Fully Depreciated Assets. Is a usage charge for fully depreciated assets charged to Federal contracts? (Mark one.) A. ____ Yes 1/ B. ____ No Z. ____ Not applicable 5.4.0 Treatment of Gains and Losses on Disposition of Depreciable Property. Gains and losses are: (Mark the appropriate line(s) and if more than one is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) A. ____ Credited or charged currently to the same overhead or G&A pools to which the depreciation of the assets was charged B. ____ Taken into consideration in the depreciation cost basis of the new items, where trade-in is involved C. ____ Not accounted for separately, but reflected in the depreciation reserve account Y. ____ Other(s) 1/ Z. ____ Not applicable 5.5.0 Capitalization or Expensing of Specified Costs. (Mark one line on each item to indicate your practices regarding capitalization or expensing of specified costs incurred in connection with capital assets. If the same specified cost is sometimes expensed and sometimes capitalized, mark both lines and describe on a continuation sheet the circumstances when each method is used.) Cost A. Expensed B. Capitalized (a) Freight-in _____ _____ (b) Sales taxes _____ _____ (c) Excise taxes _____ _____ (d) Architect-engineer fees _____ _____ (e) Overhauls (extraordinary repairs) _____ _____ 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
5.6.0 Criteria for Capitalization. Enter (a) the minimum dollar amount of acquisition cost or expenditures for addition, alteration and improvement of depreciable assets capitalized, and (b) the minimum number of expected life years of capitalized assets. If more than one dollar amount or number applies, show the information for the majority of your depreciable assets, and enumerate on a continuation sheet the dollar amounts and/or number of years for each category or subcategory of assets involved which differ from those for the majority of assets. (a) Minimum dollar amount capitalized __________ (b) Minimum service life years __________ 5.7.0 Group or Mass Purchase. Are group or mass purchases (original complement) of low cost equipment, which individually are less than the capitalization amount indicated above, capitalized? (Mark one. If Yes is marked, provide the minimum aggregate dollar amount capitalized.) A. ____ Yes ______________Minimum aggregate dollar amount capitalized B. ____ No
6.1.0 Method of Charging and Crediting Vacation, Holiday, and Sick Pay. (Mark the appropriate line(s) in each column of Items 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 to indicate the method used to charge, or credit any unused or unpaid vacation, holiday, or sick pay. If more than one method is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) Salaried Non- 6.1.1 Charges for Vacation Pay Hourly exempt 1/ Exempt 1/ (1) (2) (3) A. When Accrued (earned) ____ ____ ____ B. When Taken ____ ____ ____ Y. Other(s) 2/ ____ ____ ____ 6.1.2 Charges for Holiday Pay A. When Accrued (earned) ____ ____ ____ B. When Taken ____ ____ ____ Y. Other(s) 2/ ____ ____ ____ 6.1.3 Charges for Sick Pay A. When Accrued (earned) ____ ____ ____ B. When Taken ____ ____ ____ Y. Other(s) 2/ ____ ____ ____ 6.1.4 Credits for Unused or Unpaid Vacation, Holiday, or Sick Pay A. Credited to Accounts Originally charged at Least Once Annually ____ ____ ____ B. Credited to Indirect Cost Pools at Least Once Annually ____ ____ ____ C. Carried Over to Future Cost Accounting Periods 2/ ____ ____ ____ Y. Other(s) 2/ ____ ____ ____ Z. Not Applicable ____ ____ ____ 1/ For the definition of Non-exempt and Exempt salaries, see the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C. 206. 2/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
6.2.0 Supplemental Unemployment (Extended Layoff) Benefit Plans. Costs of such plans are charged to Federal contracts: (Mark the appropriate line(s) and if more than one is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) A. ____ When actual payments are made directly to employees B. ____ When accrued (book accrual or funds set aside but no trust fund involved) C. ____ When contributions are made to a nonforfeitable trust fund D. ____ Not charged Y. ____ Other(s) 1/ Z. ____ Not applicable 6.3.0 Severance Pay and Early Retirement. Costs of normal turnover severance pay and early retirement incentive plans, as defined in FAR 31.2 or other pertinent procurement regulations, which are charged directly or indirectly to Federal contracts, are based on: (Mark the appropriate line(s) and if more than one is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) A. ____ Actual payments made B. ____ Accrued amounts on the basis of past experience C. ____ Not charged Y. ____ Other(s) 1/ Z. ____ Not applicable 6.4.0 