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Strengthened Investment in Health & Food Research
Advances in preventing and treating disease depend on biomedical,
sociocultural and behavioral research.
The FY96 budget contains a 4% ($468 million) increase for NIH.
Funding for AIDS research will increase by 5.4% ($72 million), and
non-AIDS research will increase by 4.0% ($395 million).
Highest priority is given to investigator-initiated research grants.
Targeted areas of high priority include breast cancer and women's
health, minority health, brain disorders, environmental cancer, gene
therapy, prevention research, high performance computing, and DNA
sequencing technology development.
Agriculture research is a public investment that will enhance the
nation's wealth-creating capacity and security.
The FY96 budget continues emphasis with some increases for
Integrated Pest Management, Global Change, food safety, water quality,
and sustainable agriculture.
Increased emphasis is given to germplasm preservation and genome
mapping, technologies to detect and control pathogens in livestock, and
nutrient needs of the elderly.