Background 1-1

Purpose and Applicability 1-3

Overview of this Supplement 1-4

Technical Information 1-8

How to Obtain Additional Guidance 1-9



Introduction 3- 1

A. Activities Allowed or Unallowed 3- A

B. Allowable Costs/Cost Principles 3- B

C. Cash Management 3- C

D Davis-Bacon Act 3- D

E. Eligibility 3- E

F. Equipment and Real Property Management 3- F

G. Matching, Level of Effort, Earmarking 3- G

H. Period of Availability of Federal Funds 3- H

I. Procurement and Suspension and Debarment 3- I

J. Program Income 3- J

K. Real Property Acquisition and Relocation Assistance 3- K

L. Reporting 3- L

M. Subrecipient Monitoring 3-M

N. Special Tests and Provisions 3- N


Introduction 4-1

No. Agency Name

02 U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

None - Foreign Food Aid Donation Program 4-02.001

10 United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

None - Food for Progress Program 4-10.001

None - Section 416(b) Program 4-10.001

10.551 - Food Stamps 4-10.551

10.553 - School Breakfast Program (SBP) 4-10.553

10.555 - National School Lunch Program (NSLP) 4-10.553

10.556 - Special Milk Program for Children (SMP) 4-10.553

10.557 - Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants,

and Children (WIC) 4-10.557

10.558 - Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) 4-10.558

10.559 - Summer Food Service Program for Children (SFSPC) 4-10.553

10.561 - State Administrative Matching Grants for Food Stamp Program 4-10.551

10.566 - Nutrition Assistance for Puerto Rico 4-10.566

10.568 - Emergency Food Assistance Program (Administrative Costs) 4-10.568

10.569 - Emergency Food Assistance Program (Food Commodities) 4-10.568

10.570 - Nutrition Program for the Elderly (Commodities) 4-10.570

10.760 - Water and Waste Disposal Systems for Rural Communities 4-10.760

10.766 - Community Facilities Loans and Grants 4-10.766

12 Department of Defense (DOD)

12.401 - National Guard Military Operations and Maintenance (O&M)

