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In June 1996, President Clinton directed the Federal agencies to begin
a coordinated national response to the growing threat of infectious diseases,
both at home and abroad, through policy directive, PDD/NSTC-7. This Directive
calls for action in four key areas: developing a global surveillance and
response network; enhancing research and training; engaging our international
partners; and strengthening public outreach. To implement this policy,
the National Science and Technology Council'
s Committee on International
Science, Engineering and Technology (CISET) formed a Task Force on Emerging
Infectious Diseases, which is co-chaired by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
The EID Task Force is composed of nearly two dozen agencies and has become
an effective model of interagency coordination. This report summarizes
the accomplishments of the Task Force during its first year.
The Task Force members have made significant advances toward achieving
the objectives of the President'
s policy directive. Domestically, we have
bolstered disease surveillance at the national, state, and local levels
-- our major line of defense against emerging infectious diseases. CDC'
recent accomplishments include the establishment of agreements with twenty-two
states and localities to strengthen national disease surveillance and outbreak
response; the creation of three provider-based electronic networks to study
disease syndromes; and the strengthening of cooperative programs with state
and local health departments to create real-time, on-line capacity to compare
strains of the food-borne pathogens, Salmonella and Escherichia coli
O157:H7 bacteria. This system, which includes Colorado, was responsible
for catching the recent outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 in ground beef.
We have also strengthened research and training through the National
Institutes of Health, including the establishment of four new Hepatitis
C Cooperative Research Centers and three new Emerging Virus Groups to study
hantaviruses and other emerging viral threats. In addition, NIH'
s National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has committed $3 million
for a new extramural research program on emerging diseases; and NIH'
s Fogarty
International Center (FIC), in close cooperation with NIAID, has launched
a $1.8 million program to provide training for scientists in developing
countries in the field of emerging infectious disease research. Furthermore,
NIH has launched a Multilateral Initiative on Malaria and has committed
over $1 million for a program to be established through WHO to strengthen
research capacity within Africa for improved malaria control.
Another key accomplishment of the EID Task Force has been the expansion
of U.S. agency missions and mandates to more effectively address these
challenges. The actions being taken include the creation of a Department
of Defense (DoD) Surveillance
and Response System for Infectious Diseases; the establishment of a DoD
Internet-based Central Communications Hub; and the expansion of DoD'
s overseas
laboratory capabilities and epidemiology training.
Internationally, the Task Force members have engaged our partners through
APEC, the G-8, the U.S.-Japan Common Agenda, the U.S.-E.U. New Transatlantic
Agenda, the U.S.-Russia Commission on Economic and Technological Cooperation,
the U.S.-South Africa Binational Commission, and other bilateral and multilateral
fora. At the recent Denver Summit of the Eight, the U.S. presented a major
infectious disease initiative, which included a commitment from the Heads
of State to develop a global surveillance system; strengthen capacity in
developing countries; and coordinate international response to outbreaks.
Our development assistance program has also played a key role in the
EID Task Force. USAID continues to take important steps to strengthen basic
public health infrastructures and in-country capacity to combat infectious
diseases, especially those related to child survival, reproductive health,
and HIV/AIDS prevention. The EID Task Force members continue to coordinate
with the World Health Organization to make best use of the available resources.
The EID Task Force members have made significant progress toward the
implementation of President Clinton'
s EID policy. Many challenges remain,
however. Through the coordinated efforts of the Task Force, the private
sector, and the academic, NGO, and international communities, we will continue
to work to eliminate the threat of emerging infectious diseases and to
protect the health and well-being of our citizens.
In June 1996, President Clinton directed the Federal agencies to begin
a coordinated national response to the growing threat of infectious diseases,
both at home and abroad, through policy directive, PDD/NSTC-7. This Directive
calls for action in four key areas: developing a global surveillance and
response network; enhancing research and training; engaging our international
partners; and strengthening public outreach. To implement this policy,
the National Science and Technology Council'
s Committee on International
Science, Engineering and Technology (CISET) formed a Task Force on Emerging
Infectious Diseases, which is co-chaired by the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
The EID Task Force is composed of nearly two dozen agencies and is comprised
of five working groups: 1) Surveillance and Response; 2) Research and Training;
3) Capacity Development; 4) Legislation and Mandates; and 5) Outreach.
In addition, an ad hoc Working Group on Bioterrorism has been created to
address potential terrorist use of biological agents.
Since the release of PDD/NSTC-7, the EID Task Force members have made
significant progress in implementing the President'
s policy. This report
summarizes these accomplishments.
II. Surveillance and Response
a. Federal and State laboratory
and epidemiologic response capabilities
In the United States, the network of state and local health departments
is a major line of defense against emerging infectious diseases. The network
operates the national notifiable disease system and conducts local disease
surveillance and investigations. CDC has established three programs to
strengthen this network:
Epidemiologic and Laboratory Capacity Cooperative Agreements (ELCs).
These agreements provide state and large local health departments with
technical tools, training, and financial resources to maintain and strengthen
national notifiable disease systems, conduct disease surveillance, diagnose
diseases, and investigate outbreaks. By the end of FY 1997, CDC will have
entered into ELC agreements with twenty-two states and localities. By 2003,
CDC plans to involve fifty state health departments, as well as large local
health departments and territorial health agencies.
Emerging Infections Programs (EIPs). The EIPs conduct population-based
surveillance and research that goes beyond the routine functions of local
health departments to address the most important issues in infectious diseases
and public health. EIP projects include establishing active surveillance
for invasive bacterial diseases and food borne pathogens (FoodNet) and
participating in emergency outbreak responses. FoodNet is a collaborative
effort of CDC, USDA, FDA, and the EIP sites. To date, EIPs have been formed
with the state health departments of California, Connecticut, Minnesota,
Oregon, Georgia, New York, and Maryland.