Incidental Receipts. (Mark the appropriate line(s) to indicate the method used to account for incidental or miscellaneous receipts, such as revenues from renting real and personal property or selling services, when related costs have been allocated to Federal contracts. If more than one is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) A. ____ The entire amount of the receipt is credited to the same indirect cost pools to which related costs have been charged B. ____ Where the amount of the receipt includes an allowance for profit, the cost-related part of the receipt is credited to the same indirect cost pools to which related costs have been charged; the profits are credited to Other (Miscellaneous) Income C. ____ The entire amount of the receipt is credited directly to Other (Miscellaneous) Income Y. ____ Other(s) 1/ Z. ____ Not applicable 1 / Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
6.5.0 Proceeds from Employee Welfare Activities. Employee welfare activities include all of those activities set forth in FAR 31.2 . (Mark the appropriate line(s) to indicate the practice followed in accounting for the proceeds from such activities. If more than one is marked, explain on a continuation sheet.) A. ____ Proceeds are turned over to an employee-welfare organization or fund; such proceeds are reduced by all applicable costs such as depreciation, heat, light and power B. ____ Same as above, except the proceeds are not reduced by all applicable costs C. ____ Proceeds are credited at least once annually to the appropriate cost pools to which costs have been charged D. ____ Proceeds are credited to Other (Miscellaneous) Income Y. ____ Other(s) 1/ Z. ____ Not applicable 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
Where the segment (reporting unit) does not directly incur such costs, the segment should, on a continuation sheet, identify the organizational entity that incurs and records such costs, and should require that entity to complete the applicable portions of this Part VII. Each such entity is to fully disclose the methods and techniques used to measure, assign, and allocate such costs to the segment(s) performing Federal contracts or similar cost objectives. Necessary explanations required to achieve that objective should be provided by the entity on a continuation sheet.
Where a home office either establishes practices or procedures for the types of costs covered in this Part VII or incurs and then allocates those costs to its segments, the home office may complete this Part to be included in the submission by the segment as indicated on page (i) 4., General Instructions.
7.1.0 Pension Plans with Costs Charged to Federal Contracts. Identify the types and number of pension plans whose costs are charged to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives: (Mark applicable line(s) and enter number of plans.) Number of Type of Pension Pla Plans A. Defined-Contribution Plan (Other than ESOPs (see 7.5.0)) 1. Non-Qualified ____ 2. Qualified ____ B. Defined-Benefit Plan 1. Non-Qualified a. Costs are measured and assigned on accrual basis ____ b. Costs are measured and assigned on cash (pay-as-you-go) basis ____ 2. Qualified a. Trusteed (Subject to ERISA's minimum funding requirements) ____ b. Fully-insured plan (Exempt from ERISA's minimum funding requirements) treated as a defined-contribution plan ____ c. Collectively bargained plan treated as a defined- contribution plan ____ Y. ____ Other 1/ ____ Z. ____ Not Applicable (Proceed to Item 7.2.0) 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
7.1.1 General Plan Information. On a continuation sheet for each plan identified in item 7.1.0, provide the following information: A. The plan name B. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the plan sponsor as reported on IRS Form 5500, if any C. The plan number as reported on IRS Form 5500, if any D. Is there a funding agency established for the plan? E. Indicate where costs are accumulated: (1) Home Office (2) Segment F. If the plan provides supplemental benefits to any other plan, identify the other plan(s). 