Office of the Vice President

For Immediate Release Contact: 202/456-7035 Aug 2, 1999



I am very pleased to release today the new report by the President' s Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology, Powerful Partnerships: The Federal Role in International Cooperation on Energy Innovation. Prepared by distinguished leaders in business, academia, and science, this report recommends a strengthened partnership between American business and the federal government to step up to the global energy and environmental challenges of the next century.

International energy markets, already worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year, are growing dramatically to meet exploding demand in developing countries. This translates into big market potential for competitive U.S. energy technology companies. But it also poses a critical environmental challenge. If developing countries rely only on traditional energy technologies, we will lose the battle to limit greenhouse gas emissions and assure a livable environment in the coming century.

This report to the President highlights the strategic importance to the United States of maintaining scientific and market leadership in energy technology, and identifies many opportunities to improve energy efficiency in buildings, industry, transportation, and clean energy generation. The redoubled effort called for in this report will help reduce dependence on imported oil and spur economic growth in developing countries while minimizing emissions of greenhouse gases.

An earlier PCAST report provided the foundation for the Administration's Climate Change Technology Initiative. This new report extends that work and provides a global strategic vision for energy innovation. It comes at a time when increasing numbers of Americans and American businesses are recognizing the need to accelerate clean energy technologies for economic and environmental gains. This Administration is committed to active international engagement to address climate change and build new markets for American technology companies.

I urge Congress to join with us in fully funding our Climate Change Technology Initiative and implementing key recommendations in this vital report.

Office of Science and Technology Policy
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W
Washington, DC 20502
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