Provider-based Sentinel Networks. Three provider-based networks
have been formed to study specific conditions and syndromes.
- Emergency Department Sentinel Network for Emerging Infections
(EMERGEncy ID NET) is a network of academically affiliated emergency
medicine departments, which operate emergency departments at eleven hospitals
in large U.S. cities. The network monitors a number of syndromes, including
bloody diarrhea, illnesses that follow exposure to animals, first-time
seizures, prolonged febrile illness in immigrants and travelers, and hemolytic
uremic syndrome following infection with Escherichia coli O157:H7.
- Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) Emerging Infections
Network (IDSA EIN) is a network of over 150 infectious disease clinicians
that: enhances communications and health education among its members; collaborates
in research projects; and provides assistance in case-finding during outbreak
- The Sentinel Network of Travel Medicine Clinics (GeoSentinel)
is composed of eleven travel medicine clinics: nine in the United States,
one in Canada, and one in Germany. The network monitors schistosomiasis,
dengue, hepatitis, and persistent fever of unknown origin. The data are
analyzed by CDC and used to develop travel advisories and recommendations
for heath-care providers. In the future, it may help track the spread of
diseases from place to place when outbreaks occur.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Infectious Disease Program has
developed the Emerging Pathogens Initiative (EPI), an automated national
VA surveillance system designed to track emerging pathogens in VA health
care facilities worldwide. The monthly report provides data for a number
of pathogens and diseases, including vancomycin-resistant enterococcus,
penicillin-resistant pneumococcus, E. coli O157:H7, and certain
diseases of military important, such as malaria.
b. Electronic Network for Surveillance
and Response
The prompt detection of domestic outbreaks depends on the flow of reliable,
laboratory-confirmed surveillance data, from doctors and diagnostic laboratories
to local and state health departments, and from state health departments
to CDC. Many states are beginning to use electronic systems to integrate
laboratory and epidemiologic information and transmit state-wide data to
county health departments and other reporting sites.
Standards. CDC, the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists,
and the Association of State and Territorial Public Health Laboratory Directors
are working with state and local health departments to set standards for
laboratory-based reporting of infectious diseases.
Molecular Fingerprinting. CDC is working with selected state health
departments and FDA to develop the online capacity to compare strains of
Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 bacteria, using the technique
called "molecular fingerprinting." Whenever a food borne outbreak of Salmonella
or E. coli occurs in the U.S., the health departments should be
able to fingerprint local organisms to determine the extent of the outbreak
and implement control measures. FDA is developing fingerprinting for additional
foodborne pathogens.
III. Research
The EID Task Force members have committed significant resources to EID
research. Examples of major new research programs follow.
Malaria Research. The NIH is working with partner agencies in France,
the UK, the European Community, and with the WHO, the Wellcome Trust, African
scientists, and others to develop a strengthened research effort on malaria.
NIH has committed over $1 million for a program to be established through
WHO to strengthen research capacity within Africa for improved malaria
control. In addition, NIH'
s National Institute for Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID) has implemented projects in FY 1997 to establish a repository
of malaria research reagents and to expand efforts to sequence the genomes
of malaria parasites.
USAID has committed approximately $2 million per year for the development
and testing of malaria vaccines. USAID'
s particular focus is vaccine formulations
most suitable for prevention of malaria mortality among children in developing
Neurocysticercosis Research. NIH and CDC are jointly conducting
an epidemiologic survey of neurocysticercosis in the U.S.
VA Research Program. The VA Research Service has instituted an investigator-instigated
research program in emerging pathogens.
Laboratory Networks. NIH supported a one-time, one-year supplemental
award to permit investigators to develop "emerging diseases laboratory
networks through travel, reagent exchanges and virtual networks" and to
expand existing international programs focusing on emerging diseases.
Support for Extramural Research. As a follow-up to its Research
Agenda for Emerging Infectious Diseases, NIH published a new program announcement
on "Expanded Research on Emerging Diseases," which will receive $3 million
in FY 1997.
International Training and Research. The NIH'
s Fogarty International
Center (FIC), working in partnership with NIH'
s National Institute for
Allergenic and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), will make the first awards
under its International Training and Research in Emerging Infectious Diseases
Program in FY 1997. This 5-year program, with annual funding of more than
$1.8 million, aims to provide training and research opportunities to developing
country partners of U.S. scientists in the field of emerging infectious
disease research.
Better Vaccines Against Childhood Bacterial Diseases. In collaboration
with the international Childhood Vaccine Initiative, USAID supports the
development and testing of vaccines against the major bacterial causes
of pneumonia and meningitis in children, as well as the improvement of
other important childhood vaccine formulations and the systems and tools
for the delivery of the vaccines in developing countries. USAID provided
nearly $1 million in FY 1997 for these activities.
NIAID continues to emphasize vaccine research and development. In
FY1997, NIAID committed approximately $2.7 million to a major effort in
streptococcus research and approximately $2 million for providing tuberculosis
research materials to the scientific community.
Diagnostics. USAID is providing $300,000 in FY 1997 for the development
of new or improved diagnostics suitable for safe and inexpensive use in
developing countries, especially in field situations. Some of the specific
infectious disease diagnostics being addressed are HIV, malaria, chlamydia,
gonorrhea, and syphilis.
Disease Prevention Research. USAID has committed nearly $2 million
in FY 1997 to the prevention of infectious diseases through behavioral
research. Areas of investigation include: the use of safe-water, sanitation,
hand washing, and food protection to decrease diarrheal diseases; the use
of insecticide-impregnated bednets to decrease malaria transmission; the
reduction of domestic smoke pollution to decrease respiratory infections;
and the reduction of sexual behaviors that carry high-risk for transmission
of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
NIAID continues to focus on research efforts for the development of
effective methods of disease prevention, including the development of new
vaccines, therapeutics, and behavioral interventions. In FY 1997, NIAID
committed over $1 million to the establishment of clinical trial units
for STDs. In addition, NIAID committed approximately $1 million to research
on the development of new vaccines for fungal diseases and improved vaccines
for measles.
