The CIC believes this is best achieved through streamlined collaborations with industry and academia; cooperative program management across Agency bounds; and collective support of Agency programs. Starting with the six strategic focus areas developed in this report, a new and dynamic generation of R&D processes to support information and communications will evolve over the next year to meet the challenges described in earlier sections of this document. This section briefly describes the means to achieve these goals for managing CIC programs.
During phase one, the vision, strategy, and projects described in this document will be brought to each sector through symposia, meetings, and public documents. Based upon the successful work already funded through the Federal HPCC Program and other Agency programs, detailed plans and new ideas will be discussed, debated, and formulated through living on-line documents. By this process, the broad research community will be empowered to provide valuable feedback to CIC's planning process, as will the Federal Networking Council, the National Research Council and various Agency advisory groups. In general, an unprecedented level of opportunity for inputs and dialogue will exist by using information technology to rapidly develop plans, programs, and strategies.
Phase two of the collaboration process will begin in the next budget cycle, using the proven process prototyped in phase one. The rapidly changing needs and capabilities of information technology will demand new focus areas to emerge over time. Furthermore, other committees, sectors, and industries will depend on the maturing technologies stimulated by the investments of this committee. Long term sustained investments based on adaptable, opportunistic, and bold strategies will be key to success.
CIC believes that the six strategic focus areas discussed in Section 2 will dramatically aid cooperative management when coupled to the baseline and complementary investments that are unique to each Agency. Just as the National Coordination Office (NCO) has supported the HPCC program, the NCO will evolve to support the CIC processes as these enhanced cooperative programs are defined by the various agencies, OSTP, and OMB.
This diversity of applications across agencies, coupled with commonality in basic information and communications research, highlights the critical importance of CIC's collective support and autonomy of agency roles. The success of this program will be measured in part by each agency rapidly adapting the technologies to its own missions, and by integrating its research missions into an integrated whole. CIC, therefore, will use the planning process to collectively support related agency investments in research and technology. Since Agencies are in the best position to know their own missions, one of CIC's challenges in support of Agency research is to provide an important forum for bringing world-class information and communications research to cutting-edge mission needs.