Appendix B

Summer 1996


1. What steps have been taken to reduce internal management orders, regulations, and redundant oversight? Please provide baseline and performance measures that demonstrate the affect of these changes on scientists, programs, laboratories, and the agency.

2. What steps have been taken to clarify and focus laboratory missions and assignments? Has redundancy been eliminated and to what degree has the laboratory system been restructured?

3. What has been done to streamline and improve management practices, both at the agency and in the laboratories? What impact have these actions had on efficiency and effectiveness of the laboratory system? Please include information about personnel reductions, both at the agency and at the laboratories. Also, provide a list of redundant and/or lower priority programs, projects, and activities that have been eliminated or significantly reduced and the savings (in FTEs and dollars) from each reduction or elimination.

4. What steps have been taken to coordinate and integrate laboratory resources and facilities within the agency and with other agencies?


1. What capability overlays has your effort uncovered?
-- within each Service/OSD?
-- cross-Service integration (among Services)?
-- with other agencies?

2. What are the essential technical capabilities DoD needs to maintain in its laboratories?

3. How has your review been coordinated with the National Policy Review?

4. What internal management instructions, regulations, and redundant oversight that impede laboratory performance have you identified, per PDD/NSTC-5?

5. How do you define a laboratory?

6. Have you compiled a list of all your laboratories, along with a relevant database of personnel, resources, activities, and mission?

7. How do the missions of your various laboratories stack up against the mission statements of the Services they work for?

8. Has DoD examined the effectiveness of in-house versus outsourced research? In-house versus outsourced management of programs or contracts?

9. What changes in mission and management have been made at your labs since the end of the Cold War?

10. As a case study, how is DoD coordinating research on information warfare/assurance?

11. How has the ratio of direct and indirect workers at labs changed as personnel levels have changed; overall; by lab category; by major lab? What efforts has DoD taken to date to downsize the RDT&E infrastructure?

12. How will downsizing and restructuring the DoD laboratory system affect our ability to meet our defense mission?

13. What type of enabling legislation do you foresee will be required to implement DoD lab consolidation plans when they are ready? How critical is this legislation, and what would happen if it could not be passed?

14. What steps are you taking to ensure Service coordination in your lab review?

15. How has the inclusion of test and evaluation centers in DoD' s laboratory review affected the conduct of the review?


1. All three agencies are citing reductions in force both in program administration and at the laboratories. Have the Agencies identified reductions in programs?

2. A perspective on Agency funding of its Laboratories is important. A table of the Agencies funding of the labs FY ‘85-' 95 with any projections they care to make is essential to the writing of our report.

DoD RDT&E (FY ' 97 $B)

FY ‘85 FY ‘86 FY ‘87 FY ‘88 FY ‘89 FY ‘90
43.0 45.9 47.5 47.2 45.8 42.3
FY ‘91 FY ‘92 FY ‘93 FY ‘94 FY ‘95 FY ‘96
39.6 42.4 41.1 36.9 36.0 33.3

DoD S&T (FY ‘97 $B)

FY ‘85 FY ‘86 FY ‘87 FY ‘88 FY ‘89 FY ‘90
6.3 6.3 7.5 7.7 8.4 7.4
FY ‘91 FY ‘92 FY ‘93 FY ‘94 FY ‘95 FY ‘96
8.4 8.0 9.5 8.3 8.3 7.7

Appendix C
Table of Contents