USAID supports research into: care-seeking behavior, such as parental
recognition of respiratory infection severity and dehydration in their
children; health care provider behavior related to quality assurance in
health-care delivery, such as following effective diagnostic and treatment
protocols for infectious diseases; and inappropriate drug prescription
and sale by providers, and poor patient compliance in the use of antibiotics.
Social Marketing. USAID supports social marketing research on how
market forces can be harnessed to promote healthful behavior change. For
example, the social marketing of condoms for HIV and STD prevention is
part of extensive, multi-country commitments for which USAID spends several
million dollars annually.
Antibiotic Resistance. Working with Harvard University, Johns Hopkins
University, WHO, INCLEN, and other organizations, USAID has supported the
development of a 3-5 year international research agenda on issues important
to reducing pneumonia mortality among children, with special attention
to the increasing problems associated with resistance to the commonly-used
NIAID issued a program announcement soliciting research on the genetics
of drug resistance, development of new diagnostic tools, and development
of alternative treatments.
Importance of Micronutrients (Vitamin A and Zinc) in Susceptibility/Resistance
to Infectious Diseases. USAID is continuing its role as the leading
donor in researching the roles of Vitamin A in dramatic reductions of infectious
disease mortality in developing countries, and in implementing national
programs to improve Vitamin A nutritional status among all at-risk children.
In addition, USAID is providing $500,000 to support a newly developing
body of research on the role(s) of zinc in resistance of children to infectious
diseases in developing countries.
Agriculture and Public Health. In 1996, USDA established an Emerging
Pathogens Division to address issues at the interface of agriculture and
public health. Activities include coordinating interagency surveillance,
response and research needs related to Salmonella Typhimurium DT
104, an emerging, multi-drug resistant food borne pathogen of international
Links between environmental change and infectious diseases. NASA,
NIH, CDC, and NOAA are collaborating on the application of changes in the
spatial and temporal patterns of infectious diseases. NASA and NOAA are
also organizing a series of workshops on applying environmental data to
improve human health. NASA is currently in the process of organizing two
more workshops – one on the Malaria in Africa Initiative and a second on
the evaluation of future remote sensing systems for surveillance of infectious
Interagency Research Partnership in Infectious Diseases (IntRePID).
NASA is leading an interagency effort to develop a joint resource for the
study of arthropod-borne infectious diseases. Participating agencies included
the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), Department of Infectious
Diseases; the Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI), Department of Infectious
Diseases; the CDC Division of Vector Borne Infectious Diseases; the USDA
Agricultural Research Service Center for Medical Agricultural and Veterinary
Entomology (CMAVE); and the Department of State. University participants
include the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and the University of
Michigan School of Public Health. IntRePID activities to date include the
Prototype study on the links between climate change and Dengue Fever. Using
a thirty five year dengue data set, research is underway to study dengue
in relation to a variety of weather and climatic conditions, including
El Niño.
Survey of international researchers: Working in conjunction with ProMed
and the University of Michigan, NASA completed an international survey
of researchers in Summer 1997. The purpose of the survey was to identify
what tools, technologies, data sets, and resources will enable research
into the study of climate change and human health.
Technology Assessment: NASA is leading an interagency survey of federal
resources, specifically intelligent technologies and tools that can enable
the study, modeling, and prediction of infectious disease.
Development of Online Data Distribution Resource and Archive: IntRePID
is developing an online resource to archive, maintain, and distribute data
sets, tools, and documents for research into climate change and human health.
This resource is intended to include some training materials, to have pointers
to researchers and leading activities in the field, and to link with other
surveillance systems as they come online.
Cross-Country Investigation of Climate and Encephalitis. NASA has
undertaken a study with researchers at four universities to investigate
how encephalitis might be affected by climate and weather conditions, and
how these impacts may differ regionally throughout the U.S. Participating
institutions will include University of California at Davis, Rutgers University,
the University of Michigan, and the University of Florida. Additional participants
are likely to include the state mosquito control organizations of the associated
USGCRP Working Group on Climate Change and Human Health. NASA and
NIEHS are co-chairing the USGCRP subgroup on climate change and human health.
A key element will be meeting with interdisciplinary researchers to identify
human health risk areas, as well as to inventory federal resources of the
participating organizations.
NASA, NIH, and CDC Memoranda of Understanding. NASA has signed memoranda
of understanding with NIH and CDC to support collaborative research, education,
and training, in the application of remote sensing technologies to study
the spatial and temporal patterns of infectious disease. To date, NASA
has supported studies to apply remote sensing to a number of infectious
diseases including malaria, filariasis, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis,
cholera, ebola, encephalitis, hantavirus, Lyme disease, yellow fever, and
diarrheal diseases.
IV. Coordination
with the Private Sector
The EID Task Force members are working to promote public and private
sector cooperation to ensure the availability of the drugs, vaccines, and
diagnostic tests needed to combat infectious diseases and infectious disease
emergencies. These efforts include:
Product Availability. FDA is leading an effort to develop a procedures
manual on product availability to provide contact information on medical
products (drugs, vaccines, diagnostic tests, antisera, etc.) that may be
needed during emergencies. The CISET Product Availability Group is working
with domestic companies through U.S. pharmaceutical and device associations
and with international industry associations and WHO.
International Harmonization. FDA is leading international harmonization
efforts, such as the International Conference on Harmonization, which includes
the pharmaceutical manufacturers and regulatory bodies of the U.S., Japan,
and the EU.
Vaccine Supply. CDC, FDA, and USAID collaborated with drug manufacturers
to address the shortage of vaccines for use in controlling meningitis outbreaks
in Sub-Saharan Africa during the 1996-97 winter season.
