The objective of the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration program is to restore, conserve, and
enhance sport fish populations and to provide for public use and enjoyment of these fisheries
The objective of the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration program is to restore, conserve, and
enhance wildlife populations, provide for public use and enjoyment of these resources, and to
provide training to hunters and archers in skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to be
responsible hunters.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service makes program and project grants to State fish and game
agencies with funds apportioned to each State through a statutory formula. States may submit
either a comprehensive plan or project proposal to the Service. When either is approved, the
State is generally reimbursed for up to 75 percent of the cost of the work performed.
A copy of the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Acts can be accessed on the Internet
In developing the audit procedures to test compliance with the requirements for a Federal
program, the auditor should first look at Part 2, Matrix of Compliance Requirements, to
identify which of the 14 types of compliance requirements described in Part 3 are
applicable and then look to Parts 3 and 4 for the details of the requirements.
A. Activities Allowed or Unallowed
1. Wildlife Restoration Allowable Activities
Specific allowable projects are specified in the grant agreements. Allowable projects shall have as
their purpose:
a. The restoration, conservation, management, and enhancement of wild birds and wild mammals,
and the provision of public use of and benefits from these resources (50 CFR section 80.5(a)).
b. Projects having as their purpose the education of hunters and archers in the skills, knowledges, and attitudes necessary to be a responsible hunter or archer (50 CFR section 80.5(a)).
2. Sport Fish Restoration Allowable Activities
Specific allowable projects are specified in the grant agreements. Allowable projects shall have as
their purpose the restoration, conservation, management, and enhancement of sport fish, and the
provision for public use and benefits from these resources (50 CFR section 80.5(b)(1)).
3. Unallowable Activities
The following activities are unallowable:
a. With the exception of law enforcement activities to accomplish Federal project purposes as
approved by the Regional Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or to protect Federal aid
assets, use of grant funds for enforcement of game and fish laws and regulations is prohibited (50
CFR section 80.6(a)).
b. Public relations activities for the purpose of promoting organizations or agencies, including
publication of agency magazines, displays, and exhibits, are ineligible except as they apply to
educational or technical guidance activities specifically related to the accomplishment of Federal
aid projects (50 CFR section 80.6(b)).
c. Activities for the purpose of providing revenues are ineligible. These activities include the process and sale of licenses and permits and the acquisition of real or personal property for the purpose of using that property for rental, leases, sales or other commercial purposes. However, the production of incidental income, which results from otherwise eligible activities, is not prohibited (50 CFR section 80.14(c)).
F. Equipment and Real Property Management
Real property acquired or constructed with Federal funds shall continue to serve the propose for
which acquired or constructed. When property passes from management control of the State fish
and wildlife agency, the control shall be fully restored to the State fish and wildlife agency or the
real property shall be replaced using non-Federal funds. When property is used for purposes
which interfere with the accomplishment of approved purposes, the violating activities shall cease
and adverse effects be remedied (50 CFR section 80.14).
G. Matching, Level of Effort, Earmarking
1. Matching
Federal participation is limited to 75 percent of eligible costs incurred in the completion of
approved work or the Federal share specified in the grant agreement, whichever is less (50 CFR
section 80.12).
2 Level of Effort - Not Applicable
3. Earmarking
a. Indirect Costs Limitation
The amount of overhead or indirect costs charged to the projects under these programs for central
services provided from outside the fish and game agency may not exceed three percent of the
annual apportionment to the State (50 CFR section 80.15(d)).
b. Aquatic Education
Not more than 10 percent of the annual apportionment to each State under the provisions of the
Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act may be used for aquatic education projects (50 CFR
section 80.15(e)).
c. Recreational Boating Access Facilities
The State shall allocate at least 12.5 percent of each annual apportionment under the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act for recreational boating access facilities (16 USC 777g(b)(1)).
H. Period of Availability of Federal Funds
Multi-year financing exception - States may finance the acquisition of lands and the construction
of facilities using multi-year funding as authorized by the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration
Act (50 CFR section 80.25).
J. Program Income
Program income (e.g., timber sales, leases, fees) is often generated on land purchased, improved,
or maintained with Federal funds. This program income may be generated years after the
expenditure of Federal funds to purchase or improve the land (50 CFR section 80.4).
L. Reporting
1. Financial Reporting
a. SF-269, Financial Status Report - Applicable
b. SF-270, Request for Advance or Reimbursement - Not Applicable
c. SF-271, Outlay Report and Request for Reimbursement for Construction Programs - Not
d. SF-272, Federal Cash Transactions Report - Not Applicable
2. Performance Reporting - Not Applicable
3. Special Reporting
Paid Hunting and Fishing License Certification (OMB Approval No.1018-0007) - The State fish and wildlife agency shall certify annually the number of paid hunting and fishing license holders in the State. A paid license holder is one person, regardless of the number of licenses, tags, permits, or stamps held. Only licenses sold by the State or its designee in which revenues from the sale of the licenses are returned to the State fish and wildlife agency are to be included in the annual certificates. Free licenses or licenses issued for a token fee shall not be counted (50 CFR section 80.10).
N. Special Tests and Provisions
1. Assent Legislation and Diversion of License Fees
Compliance Requirement - A State may participate in the benefits of the Sport Fish and Wildlife
program and the Wildlife Restoration program only after it has passed legislation for the
conservation of fish and wildlife, including a prohibition against the diversion of license fees paid
by hunters and sport fishermen to purposes other than for the administration of the fish and
wildlife agency (50 CFR section 80.3).
License fees paid by hunters and fishermen, include any special license, permits, stamps, tags, or
access fees. Also included are revenues for the sale, lease, or rental of items on property
purchased with Federal funds, as well as the interest or dividends earned on the license revenues
(50 CFR section 80.4).
Administration of the State fish and wildlife agency includes only those functions required to
manage the fish and wildlife-oriented resources of the State. Law enforcement activities for
predator, animal, and rodent control are not administration of the State fish and wildlife agency
(50 CFR section 80.4(b)).
Audit Objective - Determine whether revenues from license fees paid by hunters and sport
fishermen are used only for the administration of the State fish and wildlife agency.
Suggested Audit Procedures
a. Ascertain if there are legislative prohibitions in place to prevent diversion of license revenues.
b. Perform tests to ascertain if hunting and sport fishing license revenue was properly accounted
for and restricted for use for the administration of the State fish and wildlife agency.
c. Test expenditures from the license fees paid by hunters and sport fisherman to ascertain if they
were used for the administration of the State fish and wildlife agency.
d. Perform procedures to ascertain if there were any transfers from the State fish and wildlife
agency which divert license fees paid by hunters and sport fisherman from the administration of
the State fish and wildlife agency.