The President announces his Technology Learning Challenge Grants, the Tech Corps, and the American Technology Honor Society, October 10th, 1995
The President's remarks on Educational Technology and Connecting Classrooms September 21st, 1995 in San Francisco, California
Here are its guiding principles: modern computers in every classroom,
accessible to every student from kindergarten to 12th grade; networks that
connect students to other students, schools to other schools, and both to
the world outside; educational software that is worthy of our children and
their best aspirations; and finally teachers with the training and the
assistance they need to make the most of these new technologies."
Sun Microsystems is organizing a coalition of companies volunteering
for NetDay, an effort to install networks in at least 2,000 schools.
And the number is growing with each new company joining the effort.
In the morning, volunteers will arrive at each school. By noon they
will have wired the library, the labs, the classrooms. By nightfall
those schools will have the technology they deserve.
What we are doing is the equivalent of going to a dusty adobe settlement
in early 19th century California and giving every child a slate and a
piece of chalk.
This is an enormous effort. It will take the same spirit and tenacity
that built our railroads and highways. It will take the leadership and
dedication of groups like the advisory council I've appointed on the
information superhighway. So let us begin. Let today mark the start of
our mission to connect every school in America by the year 2000. If we
can connect 20% of the schools in the largest state in the nation
in less than a year, we can surely connect the rest of the
country by the end of the decade.
Send us your suggestions and ideas on how we can bring our classrooms into the information age. EMail: (