7.1.2 Defined-Contribution Plan(s) and Certain Defined-Benefit Plans treated as Defined-Contribution Plans. Where numerous plans are listed under 7.1.0.A., 7.1.0.B.2.b., or 7.1.0.B.2.c., for those plans which represent the largest dollar amounts of costs charged to Federal contracts, or similar cost objectives, describe on a continuation sheet the basis for the contribution (including treatment of dividends, credits, and forfeitures) required for each fiscal year. (If there are not more than three plans, provide information for all the plans. If there are more than three plans, information should be provided for those plans that in the aggregate account for at least 80 percent of those defined-contribution plan costs allocable to this segment or business unit.) Z. _____ Not applicable. (Proceed to Item 7.1.3) 7.1.3 Defined-Benefit Plan(s). Where numerous plans are listed under 7.1.0.B. (excluding certain defined-benefit plans treated as defined-contribution plans reported under 7.1.0.B.2.b. and 7.1.0.B.2.c.), for those plans which represent the largest dollar amounts of costs charged to Federal contracts, provide the information requested below on a continuation sheet. (If there are not more than three plans, provide information for all the plans. If there are more than three plans, information should be provided for those plans that in the aggregate account for at least 80 percent of those defined-benefit plan costs allocable to this segment or business unit.): A. Actuarial Cost Method. Identify the actuarial cost method used, including the cost method(s) used to value ancillary benefits, for each plan. Include the method used to determine the actuarial value of assets. Also, if applicable, include whether normal cost is developed as a level dollar amount or as a level percent of salary. For plans listed under 7.1.0.B.1.b., enter "pay-as-you-go". B. Actuarial Assumptions. Describe the events or conditions for which significant actuarial assumptions are made for each plan. Do not include the current numeric values of the assumptions, but provide a description of the basis used for determining these numeric values. Also, describe the criteria used to evaluate the validity of an actuarial assumption. For plans listed under 7.1.0.B.1.b., enter "not applicable". C. Market Value of Funding Agency Assets. Indicate if all assets of the funding agency are valued on the basis of a readily determinable market price. If yes, indicate the basis for the market value. If no, describe how the market values are determined for those assets that do not have a readily determinable market price. For plans listed under 7.1.0.B.1.b., enter "not applicable". D. Basis for Cost Computation. Indicate whether the cost for the segment is determined as: 1. An allocated portion of the total pension plan cost. 2. A separately computed pension cost for one or more segments. If so, identify those segments. Z. _____ Not applicable, proceed to Item 7.2.0.
7.2.0 Post-retirement Benefits (PRBs) Other than Pensions (including post-retirement health care benefits) Charged to Federal Contracts. Identify the accounting method used to determine the costs and the number of PRB plans whose costs are charged to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives. Where retiree benefits are provided as an integral part of an employee group insurance plan that covers active employees, report that plan under 7.3.0. (Mark applicable line(s) and enter number of plans.) Method Used to Determine Costs Number of Plans A. Accrual Accounting _____ B. Cash (pay-as-you-go) Accounting _____ C. Purchased Insurance from unrelated Insurer _____ D. Purchased Insurance from Captive Insurer _____ E. Self-Insurance (including insurance obtained through Captive Insurer) _____ F. Terminal Funding _____ Y. Other 1/ _____ Z. _____ Not Applicable (Proceed to Item 7.3.0) 7.2.1 General PRB Plan Information. On a continuation sheet for each plan identified in item 7.2.0, provide the following information grouped by method used to determine costs: A. The plan name B. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the plan sponsor as reported on IRS Form 550, if any C. The plan number as reported on IRS Form 5500, if any D. Is there a funding agency or funded reserve established for the plan? E. Indicate where costs are accumulated: (1) Home Office (2) Segment F. Are benefits provided pursuant to a written plan or an established practice? If established practice, briefly describe. G. If this PRB plan is listed under 7.2.0.C., 7.2.0.D., or 7.2.0.E., indicate whether the plan is operated as an employee group insurance program. If this PRB plan is listed under 7.2.0.Y., indicate whether the plan is operated as a group insurance program. If the plan is operated as an employee group insurance program, report this plan under 7.3.0. and 7.3.1., as appropriate. If no, report the plan under 7.2.2. 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