Pandemic Influenza. A number of CISET Task Force members are participating
in the Interagency Group for Influenza Pandemic Preparedness and Emergency
Response (GRIPPE), which is working with state and local health departments,
pharmaceutical companies, and health care delivery organizations to further
develop the national plan for pandemic influenza.
V. Training of Health
Care Providers
Expanding training. NIH and CDC sent a letter in August 1997 to
medical and microbiology associations and other professional organizations
urging them to focus training and certification programs on emerging infectious
diseases. In March 1998, NIH, FDA and CDC will sponsor a satellite meeting
focused on training needs at the CDC'
s International Conference on Emerging
Infectious Diseases.
Judicious use of Antibiotics. In collaboration with the American
Association of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases and the American
Association of Family Physicians, CDC has prepared material for physicians
on the judicious use of antibiotics in treating common pediatric respiratory
infections. CDC has also developed a complementary set of materials aimed
at consumers.
Laboratory Fellowship Program. CDC and the Association of State
and Territorial Public Health Laboratory Directors have developed a laboratory
fellowship program for students at the BA, MS, and PhD levels.
VI. Screening and Quarantine
Approximately one million legal immigrants and refugees are admitted
to the U.S. each year, many from high-risk countries. At the same time,
international travel by U.S. citizens has increased substantially, rising
from 20 million to 40 million in the past decade. Half of these travelers
visit tropical locations, putting them at risk for diseases they would
not normally encounter. In response to this trend, the EID Task Force Working
Group on Quarantine and Containment is developing a plan to improve the
detection and containment of emerging infectious diseases imported into
the United States, which will be completed by early 1998.
Detection and Control at U.S. Ports of Entry. A CDC-led implementation
working group, which includes representation from federal, state, and local
health departments, held its first meeting in August 1997, to develop strategies
for disease detection and control at U.S. ports of entry. Next, regional
meetings will be held around the country to develop protocols for managing
disease threats at particular ports of entry.
Review of Regulations. CDC's Division of Quarantine has begun to
review and prioritize regulations, focusing initially on imported disease
risk from animals and other vectors.
Refugee and Migrant Groups. The Division of Quarantine is currently
developing a protocol for managing infectious diseases in refugee and migrant
groups entering the United States and is evaluating the relevance and adequacy
of the immigrant and refugee medical screening requirements.
The Division of Quarantine is also developing standardized recommendations
and guidelines for the selection of panel physicians and laboratories responsible
for conducting immigrant/refugee medical examinations.
Communicating Health Information. Representatives from universities,
travel clinics, and the International Society of Travel Medicine met with
CDC in June 1997 to begin drafting a plan to improve communication of health
information related to international travel. The plan will include involvement
by airlines and cruise ship companies, as well as by state and local public
health groups.
s Division of Quarantine is developing a system for communicating
with local health departments about the health risks associated with immigrants
and refugees.
GeoSentinel. GeoSentinel—a surveillance network of travel medicine
clinics—is now in place. Representatives of the clinics met in June 1997
to review progress made to date and to work on further improvements. See
paragraph on page 5.
VII. Updated Agency
Missions and Mandates
Nearly two dozen agencies participate in the EID Task Force and contribute
to the government-wide effort to combat the threat of emerging infectious
diseases. Several of these agencies have changed or are in the process
of changing their missions or mandates in order to make best use of their
resources and expertise. A brief description of new or expanded missions
and mandates follows.
a. CDC
Over the past year, the EID Task Force has sought to expand CDC'
s mandate
to allow surveillance and response activities to epidemics overseas. The
two principal agencies involved in this issue, HHS and USAID, have been
engaged in a discussion of two possible approaches: a narrow mechanism
to give CDC authority under the Foreign Assistance Act, and a broader approach
to build greater ability to respond to EID outbreaks. The EID Task Force
continues to pursue these two approaches.
b. NIH
NIH, the lead U.S. agency for biomedical and behavioral research, will
expand its resources in research and research training in emerging infectious
diseases. NIH activities are aimed at improving the understanding of the
biology of infectious agents, developing diagnostics to detect them, and
developing and testing drugs, vaccines, and other interventions to treat
and prevent infections. NIH supports research capacity strengthening through
its programs that link U.S. laboratories with those in developing countries
for training or research purposes.
In FY 1998, USAID established emerging infectious diseases as a strategic
objective in health and will develop new programs to address malaria, tuberculosis,
antimicrobial resistance and EID surveillance needs. USAID will continue
to work bilaterally and regionally with more than 50 countries to develop
in-country capacity to combat infectious diseases, especially those related
to child survival, reproductive health, and HIV/AIDS prevention.
d. DOD
Surveillance and Response System. DOD's Surveillance and Response
System for Infectious Diseases was created to give senior leadership a
system wide view of emerging infections. It will incorporate large surveillance
databases that contain detailed information on infectious illnesses in
U.S. troops, including data on demographics, hospitalization, reportable
diseases, and deployment screening. The mission of DOD's overseas laboratories
has been expanded to include a surveillance role, and the corps of epidemiologists
has been expanded. Communication with other federal agencies on emerging
infectious diseases is provided through public and private web servers.
Central Communications Hub. DOD has established an Internet-based
Central Communications Hub at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research for
emerging infectious diseases. It will include a private web server for
an intranet chat line to link the overseas laboratories in Cairo, Nairobi,
Jakarta, Bangkok, Lima, and Rio de Janeiro with Service hubs that perform
surveillance of reportable diseases among U.S. troops. By Summer 1997,
the Communications Hub will include a public web site that allows users
to search for information in several DOD databases, which will lay the
groundwork for automatic reporting of bacterial resistance patterns and
certain reportable diseases. Fifteen new billets are being created to train
military epidemiologists at DOD's overseas laboratories and the Central
Communications Hub.
