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Strategic Planning Document - National Security
Appendix A - Supporting Technologies
Table A-1. Sample Supporting Technologies* Reviewed
in Science and Technology Program Areas
* This is not an exhaustive list of Supporting Technologies
** Not Listed in Order of Importance
Aerial Measuring
System Long endurance uavs
Multi-spectral photography
Geometric correction systems
Radiation dispersal simulators
Differential global positioning
High purity germanium detector arrays
Air/Space Vehicles
Thermal management
Long endurance uav
Stealthy helicopter insertion
Aerospace propulsion and power
Guidance, navigation and control
Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability
Database and computer technology
Battlespace Environments
Weather decision aids
Digital mapping technology
Atmospheric, oceanic and terrain simulation
BW vaccines
Advanced medical treatment
Biological agent neutralization
BW protection equipment (low cost, lightweight)
Special operations forces combat medical support
Neutralization techniques for bw facilities with minimum collateral damage
Chemical and Biological Defense
Decontamination Information processing and dissemination
Chemical agent detection and neutralization
Low cost, light weight cw equipment technology
Large scale decontamination techniques with minimum collateral damage
Neutralization techniques for chemical warfare facilities
Civil Engineering
Airfields and pavements
Lightweight superstructures
Critical airbase facilities/recovery
Quick response of airlift and sea lift
Ocean and waterfront facilities/operations
Approaches for temporary shelter/infrastructure
Techniques to support port, airfield, and infrastructure construction in remote locations
Flexible transportation and logistics support planning techniques
Water purification/supply, food distribution, preservation and waste management
Approaches for remote/standoff maintenance and logistics
Clothing, Textiles and Food
Protective materials
Improved food technologies
Water supply and purification
Food distribution and preservation technologies
Personnel protection from ballistic and laser threats
Command, Control, Communications (C3) and Intelligence
Moving target indicator
Suppression of enemy C3I
Deployable C3I equipment
Near real-time intelligence
In-transit visibility systems
Signal intelligence technology
Human intelligence technology
Advanced mission planning tools
Automatic decision analysis tools
Real-time data fusion/integration
Improved status monitoring techniques
Non-cooperative combat identification
Improved status monitoring techniques
Military/political intentions intelligence
Local communications traffic monitoring
Rapidly deployable global communications
Automated critical path/node analysis tools
Data collection, fusion, analysis, dissemination
Advanced individual communications techniques
Nuclear safeguards information management system
Atr and automated handling of massive data streams
Information and exchange media (communications and broadcast) for democracy building
Pre-mission intelligence sensing of infrastructure and military/political intentions
Real-time, accurate battle damage assessment algorithms
Global telecommunications and networking to facilitate collection, fusion and analysis
Techniques to facilitate improved intelligence capabilities
Low probability of detection/multi-mode communications for special operations forces
Geographic information systems and advanced mapping tools
Computers and Software
Autonomous control logic
Advanced software technologies
Advanced computing architectures
Heterogeneous database integration
Human computer interaction technology
Integration and assessment of information
Compilations and interpretation technologies
Rapid creation and updating of heterogeneous data bases
Particle beam technology
Laser frequency agility technology
Acoustic and electromagnetic technology
Electro-optics technology
RF components
Microelectronics technology
Electronic materials
Microwave and millimeterwave power modules
Electronic Warfare
Camouflage, cover, and deception
Weapon system signature technology
Jamming technologies
Microwave technology
Environmental Quality
Modeling and simulation
Transition technologies
Remediation technologies
Alternative energy sources
Advanced sensor technology
Data collection and analysis
Pollution control technologies
Nuclear materials
Physics of complex systems
High performance computing
Manufacturing technologies
Laser and pulse-power technology
Dynamic testing of complex systems
Chemistry and materials technology
Simulation and modeling of complex systems
Chemical sensors
Radiation sensing
Radar technology
Lidar/laser radar
X-ray technologies
Imagery generation
Radiation detectors
Multisensor imaging
Multi-spectral sensors
Counter-sniper sensing
Infrared sensors/imaging
Unattended ground sensors
Automatic target recognition
Detection of crowd formation
Ocean and environment sensors
Counter artillery/mortar sensing
Electro-optic technology/imaging
Tags (material and item) technology
Low cost and man-portable sensors
Remote chemical/biological sensors
Advanced sensor packages (UAV, UGS)
Measurements and signatures technology
Techniques for locating weapons caches
Techniques for locating missing personnel
Near real-time sensing in urban environments
Advanced synthetic aperture radar/radar imaging
Night vision sensors not degraded by illumination
Environmental monitoring sensors (treaty verification)
Robotic sensors and techniques for use in hazardous operations
Wide area, stand-off mine/booby-trap detection
Sensors capable of seeing through walls and/or around corners
Techniques for near real time, wide area surveillance of specific regions
Techniques for monitoring movement of weapons, goods, people
Remotely emplaced, remotely operated, rapidly deployable ground sensors
Techniques for detection of tunnels/caves and underground structures
Solving Global Problems
Fuel technologies
Waste management
Water supply & purification technologies
Waste & toxic materials control technology
Special Applications
Classified operational program
Surface/Undersurface Vehicles
Signal processing
Propulsor technology
Sonar/radar technology
Navigation technologies
Signature reduction rechnologies
Technology to improve survivability
Shallow water craft technologies and quiet waterjet propulsion
Technology Cooperation with Former Adversaries/Industrial Partnering
Safety, security and dismantlement S&T
Cooperative international non-defense related S&T
Other S&T (e.g., Less-than-lethal programs)
Effective crowd control techniques
Improved psychological operations capability
Techniques for disruption of public infrastructure
Aids in crisis anticipation, prevention and management
Techniques to facilitate expanded use of civil affairs and enhanced civil assessment capability
Techniques for disabling or stopping vehicles in operation