In recent years, research has produced new insights into causes and potential cures for a wide variety of threats to human health. Breakthroughs in biomedical research continue to lead the way in the quest to find diagnostics, treatments and even cures for many of our most devastating diseases. The past year has brought exciting new developments in cell-based therapies that hold great promise for treating Parkinson' s disease, heart disease, cancer, burn and spinal cord injuries, and many other debilitating disorders. At the same time, new risks to human health are arising. While remarkable progress has been made in the fight against existing infectious diseases, the emergence of new infectious diseases raises new concerns. Recent outbreaks of food-borne illnesses underscore the need to protect our food supply; and prudence demands that we be proactive in ensuring that the health of our nation is protected against possible bioterrorist acts. FY 2000 budget highlights include:

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