
Neal F. Lane 
Assistant to the President for Science and Technology

John A. Young
Former President 
and CEO, 

President's Committee of Advisors
on Science and Technology
President Clinton established the President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) by Executive Order 12882 at the same time he established the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC).  The committee members, distinguished individuals appointed by the President, are drawn from industry, education, and research institutions, and other nongovernmental organizations. The Assistant to the President for Science and Technology co-chairs the Committee with a private sector member selected by the President.  PCAST meets in public session an average of four times a year.

The formal link between PCAST and NSTC ensures that national needs remain an overarching guide for NSTC.  PCAST provides feedback about Federal programs and actively advises the NSTC about science and technology issues of national importance.

Please e-mail comments to Senior Policy Analyst Dr. Colleen Hartman at  For more information on PCAST, please call the Office of the Executive Secretary at (202) 456-6100.

OSTP GlobeCharter
OSTP GlobeExecutive Order and Amendments
OSTP Globe Fact Sheet
OSTP GlobeMembership List
OSTP GlobeStatement of Principles
OSTP GlobeCalendar
OSTP GlobeReports

President's Committee of Advisors
on Science and Technology
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.
Washington, DC 20502

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