Guideline for Surveillance and Response. DOD held a Joint Health
Service Support Vision 2010 Conference in Washington, DC, in June 1997,
to create guidelines for surveillance and response for infectious disease
outbreaks affecting deployed troops around the world.
Overseas Laboratories. The overseas laboratories have received funding
to encourage collaborations with research colleagues from other U.S. agencies
or other nations. The funding covers the costs of providing desks, laboratory
space, and secretarial assistance to visiting scientists
Ensuring Availability of Diagnostic Capabilities. Operational funding
has been given to DOD's overseas labs to purchase equipment and reagents
for laboratory support of host nations to assist them in diagnosing the
causes of outbreaks.
Scientific Exchanges. DOD is supporting exchanges of scientists,
including two CDC epidemiologists, at several overseas labs.
Since the mid-1980s, NASA has sponsored studies directed at using remote
sensing technologies to monitor and predict the patterns of infectious
disease in time and space. The approach is based on the identification
and monitoring of environmental, entomological, and epidemiological factors
that affect the patterns of disease transmission risk. The results of several
studies indicate that remote sensing data can be used to predict the spatial
and temporal patterns of infectious disease and that this information can
be used to map disease transmission risk and direct control measures.
Currently, the Office of Mission to Planet Earth supports basic research
and education; and training is supported through the Center for Health
Applications of Aerospace-Related Technologies. These programs support
basic research and provide education, training, and technology transfer
in the application of remote sensing technologies to studies of infectious
disease. This is accomplished through: interagency agreements with the
NIH and CDC; joint research activities with U.S. and foreign university
and agency investigators; and training of foreign investigators through
the Third World Foundation fellowship program.
NASA is dedicated to significantly improving the use of its diverse observing
systems, data, and information about the Earth to support research on the
environment, climate change, and human health. NASA is working with scientists
to determine how the best products from NASA'
s 1997 Earth Observing System
missions, and its future missions, can be applied to provide value-added
services and to develop joint products with other organizations to facilitate
the study, understanding, and predictions of vector-borne and infectious
disease and other human health issues.
VIII. Bioterrorism
The EID Task Force is working in coordination with the National Security
Council to respond to Section 1443 of the FY 1997 Defense Authorization
bill. The EID Task Force formed an Ad Hoc Working Group comprised of the
intelligence, security, public health, and law enforcement communities
to focus on surveillance for terrorist use of biological agents. The Ad
Hoc Working Group met in September 1997 and has initiated a report on the
costs and benefits of national and international surveillance and response
to incidences of criminal or terrorist uses of biological agents.
IX. International Activities
The challenges presented by EIDs far outstrip the means of any one country
or international organization. Therefore, the U.S. has developed a sustained
effort to enlist support from other nations and international bodies, as
a. International Outreach
The Department of State has established an Emerging Infectious Diseases
and HIV/AIDS Program under the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental
and Scientific Affairs.
In 1996, the Department of State cabled all ambassadors requesting that
they raise awareness of emerging infectious diseases in each country.
b. Multilateral Initiatives
Denver Summit (G-8). As a result of a U.S. proposal, the Eight (G-7
+ Russia) pledged to work together to reduce the threat of EIDs by cooperating
in three areas: 1) coordinating international response to outbreaks; 2)
developing a global surveillance network; and 3) building capacity for
surveillance, response, and research in developing countries.
New Transatlantic Agenda (U.S.-European Union). Principal activities
under the New Transatlantic Agenda include:
- Exchanging Salmonella surveillance data among EU countries
and the U.S.
- Feasibility study on establishing a global Salmonella database.
- Training exchanges and joint investigations between the EU's EPIET
and the U.S. Epidemiology Intelligence Service (EIS).
- Meeting hosted by EU in May 1997, in collaboration with WHO, to set
standards for global surveillance of antimicrobial resistance. This includes
common case definitions, reporting formats, and reporting intervals to
facilitate the exchange of information.
- Developing a resource inventory of EU domestic and international activities
in cooperation with the U.S. This inventory includes organizations, institutions,
and available technical experts responsible for monitoring and controlling
communicable diseases. The focus is also on coordinating and evaluating
results of assessments for local and national capacity of infectious disease
surveillance in developing African countries.
- Developing a "white paper" on clinical research training in emerging
infectious diseases. This was discussed at a U.S.-E.U. meeting in Luxembourg,
September 22-23, 1997.
- Colloquium on Ebola virus research held September 4-7, 1996 in Antwerp.
(See Appendix I.).
- International conference on malaria held in Dakar in January 1997.
Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). The U.S. introduced the
first-ever health initiative, one related to EIDs, into APEC through the
Science and Technology Ministerial in 1995. The first project involved
the development and application of a self-assessment survey to evaluate
each economy's capabilities to address EIDs and identify strengths and
areas that need improvement. Support for this area of cooperation was echoed
at the Science and Technology Ministerial in 1996, and a workshop was held
in the autumn of 1997 to draft a framework for cooperation and self-action.
c. Bilateral Initiatives
U.S.-South Africa Binational Commission.
CDC is in the early stages of providing in-country training in surveillance
and applied epidemiology within the new government structure, expanding
the public health infrastructure to include the entire country.
Representatives from South Africa participated in CDC'
s annual Distance
Learning Conference, which focuses on technology aspects of distance learning,
such as computer- and satellite-based technologies.
NIAID organized with partners in South Africa a consultation consisting
of seminars, site visits, and a grantsmanship workshop in key areas identified
by South African investigators, including HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, arboviruses,
and antimicrobial drug resistance. As a result, Secretary Shalala announced
that NIAID will develop a special relationship with South Africa on EIDs
HHS will collaborate with the South African Department of Health to establish
a new school of public health in South Africa.
