OSTP Archives
OSTP Documents:
- President Awards the 1997 National Medals of Science & National Medals of Technology
- Final Report of the U.S.-Russian Independent Scientific Commission on Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium
- A Report to the Congress -- Science and Technology Shaping the Twenty-First Century, April 1997
- Status of Federal Laboratory Reforms - The Report of the Executive Office of the President Working Group on the Implementation of Presidential Decision Directive PDD/NSTC-5 Guidelines for Federal Laboratory Reform, March 1997
- Report to the President on the Use of Technology to Strengthen K-12 Education in the United States, March 1997
- Investing in Our Future: A National Research Initiative for America's Children for the 21st Century, National Science and Technology Council Committee on Fundamental Science Committee on Health, Safety, and Food, April 1997.
- Remarks by John H. Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Technology Partnering: Can You Count on the Government? Conference Hosted by Federal Technology Report, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., March 3, 1997, Washington, D.C.
- Remarks of The Honorable John H. Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology to the Presidential Advisory Committee for High-Performance Computing and Communications, Information Technology, and the Next Generation Internet, Washington, DC, February 27, 1997
- Remarks of John H. Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, California and the Future of American Innovation Challenges for Universities, Industry and National Laboratories, University of California, San Diego, The Council on Competitiveness, NAS Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable, February 24, 1997, San Diego, California
- Remarks of John H. Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Stresses on Research and Education at Colleges and Universities: Phase II Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable, National Academy of Sciences, February 26, 1997
- Statement of The Honorable John H. Gibbons, Director before the Subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs, HUD, and Independent Agencies Committee on Appropriations, March 5, 1997
- Statement by John H. Gibbons: FY98 R&D Budget Overview, February 6, 1997
- Press Release (September 24, 1996): President Names Outstanding Science Mentors
- Fact Sheet: Review of University-Government Partnership,
National Science and Technology Council, September 26, 1996- Fact Sheet: National Space Policy, National Science & Technology Council, September 19, 1996
and Press Release.- President's Science Advisor to Host White House Environmental
Technology Conference in Golden, Colorado, September 11, 1996- Recipients of the National Medals of Science and Technology, June 10, 1996
- Strategy for National Earthquake Loss Reduction, National Earthquake
Strategy Working Group, National Science and Technology Council, April 1996- President Opens Door to Commercial GPS Markets; Move Could
Add 100,000 New Jobs to Economy by Year 2000, March 29, 1996- Prepared Statement of Vice President Al Gore on the
Global Positioning System, March 29, 1996- Fact Sheet - U.S. Global Positioning System Policy
- The Vice President's Remarks to the
American Association for the Advancement of Science- THE PRESIDENT'S 7-YEAR BALANCED BUDGET PLAN
Investing in Science and Technology- Technology and Economic Growth: Producing Real Results for the American People
- Biotechnology for the 21st Century: New Horizons
- The White House Report on the Future of Major Federal Laboratories is now available
You may also retrieve the document in Microsoft Word format- White House Internet Service Marks First Anniversary;
Approaching Four-Million Mark
- Protection of Human Research Subjects and Creation of National Bioethics Advisory Commission[Executive Order, October 3rd, 1995]
- Sound Science, Sound Policy: The Ozone Story[Dr. John H. Gibbons, University of Maryland, September 19th, 1995]
- Goals for A National Partnership in Aeronautics Research and Technology, National Science and Technology Council, September 11, 1995
- The National Security Science and Technology Strategy
- Building Future Prosperity Through Advancing Technology
- Global Microbial Threats in the 1990s
- White House Forum on the Role of Science and Technology in Promoting National Security and Global Stability
- Remarks at AAAS Forum - "The First Rule Of Tinkering"
[Dr. John H. Gibbons, June 26, 1995]- White House Announces Review of Global Positioning System Policy
[Office of Media Affairs, June 2, 1995]- White House Announces Space Policy Review
[Office of Media Affairs, June 2, 1995]- National Critical Technologies Report
- Remarks at AAAS Policy Colloquium