7.2.2 PRB Plan(s). Where numerous plans are listed under 7.2.0, for those plans which represent the larges dollar amounts of costs charged to Federal contracts, or other similar cost objectives, provide the information below on a continuation sheet. (If there are not more than three plans, provide information for all the plans. If there are more than three plans, information should be provided for those plans that in the aggregate account for at least 80 percent of those PRB costs allocable to this segment or business unit.) A. Actuarial Cost Method. Identify the actuarial cost method used for each plan or each benefit, as appropriate. Include the method used to determine the actuarial value of assets. Identify the amortization methods and periods used, if any. For plans listed under 7.2.0.B., enter "cash accounting". For plans listed under 7.2.0.F., enter "terminal funding" and identify the amortization methods and periods used, if any. B. Actuarial Assumptions. Describe the events or conditions for which significant actuarial assumptions are made for each plan. Do not include the current numeric values of the assumptions, but provide a description of the basis used for determining these numeric values. Also, describe the criteria used to evaluate the validity of an actuarial assumption. For plans under 7.2.0.B. or 7.2.0.F., enter "not applicable". C. Funding. Provide the following information on the funding practice for the costs of the plan: (For plans under 7.2.0.B. or 7.2.0.F., enter "not applicable".) 1. Describe the criteria for or practice of funding the measured and assigned cost; e.g., full funding of the accrual, funding is made pursuant to VEBA or 401(h) rules. 2. Briefly describe the funding arrangement. 3. Are all assets valued on the basis of a readily determinable market price? If yes, indicate the basis used for the market value. If no, describe how the market value is determined for those assets that are not valued on the basis of a readily determinable market price. D. Basis for Cost Computation. Indicate whether the cost for the segment is determined as: 1. An allocated portion of the total PRB plan cost 2. A separately computed PRB cost for one or more segments. If so, identify those segments. E. Forfeitability. Does each participant have a non-forfeitable contractual right to their benefit or account balance? If no, explain. Z. _____ Not applicable, proceed to item 7.3.0.
7.3.0 Employee Group Insurance Charged to Federal Contracts or Similar Cost Objectives. Does your organization provide group insurance coverage to its employees? (Includes coverage for life, hospital, surgical, medical, disability, accident, and similar plans for both active and retired employees, even if the coverage was previously described in 7.2.0.) A. _____ Yes (Complete Item 7.3.1) B. _____ No (Proceed to Item 7.4.0) 7.3.1 Employee Group Insurance Programs. For each program that covers a category of insured risk (e.g., life, hospital, surgical, medical, disability, accident, and similar programs for both active and retired employees), provide the information below on a continuation sheet, using the codes described below: (If there are not more than three policies or self-insurance plans that comprise the program, provide information for all the policies and self-insurance plans. If there are more that three policies or self-insurance plans, information should be provided for those policies and self-insurance plans that in the aggregate account for at least 80 percent of the costs allocable to this segment or business unit for the program that covers each category of insured risk identified.) Description of Employee Group Insurance Program: Purchased Self-Insurance Insurance Projected Insurance Policy or Self- Cost Cost Includes Rating Average Administrative Insurance Plan Accumulation Basis Retirees Basis Loss Expenses (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Column (1) -- Cost Accumulation Enter Code A, B, or Y, as appropriate. A. Costs are accumulated at the Home Office. B. Costs are accumulated at Segment Y. Other 1/ Column (2) -- Cost Basis Enter code A, B, C, or Y, as appropriate. A. Purchased Insurance from unrelated third party B. Self-insurance C. Purchased Insurance from a captive insurer Y. Other 1/ 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
7.3.1 Continued. Column (3) -- Includes Retirees Enter code A, B, C, or Y, as appropriate. A. No, does not include benefits for retirees. B. Yes, PRB benefits for retirees that are a part of a policy or coverage for both active employees and retirees are reported here instead of 7.2.0. C. Yes, PRB benefits for retirees are a part of a PRB plan previously reported under 7.2.0. Y. Other 1/ Column (4) -- Purchased Insurance Rating Basis For each plan listed enter code A, B, C, Y, or Z, as appropriate. A. Retrospective Rating (also called experience rating plan or retention plan). B. Manually Rated C. Community Rated Y. Other, or more than one type 1/ Z. Not applicable Column (5) -- Projected Average Loss For each self-insured group plan, or the self-insured portion of purchased