U.S.-Russia Commission on Economic and Technological Cooperation
CDC, FDA, and USAID are collaborating on preventing HIV/AIDS and assisting
in outbreak response and vaccine quality control to diphtheria in the Russian
Complementary to activities formally addressed under this agreement, CDC
and FDA have provided U.S.-based and in-country training in applied epidemiology
and regulatory quality control to approximately 90 Russians since 1993.
NIH co-sponsored and co-organized a U.S.-Russia Workshop on EIDs held in
St. Petersburg, Russia on December 8-11, 1996, on HIV/AIDS, hemorrhagic
fevers, insect borne viruses, and vaccine-preventable viral conditions.
At least twelve applications on EIDs were submitted for Civilian Research
and Development Foundation funding as a result of the workshop, of which
five were funded. In addition, the Ministry of Science subsequently announced
the establishment and funding of an EIDS Vaccine Initiative ("Vaccines
for Future Generations").
U.S.-Japan Common Agenda.
The U.S. and Japan agreed to collaborate in four key areas: (1) dengue
and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF); (2) antimicrobial resistance; (3) acute
respiratory infections (ARIs); and (4) E. coli O157:H7 and related
foodborne pathogens.
International conferences on EID research and science policy were held
in Tokyo in July 1996, Bangkok in March 1997, and Baltimore in June 1997.
A team from CDC and FDA participated in a cooperative investigation of
an outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 in Tokyo during the summer of 1996.
The Japanese Ministry of Health assigned a staff member to serve as an
EIS officer at CDC in 1997.
NIH continues to co-organize and participate in the U.S.-Japan Cooperative
Medical Sciences Program, which sponsors annual scientific conferences
in the areas of acute respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, diarrheal diseases,
hepatitis, parasitic diseases, and others.
Central Asia Initiatives.
USAID has provided assistance to all 5 republics within Central Asia to
strengthen national immunization and disease control programs. Specific
activities and results to date in Kyrgyzstan include the reduced incidence
of diphtheria by 40% (from 545 cases in 1995 to 328 cases in 1996) and
no new polio cases reported in 1996. Future efforts focus on increasing
capacity for infectious disease surveillance information, control, and
management, with particular emphasis on TB, hepatitis, and STDs.
In Ukraine, USAID provided 32 million doses of diphtheria vaccine in 1994
and is continuing to assist the Ministry of Health to control the diphtheria
epidemic. As a result, in part, of these efforts, diphtheria incidence
nationwide in 1996 was dramatically below 1995 levels.
Other Overseas Capacity Strengthening Activities.
Training in the NIS. In the Newly Independent States (NIS), USAID
and CDC have improved national surveillance capacity through training and
technical assistance. Accomplishments to date include the publishing of
epidemiological surveillance bulletins in eight republics and training
of 180 public health officials, representing eleven republics, in applied
epidemiology and scientific communications.
Controlling Hospital-based Infections in the NIS. In the NIS, the
USAID/American International Health Alliance's medical partnerships program
is improving hospital-based infection control policies and procedures,
which will result in decreased nosocomial infections. AIHA is also assisting
the NIS Ministries of Health to develop national infection control programs,
basic infection controls courses for health professionals, training of
trainers models, and standardized protocols for infection control surveys.
EID Conference in Bangkok, Thailand. NIAID co-sponsored and co-organized
with the International Medical Center of Japan an international conference
on Emerging Infectious Diseases held in Bangkok, Thailand in March 1997,
which focused on dengue, antibiotic resistance, and enterohemorrhagic E.
coli in the Asia-Pacific basin. See previous page.
Malaria Conference in Dakar, Senegal. The FIC and NIAID, co-organized
and co-sponsored with European partners and African scientists an International
Conference on Malaria in Africa, held in Dakar, Senegal on January 6-9,
1997. The conference resulted in a set of recommendations aimed at stimulating
collaborative malaria research efforts between Northern and Southern scientists.
A follow-on meeting of representatives from science agencies, development
agencies, pharmaceutical companies, the African scientific community and
others was held in July 1997 in the Hague. See page 16.
International Conference on Improving Use of Medicines (ICIUM).
USAID supported the first ICIUM conference in April 1997 in Malaysia, in
collaboration with INCLEN and other organizations. Some 272 attendees from
forty-six different countries deliberated on points of common interest
for making more effective use of pharmaceutical resources, especially related
to antimicrobials, in developing countries.
Country self-assessments. EID Task Force members developed a standardized
questionnaire for countries to use to assess their own current priorities,
capacity and needs, and thus as a basis for planning their own focused
capacity strengthening activities. This tool was distributed on a pilot
basis to all countries/economies within APEC plus South Africa and Vietnam.
Specific progress includes: collaboration with the Philippines and Vietnam
in epidemiology training and laboratory based surveillance; the establishment
by CDC-Rockefeller of a Public Health School Without Walls in Vietnam;
and collaborations with Bangladesh related to E. coli and cholera.
Internet resources. Based on EID self-assessments completed by eight
countries, CDC developed a notebook of Internet resources related to the
six highest priority diseases (TB, HIV/AIDS, dengue, malaria, hepatitis,
STDs), in key capacity development categories for each: clinical, laboratory,
treatment/therapy, epidemiology/surveillance, control/prevention. More
than fifty notebooks have been distributed to overseas collaborators. An
APEC Emerging Infections Network was also established in 1997.
Field Epidemiology Training Programs. In late June 1997, CDC and
WHO convened a meeting of worldwide FETP directors to begin to strengthen
networking of these national epidemiology training programs in support
of EREID activities. An FETP Secretariat will be established to institutionalize
this important network.
Ebola Diagnosis. The FIC, through an administrative supplement to
Yale University and to U.C. Berkeley, has provided training in Ebola virus
diagnosis and research for scientists from Central African Republic, Cote
Ivoire, and Gabon.
Regional Capacity Building. A collaborative effort began at U.S.
