IV. New Government -

Common Sense Regulatory Reform

"I believe very strongly in the cause of regulatory reform. And ... I believe we can bring back common sense and reduce hassle without stripping away safeguards for our children, our workers, our families. . . .

[Photo:  President Clinton at the White House Conference on Small 
Busin ess.] We all want the benefits of regulation. We all want clean air and clean water and safe food and toys that our children can play with. But let's face it, we all know the regulatory system needs repair. Too often the rule writers here in Washington have such detailed lists of dos and don'ts that the dos and don'ts undermine the very objectives they seek to achieve, when clear goals and operation for cooperation would work better. Too often, especially small businesses, face a profusion of overlapping and so metimes conflicting rules. . . .

Some would use the need for reform as a pretext to guy vital consumer, worker, environmental protections; even things thatprotect business itself. They don't want reform; they really want rigor mortis. . . . Re form, yes -- bring it on. Roll back, no."

-- President Clinton
February 21, 1995


The Clinton Administration is strongly committed to reforming our regulatory system so that it is more flexible, costs less, and imposes fewer rigid rules on the American economy.

Significant steps over the past two years include:

Reinventing Regulation Initiative

The President has stepped up this effort, ordering his top regulatory officials on February 21 to undertake a Regulatory Reinvention Initiative that will:

In addition, the President directed Vice-President Gore to complete a comprehensive set of reform proposals in specific areas -- including the environment, food safety, health, workplace safety, financial services -- for executive or legislative action.

Reform, yes; rollback, no

President Clinton is committed to working with Congress to craft balanced regulatory reform legislation. The administration has supported regulatory reform measures including:

However, some proposals currently being considered by Congress are extreme and would undercut the protection of consumers, workers, and the environment. Any efforts to improve regulation must take account of the benefits of regulation:cleaner air and water, safer products and food, safer workplaces, sound financial institutions.

A New Federal-State Partners hip
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