National Science and Technology Council
Committee on National Security
Committee on Technology

Terms of Reference for the
Interagency Working Group on Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
Research and Development (R&D)


The Interagency Working Group (IWG) on Critical Infrastructure Protection Research and Development is established jointly under the Committee on National Security (CNS) and the Committee on Technology (CT) of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) to provide a forum within the NSTC for developing consensus and resolving issues associated with coordinating R&D agendas, policy, and programs related to critical infrastructure protection.  The purpose of the IWG is to coordinate multi-department, multi-agency R&D in CIP technologies to satisfy the needs of the Federal government for protecting critical infrastructures, and accelerate the development and deployment of advanced CIP technologies.


The goal of the Interagency Working Group (IWG) is to define, develop, coordinate and monitor critical infrastructure protection (CIP) research and development agendas, policy, and programs for the Federal government.


The IWG will address Federal government research and development programs that are applicable to the protection of the nation' s critical infrastructures.  In particular, the IWG will foster collaborative multi-agency R&D initiatives among Federal departments and agencies.




The activities of the IWG will include, but not be limited to, the following:


The IWG will meet at least biweekly to develop a critical infrastructure protection R&D agenda and associated policy, and thereafter at the discretion of the Chair to monitor and coordinate the implementation of the agenda and policy.  Intra- and interagency coordination will also occur between formal, scheduled IWG meetings.


Office of Science and Technology Policy
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Washington, DC 20502
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