Naval Medical Research Unit No. 3 (NAMRU-3) in Cairo to conduct special
research projects and to help build regional capacity to monitor and respond
to emerging infectious diseases. CDC has placed an expert at NAMRU-3 to
collaborate on these activities. NIAID provided grant supplements to several
projects, including its International Collaborations for Infectious Diseases
Research, to expand collaborative research on emerging diseases in developing
Meningitis Epidemiology. Provision of instructors and educational
materials for WHO/AFRO-sponsored training courses in meningitis epidemiology,
in Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso, and Mali, in December 1996. (NIH,
Laboratory Training on Diagnosis of Meningitis. Provision of instructors
and educational materials for WHO/EMRO-sponsored laboratory training courses
on diagnosis of meningitis, in seven of the most populated EMRO countries,
in early 1997. (NIH, CDC, USAID)
USAID provides support to several WHO programs related to infectious diseases.
This includes support for global programs on acute respiratory infections,
children's vaccine development, diarrheal diseases, TB, malaria, and onchocerciasis.
USAID also collaborates with and supports UNICEF on many fronts for the
prevention and control of childhood infectious diseases, and USAID provides
a substantial portion of the financing and other support for UNAIDS and
the WHO GPA for the prevention of HIV transmission.
d. Coordination with WHO
International Health Regulations. In 1996, U.S. health experts
met with their international counterparts at WHO to draft a plan of action
for revising the International Health Guidelines (IHR), basing them on
disease syndromes rather than on specific diseases.
Networking the WHO Collaborating Centers. The EID Task Force members
collaborated with WHO, PAHO, and the National Council for International
Health (NCIH) to help strengthen networking among similar WHO Collaborating
Centres worldwide (e.g., network of polio reference laboratories, network
of applied epidemiology training programs).
Regional Inventories of resources. Inventories of resources for
combating infectious diseases were completed by the Pan American Health
Organization (WHO/PAHO), the Southeast Asia Regional Office (WHO/SEARO),
the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (WHO/EMRO) and the Western Pacific
Regional Office (WHO/WEPRO) in 1996.
Other joint activities with WHO:
(CDC support for specific WHO Collaborating Centres is attached as Appendix
Through the Gorgas Institute at the Univ. of Alabama, USAID will support
s program for the surveillance and study of pneumococcal pathogens
in Latin America. The information will greatly enhance knowledge about
increasing antibiotic resistance, as well as options for the development
of effective vaccines for controlling pneumococcal pneumonia, meningitis,
and other illnesses.
Strengthening of twenty-two U.S.-based WHO Collaborating Centers (WHOCCs),
which help diagnose diseases and control outbreaks around the world (see
appendix). A new WHOCC on Control of Epidemic Meningitis was established
at CDC in 1996, and a Center on Clostridium botulinum has been proposed.
Demonstration project on meningococcal disease in Sub-Saharan Africa. This
project was initiated in Summer 1996, to improve detection and control
of meningitis epidemics, and as of June 1997, significant progress has
been reported.
Procedures manual on the availability of emergency medical products (see
Setting of standards for global surveillance of antimicrobial resistance.
WHO is revising its program to monitor antimicrobial resistance [now called
Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring (ARM)]. In addition, CDC is working
with WHO/EMC to assess the diagnostic proficiency of the laboratories that
use WHONET to track the spread of drug-resistant microbes. WHO/EMRO has
also established an industry working group on antimicrobial resistance.
At the group's request, WHO/EMC is planning to set up a strain bank to
provide bacterial strains and laboratory reagents that are not commercially
FDA provided technical leadership and expertise in setting standards for
vaccines and other biological products.
Planning of projects on global communications and regional S&R centers.
The CISET agencies are providing support and assistance to WHO/EMC in its
current efforts to improve global health communications (see above) and
build regional centers for surveillance and control of infectious diseases.
WHO/EMC is sponsoring the development of sub-regional teams, or "hubs",
for disease surveillance, outbreak control, training in laboratory diagnostics,
and epidemiological and operational research.
CDC has assigned an expert on Arboviruses and Hemorrhagic Fever to WHO
to help develop capacity to respond to outbreaks in these disease areas.
The Abidjan-based WHO/AFRO-USAID-EU program'
s mission is to improve responses
to epidemic outbreaks in western Africa, including the control of yellow
fever, cholera, meningitis, and measles.
The Harare-based WHO/AFRO-USAID-CDC project involves surveillance for cholera,
dysentery, and other diarrheal diseases in southern Africa.
FDA collaborates with FAO in giving training on detection and control of
foodborne pathogens in several countries.
Appendix I
Selected Workshops and Conferences.
In the Fall of 1996, NIH sponsored a workshop on human ehrlichiosis.
In September 1996, NIH, CDC, OIRH/DHHS, USAMRIID, WHO, and the Institute
of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp sponsored a major scientific meeting in
Antwerp on the Ebola virus, filoviruses, and lessons learned from Kikwit.
CDC, along with its French counterparts, sponsored the 2nd annual
workshop on "Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Pathogenic
Microorganisms" in Montpelier, France, May 26-28, 1997.
NIH, State, and international partners co-sponsored a U.S.-Mexico-Canada
Research Development Workshop on Emerging Infectious Diseases in September,
1997. The workshop focused on improving research cooperation on this topic
among the NAFTA partners.
NIAID, in cooperation with the Embassy of Italy and visiting Italian scientists
at NIH, held a conference in May 1997 to consider critical areas for research
cooperation on emerging infectious diseases.
NIAID convened a workshop on drug resistance in Staphylococcus aureus in
response to recent isolation of strains with reduced vancomycin susceptibility;
experts from CDC and FDA participated in discussions about research needs
in this area.
NASA, CDC, DOD, and NIH participated in the American Society of Microbiologists
meeting to define a research agenda on climate variability and human health.