[Dr. John H. Gibbons, April 12, 1995]- "Science and Technology Outlook And Report '95", March 30, 1995
- Remarks at the Wernher von Braun Lecture, Smithsonian,
The New Frontier: Space Science and Technology in the Next Millennium
[Dr. John H. Gibbons, March 22, 1995]- National Science and Technology Council's Nine Strategic Planning Documents
- Second to None: Preserving America's Military Advantage Through Dual-Use Technology,
[National Economic Council, National Security Council, Office of Science and Technology Policy, February, 1995]- The Clinton Administration's FY96 Research and Development Budget
- 1994 National Science and Technology Council Annual Report
Publications Highlights
- Recipients of the National Medals of Science and Technology
- Technology and Economic Growth: Producing Real Results for the American People
- Goals for A National Partnership in Aeronautics Research and Technology, National Science and Technology Council, September 11, 1995
- "Science and Technology Outlook And Report '95", March 30, 1995
- National Science and Technology Council's Nine Strategic Planning Documents
- National Information Infrastructure Initiative
- Science in the National Interest
- Technology for Economic Growth: President's Progress Report [October 1993]
Environmental Technologies Strategy
- Climate Change, U.S. Business, and The World Economy: The Need for Environmental Technologies [Dr. John H. Gibbons, Department of State, June 18, 1996]
- Sound Science, Sound Policy: The Ozone Story[Dr. John H. Gibbons, University of Maryland, September 19th, 1995]
- Technology for a Sustainable Future [Dr. John H. Gibbons, 1994 H. John Heinz Public Policy Symposium, September 20, 1994]
- Technology for a Sustainable Future: A Framework for Action [Report, 1994]
- Technology for a Sustainable Future [Statement by the Press Secretary, July 15, 1994]
Fundamental Sciences
- Testimony by the Director, National Science Foundation, before the House Science Committee [Dr. Neal F. Lane, January 6, 1995], supporting document
- Gene Therapy [Dr. M.R.C. Greenwood, September 28, 1994]
- Biotechnology: Opportunity and Challenge [Dr. John H. Gibbons, National Biotechnology Summit, January 24, 1994]
- Science in the National Interest [National Science and Technology Council, September 1993]
Global Environmental Issues
- Testimony before Science Committee[Dr.Robert T. Watson, March 6, 1996]
- Environment and Natural Resources Research and Development [Dr. Mark Schaefer, July 21, 1994]
- Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy [Fact Sheet, May 10, 1994]
- Convergence of U.S. Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite Systems and Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy [Statement by the Press Secretary, May 10, 1994]
- Convergence of U.S. Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite Systems[Fact Sheet, May 10, 1994]
- Environment and Natural Resources Research and Development [Dr. Robert T. Watson, May 4, 1994]
High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC)
Managing and Disposing of Plutonium
- Final Report of the U.S.-Russian Independent Scientific Commission on Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium [Dr. John P. Holdren and Academician Evgeniy P. Velikhov, co-chairs, June 1, 1997]
- Plutonium and International Security [Dr. John H. Gibbons, May 26, 1994]
- Plutonium and National Security [Dr. John H. Gibbons, May 4, 1994]
National Information Infrastructure (NII)
National Science and Technology Council
National Security
- Cybernation: The American Infrastructure in the Information Age in HTML and PDF
- Second to None: Preserving America's Military Advantage
Through Dual-Use Technology, [National Economic Council,
National Security Council, Office of Science and Technology Council,
February, 1995]Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV)
- One Year Progress Report [Statement by the Press Secretary, October 18, 1994]
- Remarks by the President in Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles Event [October 18, 1994]
President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology
- Membership List of the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology [October 1994]
- President Clinton Appoints Science and Technology Advisors [Statement by the Press Secretary, August 3, 1994]
Science in the National Interest
- Science in the National Interest [National Science and Technology Council, September 1994]
- Science in the National Interest [Dr. John H. Gibbons, August 4, 1994]
- Science in the National Interest [Statement by the Press Secretary, August 3, 1994]
Science and Technology - General
- Remarks by John H. Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Technology Partnering: Can You Count on the Government? Conference March 3, 1997, Washington, D.C.