insurance, enter code A, B, C, Y, or Z, as appropriate. A. Self-insurance costs represent the projected average loss for the period estimated on the basis of the cost of comparable purchased insurance. B. Self-insurance costs are based on the contractor's experience, relevant industry experience, and anticipated conditions in accordance with accepted actuarial principles. C. Actual payments are considered to represent the projected average loss for the period. Y. Other, or more than one method 1/ Z. Not applicable Column (6) -- Insurance Administration Expenses For each self-insured group plan, or the self-insured portion of purchased insurance, enter code A, B, C, D, Y, or Z, as appropriate, to indicate how administrative costs are treated. A. Separately identified and accumulated in indirect cost pool(s). B. Separately identified, accumulated, and allocated to cost objectives either at the segment and/or home office level (Describe allocation method on a Continuation Sheet). C. Not separately identified, but included in indirect cost pool(s). (Describe pool(s) on a Continuation Sheet) D. Incurred by an insurance carrier or third party (Describe accumulation and allocation process on a Continuation Sheet). Y. Other 1/ Z. Not applicable 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
7.4.0 Deferred Compensation, as defined in CAS 9904.415. Does your organization award deferred compensation, other than ESOPs, which is charged to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives? (Mark one.) A. ____ Yes (Complete Item 7.4.1.) B. ____ No (Proceed to Item 7.5.0.) 7.4.1 General Plan Information. On a continuation sheet for all deferred compensation plans, as defined by CAS 9904.415, provide the following information: A. The plan name B. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the plan sponsor as reported on IRS Form 5500, if any C. The plan number as reported on IRS Form 5500, if any D. Indicate where costs are accumulated: (1) Home office (2) Segment E. Are benefits provided pursuant to a written plan or an established practice? If established practice, briefly describe . 7.4.2 Deferred Compensation Plans. Where numerous plans are listed under 7.4.1, for those plans which represent the largest dollar amounts of costs charged to Federal contracts, or other similar cost objectives, provide the information below on a continuation sheet. (If there are not more than three plans, provide information for all the plans. If there are more than three plans, information should be provided for those plans that in the aggregate account for at least 80% of these deferred compensation costs allocable to this segment or business unit): A. Description of Plan. 1. Stock Options 2. Stock Appreciation Rights 3. Cash Incentive 4. Other (explain) B. Method of Charging Costs to Federal Contracts or Similar Cost Objectives. 1. Costs charged when accrued and the accrual is fully funded 2. Costs charged when accrued and the accrual is partially funded or not funded 3. Costs charged when paid to employee (pay-as-you-go) 4. Other (explain)
7.5.0 Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs). Does your organization make contributions to fund ESOPs that are charged directly or indirectly to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives? (Mark one) A. _____ Yes (Proceed to Item 7.5.1) B. _____ No (Proceed to Item 7.6.0) 7.5.1 General Plan Information. On a continuation sheet, for all ESOPs provide the following information: A. The plan name B. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the plan sponsor as reported on IRS Form 5500, if any C. The plan number as reported on IRS Form 5500, if any D. Indicate where costs are accumulated: (1) Home office (2) Segment E. Are benefits provided pursuant to a written plan or an established practice? If established practice, briefly describe. F. Indicate whether the ESOP plan is a defined-contribution plan subject to CAS 9904.412. (Answer Yes or No). G. Indicate whether the ESOP is leveraged or nonleveraged. H. Valuation of Stock or Non-Cash Assets. Are the plan assets valued on the basis of a readily determinable market price? If yes, indicate the basis for the market value. If no, indicate how the market value is determined for those assets that do not have a readily determinable market price. I. Forfeitures and Dividends. Describe the accounting treatment for forfeitures and dividends, on both allocated and unallocated shares, in the measurement of ESOP costs charged directly or indirectly to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives for each plan identified. J. Administrative Costs. Describe how the costs of administration of each plan listed are identified, grouped, and accumulated.
