[What's New Banner]

Please visit "What's New" or the "Briefing Room"
to see what's happening today at the White House.
New Sites in 1999

June 15

The President's Trip to Europe

April 23

The Washington Summit: NATO and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council

March 5

President's Trip to Central America
February 13 President's Trip to Mexico
January 19 1999 State of the Union Address
Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century
New Sites in 1998
December 16 Winter Wonderland: Holidays at the White House
December 11 President's Trip to the Middle East
December 3 White House Conference on Social Security
November 19 The Trip of the President to Japan, Korea, and Guam
November 10 Tipper Gore Visits Nicaragua and Honduras
September 15 Hispanic Heritage Month
October 6 White House Fellows
September 1 President's Trip to Russia, the Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland
July 13 "Save America's Treasures" Tour with the First Lady
June 24 Trip to China
June 19 Executive Office of the President - Current Competitive Vacancies
May 19 Welfare-to-Work Coalition
May 12 Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
March 23 Trip to Africa
New Sites in 1997
December 18 Holidays at the White House
October 27 Conference on Child Care
October 12 Trip to Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina
September 17 Fast Track
August 29 President's Report on Science and Technology
August 15 White House Millennium Council
June 13 President's Initiative on Race (One America)
May 21 1997 National Security Strategy
March 10 Council on Environmental Quality Home Page
February 24
Information on Welfare Reform
New Sites in 1996
December 30 A Framework for International Commerce on the Internet
September 20 Commonly Requested Federal Services
May 21 The Federal Statistics Briefing Rooms (FSBR). Easy access to high profile Federal Government economic and social statistics. The FSBR provides links to information produced by a number of Federal agencies

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