- Remarks of The Honorable John H. Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology to the Presidential Advisory Committee for High-Performance Computing and Communications, Information Technology, and the Next Generation Internet, Washington, DC, February 27, 1997
- Remarks of John H. Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, California and the Future of American Innovation Challenges for Universities, Industry and National Laboratories, University of California, San Diego, The Council on Competitiveness, NAS Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable, February 24, 1997
- Remarks of John H. Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Stresses on Research and Education at Colleges and Universities: Phase II Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable, National Academy of Sciences, February 26, 1997
- Statement of The Honorable John H. Gibbons, Director before the Subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs, HUD, and Independent Agencies Committee on Appropriations, March 5, 1997
- Statement by Dr. John Gibbons: F798 R&D Budget Review, February 6, 1997
- Press Release, June 10, 1996: Recipients of the National Medals of Science and Technology
- Press Release, May 8, 1996: Bierbaum Named OSTP Acting Director for Environment
- Testimony by the Director, OSTP, before the Subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs, HUD, and Independent Agencies Committee on Appropriations U.S. House of Representatives on Office of Science and Technology Policy's (OSTP) budget request for Fiscal Year 1997
- Industry Briefing on Science, Technology and the Federal Budget [Dr. Laura D'Andrea Tyson, August 10, 1995]
- Remarks at AAAS Policy Colloquium[Dr. John H . Gibbons, April 12, 1995]
- Remarks at AAAS Forum - "The First Rule Of Tinkering"[Dr. John H. Gibbons, June 26, 1995]
- Remarks at AAAS Policy Colloquium[Dr. John H. Gibbons, April 12, 1995]
- "Science and Technology Outlook And Report '95", March 30, 1995
- Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analysis for New Regulation, Remarks by Director, OSTP, before the House Science Committee[Dr. John H. Gibbons, February 3, 1995]
- Statement on FY96 Research and Development Budget by the Director, OSTP[Dr. John H. Gibbons, February 6th, 1995]
- The Clinton Administration's FY96 Research and Development Budget
- Testimony by the Director, OSTP, before the House Science Committee[Dr. John H. Gibbons, January 6, 1995]
- Testimony by the Secretary, Department of Commerce, before the House Science Committee [Ron Brown, January 6, 1995], supporting document
- Testimony by the Administrator, NASA, before the House Science Committee [Daniel S. Goldin, January 6, 1995], supporting document
- Testimony by the Director, National Science Foundation, before the House Science Committee [Dr. Neal F. Lane, January 6, 1995], supporting document
- Statement for the Record, Secretary of the Department of Energy, for the House Science Committee [Hazel O'Leary, January 6, 1995], supporting document
- Statement for the Record, Secretary of the Department of Transportation, for the House Science Committee [Federico Pena, January 6, 1995], supporting document
- Hearing on the Future of Science and Technology[Statement by the Press Secretary, January 6, 1995]
Space and Aeronautics
- White House Announces Review of Global Positioning System Policy [Office of Media Affairs, June 2, 1995]
- White House Announces Space Policy Review [Office of Media Affairs, June 2, 1995]
- Remarks at the Wernher von Braun Lecture, Smithsonian, The New Frontier: Space Science and Technology in the Next Millennium[Dr. John H. Gibbons, March 22, 1995]
- Testimony by the Administrator, NASA, before the House Science Committee [Daniel S. Goldin, January 6, 1995], supporting document
- Statement on National Space Transportation Policy [Dr. John H. Gibbons, September 20, 1994]
- Statement on National Space Transportation Policy [OSTP, August 5, 1994]
- Statement on National Space Transportation Policy [Fact Sheet, August 5, 1994]
- 25th Anniversary of Apollo 11 [Remarks by the President, July 20, 1994]
- National Apollo Anniversary Observance [Proclamation of the President, July 19, 1994]
- Space Station Redesign [Statement of the Vice President, June 29, 1994]
- Convergence of U.S. Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite Systems and Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy [Statement by the Press Secretary, May 10, 1994]
- Convergence of U.S. Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite Systems[Fact Sheet, May 10, 1994]
- Landsat Remote Sensing Strategy [Fact Sheet, May 10, 1994]
- Joint Statement of the Space Station Partnership [Washington, D.C., December 6, 1993]
- US-Russia Space Cooperation [Dr. John H. Gibbons, October 6, 1993]
- Space Station Redesign [Fact Sheet, June 17, 1993]
Technology for Economic Growth
- Testimony by the Secretary, Department of Commerce, before the House Science Committee [Ron Brown, January 6, 1995], supporting document
- Technology for Economic Growth: President's Progress Report [November 1993]
- A New Direction to Build Economic Strength [Statement of the Press Secretary, February 22, 1993]
US-Russia Science and Technology Agreements
- US-Russia Space Cooperation [Dr. John H. Gibbons, October 6, 1993]
Office of Science and Technology Policy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W Washington, DC 20502 202.395.7347 Information@ostp.eop.gov
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