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Please note: Presidential addresses and the White House press releases may be found in Publications.

September 30, 1998

President Clinton Announces the First Budget Surplus in a Generation

September 28, 1998

President Clinton Welcomes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu And Palestinian Authority President Arafat To The White House

September 25, 1998

President's Remarks to Students, Teachers and Tutors at Chicago Elementary School

September 24, 1998

President Clinton Announces New Figures Showing Family Incomes Are Up, Poverty is Down

September 23, 1998

President Clinton Awards The Congressional Gold Medal To South African President Nelson Mandela

President Clinton and President Mandela's Remarks at African American Religious Leaders Reception

September 22, 1998

President Clinton Meets With Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi

September 21, 1998

President Clinton Addresses The Opening Session Of The United Nations General Assembly

September 18, 1998

Remarks Of The President To The President's Advisory Board On Race

September 17, 1998

Hispanic Heritage Month

President Clinton Renews His Call For A Patients' Bill Of Rights

September 16, 1998

President Clinton and President Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic Participate in Joint Press Conference

President Clinton Welcomes Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel To The White House

September 15, 1998

Remarks Of The President To The National Farmers Union

September 14, 1998

Remarks Of The President At The Council On Foreign Relations

September 12, 1998

Initial Response To Referral Of Office Of Independent Counsel

September 11, 1998

Preliminary Memorandum Concerning Referral of Office of Independent Counsel

Press Briefing By Mr. Kendall and Mr. Ruff

Remarks Of The President At Religious Leaders Breakfast

September 10, 1998

President Clinton Announces The Presidential Awards For Excellence In Science, Math And Engineering Mentoring

September 09, 1998

President Clinton Speaks At Hillcrest Elementary School

September 08, 1998

President Clinton Launches National School Modernization Day

Remarks Of The President To The People Of Limerick

September 04, 1998

President Clinton Speaks At The Gateway 2000 Facility In Dublin, Ireland

Remarks Of The President In Dublin, Ireland

September 03, 1998

President Clinton Addresses The Northern Ireland Assembly

September 02, 1998

Remarks Of The President During A Press Conference With President Yeltsin

September 01, 1998

President Clinton Addresses Students at Moscow State University Of International Relations

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