In September 1997, NASA participated in an international workshop on disease
surveillance and monitoring in Rostock, Germany. As an outcome of this
meeting, NASA is now working with WHO'
s Paris-based FluNet, providing climate
data sets to assist in modeling relationships between weather parameters
and the migration of influenza across Europe.
Working with the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, NASA
is developing data sets for a conference-long training session at the European
Congress on Tropical Medicine planned for September 1998 in Liverpool.
NASA plans to maximize the use of remote sensing products from its 1997
and 1998 missions for the study of climate change and human health.
The Electric Power Research Institute commissioned a workshop on "Climate
Change and Vector Borne and Infectious Diseases" in September 1997, cosponsored
by NASA, NIAID, NIEHS, and DOE, to identify major research gaps and to
outline a major research agenda to provide a sound scientific basis for
public policy debates and decisions.
FDA conducted workshops and a public meeting on Cyclospora cayetanensis
foodborne outbreaks and research.
Appendix II
Enhancement of the Surveillance and Response Capacities at WHO Collaborating
In 1996, CDC conducted a review of the thirty WHO Collaborating Centers
located within the National Center for Infectious Diseases. Based on this
evaluation, a total of $800,000 was provided to strengthen fourteen of
the Centers. The program was expanded in 1997, with
$2,000,000 allocated to strengthen eight additional Centres, to expand
high-priority activities, and to foster collaboration with other Centres
around the world.
Projects funded in 1996-1997 include:
WHO Collaborating Center for Arthropod-Borne Viruses, Western Hemisphere.
Partial support for expanded production and distribution of reagents for
arthropod-borne viruses; re-development of laboratory surveillance for
Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) in sentinel laboratories in Central
America; re-establish expertise in arbovirology in the areas of diagnosis,
surveillance, epidemiology and entomology with the Uganda Virus Research
WHO Collaborating Center for Leptospirosis. Provide basic terms
of reference for surveillance and diagnosis of Leptospirosis, diagnostic
development, reagent production and technical transfer
WHO Collaborating Center for Malaria Control in Africa. Study
of multi-drug resistant malaria and testing newly-developed drugs and new
drug combinations; production and distribution of the sporozoite ELISA
WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Reagents for Human Immunoglobulin
Subclasses. implement a tracking and monitoring system for reagents and
other collaborating center services.
WHO Collaborating Center for Mycoses in North America. Provide
basic terms of reference for diagnostics and specimen tracking systems
for mycoses.
WHO Collaborating Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Control
of Influenza. Update influenza reagent kit with Influenza A subtyping
monoclonal antibodies and ensure worldwide availability.
WHO Collaborating Center for Reference and Research on Plague Control.
Develop capacity to provide rapid sample analyses for plague surveillance
and outbreak investigations and support molecular epidemiology and training
activities. Conduct collaborative research and training on plague prevention
in China.
WHO Collaborating Center for Reference and Research on Rabies.
Update and maintain lyssavirus collection; produce and distribute reagents
including monoclonal antibodies.
WHO Collaborating Center for Evaluating and Testing New Insecticides.
Provide technical support for chemical and biological assays used in evaluating
compounds in current and new delivery modes for use in malaria strategies.
Investigate discriminating dosages for five pyrethroid insecticides using
laboratory maintained vectors to establish a base line for pyrethroid resistance.
WHO Collaborating Center for Antimicrobial Resistance. Provide
quality control and proficiency testing strains to participants in the
global WHONET surveillance system.
WHO Collaborating Center for Research, Training, and Eradication
of Dracunculiasis. Stop dracunculiasis transmission in Chad, Senegal,
Cameroon, and Yemen by the end of 1997 and reduce to less than 100 cases
in Mauritania and Ethiopia.
WHO Collaborating Center for Rickettsia and Rickettsial Diseases.
Update rickettsial culture collection, produce and distribute reagents
and form a network of collaborators through training of international investigators
for rickettsial diagnosis.
WHO Collaborating Center for Shigella. Transfer sustainable technology
and expertise for Shigella to southern Africa region.
WHO Collaborating Center for Respiratory Viruses Other than Influenza.
Provide support for antigenic characterization of group A and B RSV and
sequencing studies of para-influenza type 3.
WHO Collaborating Center for Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers. Produce
viral hemorrhagic fever reagent and further develop and distribute immunological
and molecular approaches to identify viral causes of fatal illness.
WHO Collaborating Center for Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
(in development). Meet the basic terms of reference for reagent production
and distribution and diagnostic test evaluation. Develop an international
training center for Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever.
WHO Collaborating Center for Measles Virus Diagnostics. Transfer
the capability to perform the capture IgM EIA virus isolation to at least
those African laboratories involved in Polio eradication.
WHO Collaborating Center for Foodborne Disease Surveillance.
Develop, produce and distribute reagents for a new food-borne disease laboratory
network. Establish a national network and database for molecular subtyping
of E. coli 0157:H7 isolates.
WHO Collaborating Center for Prevention and Control of Epidemic Meningitis.
Develop a sustainable, national and sub-regional laboratory capacity for
neisseria meningitides in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Collaborating Center for Vibrio cholerae 01 and 0139. Meet basic
terms of reference for diagnostics, susceptibility testing and molecular
and subtyping assays for Vibrio cholerae 01 and 0139.
WHO Collaborating Center for Clostridium botulinum (Proposed).
Meet basic terms of reference for diagnostics, toxicity testing, reagents
and antitoxin testing for Clostridium botulinum.
WHO Collaborating Center for Control and Elimination of Lymphatic
Filariasis. Study distribution and magnitude of Lymphatic Filariasis
problem in Americas and establish and coordinate rapid assessment, control
and laboratory training activities.
WHO Collaborating Center for Cysticercosis. Meet basic terms
of reference for WHO Collaborating Center for Cysticercosis by providing
reference sera from humans and pigs infected with different stages of the
disease and provide reference diagnostic tests including standardized conjugates
and antigen.