The President transmitted his budget for fiscal year 2000 to the Congress
on February 1, 1999. The budget documents and supporting documents listed
below comprise the President's budget transmittal for fiscal year 2000.
To access these documents, click on Budget
and Supporting Documents. In addition, many of the tables in these documents are available in spreadsheet
Budget documents:
Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2000
Analytical Perspectives
Historical Tables
Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget
Budget System and Concepts
Government-wide Performance Plan
(534 kb)
- Mid-Session Review
Supporting Documents:
Federal Credit Supplement
Balances of Budget Authority
Object Class Analysis
Object Class Analysis--Detail
Budget Amendments and Supplementals
-- FY 1999
- Budget Information for States
- Differences in FY 1998 Formulation and Execution Data