7.6.0 Worker's Compensation, Liability, and Property Insurance. Does your organization have insurance coverage regarding worker's compensation, liability and property insurance? A. _____ Yes (Complete Item 7.6.1.) B. _____ No (Proceed to Part VIII) 7.6.1 Worker's Compensation, Liability and Property Insurance Coverage. For each line of insurance that covers a category of insured risk (e.g., worker's compensation, fire and similar perils, automobile liability and property damage, general liability), provide the information below on a continuation sheet using the codes described below: (If there are not more than three policies or self-insurance plans that are applicable to the line of insurance, provide information for all the policies and self-insurance plans. If there are more than three policies or insurance plans, information should be provided for those policies and self-insurance plans that in the aggregate account for at least 80 percent of the costs allocable to this segment or business unit for each line of insurance identified.)Description of Line of Insurance Coverage: Crediting Self-Insurance of Dividends Projected Insurance Policy or Self- Cost Cost and Earned Average Administrative Insurance Plan Accumulation Basis Refunds Loss Expenses (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Column (1) -- Cost Accumulation Enter code A, B, or Y, as appropriate. A. Costs are accumulated at the Home Office. B. Costs are accumulated at Segment Y. Other 1/ Column (2) -- Cost Basis Enter code A, B, C, or Y, as appropriate. A. Purchased Insurance from unrelated third party B. Self-insurance C. Purchased Insurance from a captive insurer Y. Other 1/ 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
7.6.1 Continued. Column (3) -- Crediting of Dividends and Earned Refunds For each line of coverage listed, enter code A, B, C, D, E, Y, or Z, as appropriate. A. Credited directly or indirectly to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives in the year earned B. Credited directly or indirectly to Federal contracts or similar cost objectives in the year received, not necessarily in the year earned C. Accrued each year, as applicable, to currently reflect the net annual cost of the insurance D. Not credited or refunded to the contractor but retained by the carriers as reserves in accordance with 48 CFR 9904.416-50(a)(1)(iv) E. Manually Rated - not applicable Y. Other, or more than one 1/ Z. Not applicable Column (4) -- Projected Average Loss For each self-insured group plan, or the self-insured portion of purchased insurance, enter code A, B, C, Y, or Z, as appropriate. A. Costs that represent the projected average loss for the period estimated on the basis of the cost of comparable purchased insurance. B. Costs that are based on the contractor's experience, relevant industry experience, and anticipated conditions in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and practices. C. The actual amount of losses are considered to represent the projected average loss for the period. Y. Other, or more than one method. 1/ Z. Not applicable Column (5) -- Insurance Administration Expenses For each self-insured group plan, or the self-insured portion of purchased insurance, enter code A, B, C, D, Y, or Z, as appropriate, to indicate how administrative costs are treated. A. Separately identified and accumulated in indirect cost pool(s). B. Separately identified, accumulated, and allocated to cost objectives either at the segment and/or home office level (Describe allocation method on a Continuation Sheet). C. Not separately identified, but included in indirect cost pool(s). (Describe pool(s) on a Continuation Sheet). D. Incurred by an insurance carrier or third party. (Describe accumulation and allocation process on a Continuation Sheet). Y. Other 1/ Z. Not applicable 1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
This part should be completed only by the office of a corporation or other business entity where such an office is responsible for administering two or more segments, where it allocates its costs to such segments and where at least one of the segments is required to file Parts I through VII of the Disclosure Statement.
Data for this part should cover the reporting unit's (corporate or other intermediate level home office's) most recently completed fiscal year. For a corporate (home) office, such data should cover the entire corporation. For a intermediate level home office, they should cover the subordinate organizations administered by that group office.
