U.S. Government Printing Office
- Information published by a wide variety of Federal Government
agencies. Information products may be ordered from the Goverment
Printing Office's Superintendent of Documents. Search, retrieve, and
connect to online Federal government information.
General Services Administration
- The Consumer Information Center provides a quarterly catalog of free
and low-cost consumer publications. You can view the publications and
catalog free of charge online, order a single printed copy for yourself,
or subscribe for twenty or more copies for your organization.
U.S. Postal Service
- Both consumers and businesses can use this online source of Postal
services, news, information, policies and forms. Special features
include finding ZIP Codes, tracking Express Mail, locating your
local Post Office and printing change-of-address forms.
General Services Administration
- The "Blue Pages" Telephone Directory on the World Wide Web provides an
Internet-based resource for locating Government Services.
Federal Trade Commission
- This service offers electronic copies of recent Federal Trade
Commission documents, in both text and PDF formats.
Environmental Protection Agency
- Search through EPA's publications database.
Federal Trade Commission
- ConsumerLine offers the full text of approximately 150 consumer and
business publications on a wide range of categories, including credit,
investments, health and fitness, telemarketing, home and real estate
products and services, automobiles, and shopping and working at home.
Department of Housing and Urban Development
- You'll find a substantial array of research, publications, and other
information on housing, economic development, and communities in HUD's
research library.
General Services Administration
- Brochure on how to buy used Federal Property