Projects 4-12.401

14 Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

14.157 - Supportive Housing for the Elderly (Section 202) 4-14.157

14.182 - Section 8 New Construction and Substantial Rehabilitation 4-14.182

14.195 - Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program--Special

Allocations 4-14.182

14.218 - Community Development Block Grants/Entitlement Grants 4-14.218

14.219 - Community Development Block Grants/Small Cities Program 4-14.218

14.228 - Community Development Block Grant/State's Program 4-14.228

14.231 - Emergency Shelter Grants Program 4-14.231

14.235 - Supportive Housing Program 4-14.235

14.238 - Shelter Plus Care 4-14.238

14.239 - HOME Investment Partnerships Program 4-14.239

14.241 - Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS 4-14.241

14.850 - Public and Indian Housing 4-14.850

14.852 - Public Housing--Comprehensive Improvement Assistance

Program 4-14.852

14.855 - Section 8 Rental Voucher Program 4-14.855

14.856 - Lower Income Housing Assistance Program-Section 8

Moderate Rehabilitation 4-14.182

14.857 - Section 8 Rental Certificate Program 4-14.855

14.859 - Public Housing Comprehensive Grant Program 4-14.859

14.862 - Indian Community Development Block Grant Program 4-14.862

15 Department of the Interior (DOI)

None - BIA Cross Cutting Section 4.15.000

15.021 - Consolidated Tribal Government Program 4-15.021

15.022 - Tribal Self-Governance 4-15.022

15.030 - Indian Law Enforcement 4-15.030

15.042 - Indian School Equalization Program 4-15.042

15.605 - Sport Fish Restoration 4-15.605

15.611 - Wildlife Restoration 4-15.605

16 Department of Justice (DOJ)

16.579 - Byrne Formula Grant Program 4-16.579

17 Department of Labor (DOL)

17.207 - Employment Service 4-17.207

17.225 - Unemployment Insurance (UI) 4-17.225

17.235 - Senior Community Service Employment Program 4-17.235

17.245 - Trade Adjustment Assistance--Workers 4-17.245

17.246 - Employment and Training Assistance--Dislocated Workers 4-17.250

17.247 - Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers 4-17.247

17.250 - Job Training Partnership Act 4-17.250

17.251 - Native American Employment and Training Programs 4-17.251

17.253 - Welfare-to-Work Grants to States and Localities 4-17.253

17.801 - Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP) 4-17.207

17.804 - Local Veterans' Employment Representative Program 4-17.207

None - School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 4-84.278

20 Department of Transportation (DOT)

20.106 - Airport Improvement Program 4-20.106

20.205 - Highway Planning and Construction 4-20.205

20.500 - Federal Transit Capital Improvement Grants 4-20.500

20.507 - Federal Transit Capital and Operating Assistance Formula

Grants 4-20.500

20.600 - State and Community Highway Safety 4-20.600

20.601 - Alcohol Traffic Safety and Drunk Driving Prevention

Incentive Grants 4-20.600

45 National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

45.129 - Promotion of the Humanities--Federal/State Partnership 4-45.129

66 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

66.458 - Capitalization Grants for State Revolving Funds 4-66.458

66.468 - Capitalization Grants for Drinking Water State Revolving Fund 4-66.468

83 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

83.543 - Individual and Family Grants 4-83.543

83.544 - Public Assistance Grants 4-83.544

84 Department of Education (ED)

None - Cross-Cutting Section 4-84.000

84.002 - Adult Education--State Grant Program 4-84.002

84.010 - Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) 4-84.010

84.011 - Migrant Education--Basic State Grant Program 4-84.011

84.027 - Special Education--Grants to States 4-84.027

84.032 - Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFEL) -

Guaranty Agencies 4-84.032

84.041 - Impact Aid 4-84.041

84.042 - TRIO--Student Support Services 4-84.042

84.044 - TRIO--Talent Search 4-84.042

84.047 - TRIO--Upward Bound 4-84.042

84.048 - Vocational Education--Basic Grants to States (Perkins II) 4-84.048

84.126 - Rehabilitation Services--Vocational Rehabilitation Grants to

States 4.84.126

84.173 - Special Education--Preschool Grants 4-84.027

84.181 - Special Education--Grants for Infants and Families with

Disabilities 4-84.181

84.186 - Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities--State Grants 4-84.186

None - School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 4-84.278

84.281 - Eisenhower Professional Development State Grants 4-84.281

84.288 - Bilingual Education--Program Development and

Implementation Grants 4-84.288

84.290 - Bilingual Education--Comprehensive School Grants 4-84.288

84.291 - Bilingual Education--Systemwide Improvement Grants 4-84.288

84.298 - Innovative Education Program Strategies 4-84.298

93 Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

93.044 - Special Programs for the Aging--Title III, Part B--Grants for

Supportive Services and Senior Centers 4-93.044

93.045 - Special Programs for the Aging--Title III, Part C--Nutrition

Services 4-93.044

93.558 - Temporary Assistance for Needy Families 4-93.558

93.563 - Child Support Enforcement 4-93.563

93.568 - Low-Income Home Energy Assistance 4-93.568

93.569 - Community Services Block Grant 4-93.569

93.575 - Child Care and Development Block Grant 4-93.575

93.596 - Child Care Mandatory and Matching Funds of the Child Care

and Development Fund 4-93.575

93.600 - Head Start 4-93.600

93.658 - Foster Care--Title IV-E 4-93.658

93.667 - Social Services Block Grant 4-93.667

93.775 - State Medicaid Fraud Control Units 4-93.778

93.777 - State Survey and Certification of Health Care Providers

and Suppliers 4-93.778

93.778 - Medical Assistance Program 4-93.778

93.914 - HIV Emergency Relief Project Grants 4-93.914

93.915 - HIV Emergency Relief Formula Grants 4-93.914

93.959 - Block Grants for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse 4-93.959

93.991 - Preventive Health and Health Services Block Grant 4-93.991

93.994 - Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant to the States 4-93.994

94 Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)

94.006 - AmeriCorps 4-94.006

94.011 - Foster Grandparent Program 4-94.011

94.016 - Senior Companion Program 4-94.011

96 Social Security Administration (SSA)

96.001 - Social Security--Disability Insurance 4-96.001

96.006 - Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 4-96.001


Introduction 5-1

Research and Development 5-2

Student Financial Assistance 5-3

CFDA 84.007 - Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

Program (FSEOG)

CFDA 84.032 - Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL)

CFDA 84.033 - Federal Work-Study Program (FWS)

CFDA 84.038 - Federal Perkins Loan Program (FPL)

CFDA 84.063 - Federal Pell Grant Program (PELL)

CFDA 84.268 - Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) (FDL)

CFDA 93.108 - Health Education Assistance Loans (HEAL)

CFDA 93.342 - Health Professions Student Loans, Including Primary Care Loans/Loans for Disadvantaged Students (HPSL)

CFDA 93.364 - Nursing Student Loan (NSL)

CFDA 93.820 - Scholarships for Students of Exceptional Financial

Need (EFNS)

CFDA 93.925 - Scholarships for Health Professions Students from

Disadvantaged Backgrounds (SDS)

Other Clusters 5-4


Introduction 6- 1

A. Activities Allowed or Unallowed 6- A

B. Allowable Costs/Cost Principles (Same as Activities Allowed or Unallowed) 6- A

C. Cash Management 6- C

D. Davis-Bacon Act 6- D

E. Eligibility 6- E

F. Equipment and Real Property Management 6- F

G. Matching, Level of Effort, Earmarking 6- G

H. Period of Availability of Federal Funds 6- H

I. Procurement and Suspension and Debarment 6- I

J. Program Income 6- J

K. Real Property Acquisition and Relocation Assistance 6- K

L. Reporting 6- L

M. Subrecipient Monitoring 6-M




I Federal Programs Excluded From the A-102 Common Rule 8-1

II Federal Agency Codification of Certain Governmentwide Grants

Requirements 8-2

III Federal Agency Contacts for A-133 Audits 8-3

IV Internal Reference Tables 8-4

V List of Changes for the 1999 Compliance Supplement 8-5

VI Advisory to Federal Grantees on Responsibility to Address Year 2000 Issue 8-6