8.1.0 Organizational Structure.On a continuation sheet, provide the following information: 1. In column (1) list segments and other intermediate level home offices reporting to this home office, 2. In column (2) insert "yes" or "no" to indicate if reporting units have recorded any CAS-covered Government Sales, and 3. In column (3) provide the percentage of annual CAS-covered Government Sales as a Percentage of Total Sales (Government and Commercial), if applicable, as follows: A. Less than 10% B. 10%-50% C. 51%-80% D. 81%-95% E. Over 95% Segment or CAS Covered Government Sales as a Other Intermediary Home Office Government Sales Percentage of Total Sales (1) (2) (3) 8.2.0 Other Applicable Disclosure Statement Parts. (Refer to page (i) 4., General Instructions, and Parts V, VI and VII of the Disclosure Statement. Indicate below the parts that the reporting unit has completed concurrently with Parts I and VIII.) A. ____ Part V - Depreciation and Capitalization Practices B. ____ Part VI - Other Costs and Credits C. ____ Part VII - Deferred Compensation and Insurance Costs Z. ____ Not Applicable 1/ For definition of home office see 48 CFR 9904.403.
8.3.0 Expenses or Pools of Expenses and Methods of Allocation. For classification purposes, three methods of allocation, defined as follows, are to be used: (i) Directly Allocated--those expenses that are charged to specific corporate segments or other intermediate level home offices based on a specific identification of costs incurred, as described in 9904.403; (ii) Homogeneous Expense Pools--those individual or groups of expenses which are allocated using a base which reflects beneficial or causal relationships, as described in 9904.403; and (iii) Residual Expense--the remaining expenses which are allocated to all segments by means of a base representative of the total activity of such segments. Allocation Base Codes A. Sales B. Cost of Sales C. Total Cost Input (Direct Material, Direct Labor, Other Direct Costs, and Applicable Overhead) D. Total Cost Incurred (Total Cost Input Plus G&A Expenses) E. Prime Cost (Direct Material, Direct Labor, and Other Direct Costs F. Three factor formula (CAS 9904.403-50(c)) G. Processing or Conversion Cost (Direct Labor and Applicable Overhead) H. Direct Labor Dollars I. Direct Labor Hours J. Machine Hours K. Usage L. Unit of Production M. Direct Material Cost N. Total Payroll Dollars (Direct and Indirect Employees) O. Headcount or Number of employees (Direct and Indirect Employees) P. Square Feet Q. Value Added Y. Other, or More than One Basis 1/(On a continuation sheet, under each of the headings 8.3.1, 8.3.2, and 8.3.3 enter the type of expenses or the name of the expense pool(s). For each of the types of expense or expense pools listed, also indicate as item (a) the major functions, activities, and elements of cost included. In addition, for items listed under 8.3.2 and 8.3.3 enter one of the Allocation Base Codes A through Q, or Y, to indicate the basis of allocation and describe as item (b) the make up of the base(s). For example, if direct labor dollars are used, are ovetime premiums, fringe benefits, etc. included? For items listed under 8.3.2 and 8.3.3, if a pool is not allocated to all reporting units listed under 8.1.0, then list those reporting units either receiving or not receiving an allocation. Also identify special allocations of residual expenses and/or fixed mangement charges (see 9904.403-40(c)(3)).
1/ Describe on a Continuation Sheet.
Type of Expenses or Name of Pool of Expenses 8.3.1 Directly Allocated 1. _________________________________________ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost include: _______________________________ ________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost include: ________________________________ ________________________________ 8.3.2 Homogeneous Expense Pools Allocation Base Code 1. _________________________________________ _____ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost include: _____________________________ _____________________________ (b) Description/Make up of the allocation base: ________________________________ ________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ _____ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost include: _____________________________ _____________________________ (b) Description/Make up of the allocation base: ________________________________ ________________________________
8.3.3 Residual Expenses Allocation Base Code ________________________________________ _____ (a) Major functions, activities, and elements of cost include: _____________________________ _____________________________ (b) Description/Make up of the allocation base: ________________________________ ________________________________ 8.4.0 Transfer of Expenses. If there are normally transfers of expenses from reporting units to this home office, identify on a continuation sheet the classification of the expense and the name of the reporting unit incurring the expense.