The President's Committee of Advisors
on Science and Technology (PCAST)



Neal Lane
Assistant to the President for 
Science and Technology
Director, Office of Science and 
Technology Policy
John A. Young
Former President and CEO
Hewlett-Packard Co. 


Norman R. Augustine
Former Chairman and CEO
Lockheed Martin Corporation 

Francisco J. Ayala
Donald Bren Professor of Biological Sciences
Professor of Philosophy
University of California, Irvine 

John M. Deutch
Institute Professor, Department of Chemistry Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Murray Gell-Mann
Professor, Santa Fe Institute
R.A. Millikan Professor Emeritus 
of Theoretical Physics
California Institute of Technology 

David A. Hamburg
President Emeritus 
Carnegie Corporation of New York 

John P. Holdren
Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy
Director, Program on Science, Technology and Public Policy
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University 

Diana MacArthur
Chair and CEO
Dynamac Corporation

Shirley M. Malcom
Directorate for Education and Human Resources Programs
American Association for the
Advancement of Science 


Mario J. Molina
Institute Professor, Lee and Geraldine Martin Professor
of Environmental Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Peter H. Raven
Director, Missouri Botanical Garden
Engelmann Professor of Botany
Washington University in St. Louis 

Sally K. Ride
Professor of Physics
University of California, San Diego 

Judith Rodin
University of Pennsylvania 

Charles A. Sanders
Former Chairman
Glaxo-Wellcome Inc. 

David E. Shaw
Chairman and CEO
D.E. Shaw and Co. 

Charles M. Vest
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

Virginia V. Weldon
Directer, Center for the Study of American Business 
Washington University in St. Louis

Lilian Shiao-Yen Wu
Research Scientist and Consultant, Corporate Technical Strategy Development, IBM

Joan P. Porter
Executive Secretary

Member Biographies
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President's Committee of Advisors
on Science and Technology
1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W
Washington, DC 20502
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