Director's Office   Director - Deputy Director - Deputy Director for Management
Staff Offices   OMB Administration - Communications - Economic Policy - General Counsel - Legislative Affairs
Statutory Offices OFFM
Federal Financial Systems - Financial Stds & Reporting - Mgmt Integrity
Cost Accounting Stds Board - Procurement Innov. - Procurement Law
Commerce and Lands - Human Resources and Housing - Information Policy & Technology - Natural Resources - Statistical Policy
Energy - Science and Space - Water and Power
Interior - Environment - Agriculture
Housing - Treasury - Financial Institutions
Transportation - Commerce - Justice/GSA
C3I - Force Structure - Operations and Support
Economic Affairs - State / USIA
PAD - HR HRD Education - Income Maintenance - Labor
Health Programs - Health Financing - Health and Human Services
Veterans' Affairs - Personnel, Postal and EXOP
Budget Analysis - Budget Systems
Budget Review - Budget Concepts
AD - LR LRD Economics/Science/General Government - Labor/Welfare/Personnel -

Organization of OMB

The Office of Management and Budget is a part of the Executive Office of the President, and the Director is a member of the Cabinet. The top level of management (the Director and Deputy Directors) are Senate-confirmed Presidential appointees as are the statutory offices. The second level, Associate Directors, are generally non-confirmed Presidential appointees. The budget and review functions in OMB report directly to the Director and the Deputy Director, while the management and regulatory responsibilities are normally under the supervision of the Deputy Director for Management.

The Director and Deputy Directors

The Director of OMB is Franklin D. Raines.
The Deputy Director of OMB is Jacob J. Lew.
The Deputy Director for Management of OMB is John A. Koskinen.

OMB's Director, Deputy Directors, Program Associate Directors, and the heads of various staff offices reside on the second floor of the Old Executive Office Building (or colloquially the "second floor" or "grey building").

The Director, appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, serves as a member of the President's cabinet and as the Administration's spokesperson for the Federal Budget. The Director is responsible for the overall direction of the Federal Government's budgetary, regulatory, procurement, financial, and management activities. (The Director also is the primary negotiator and contact between the agencies and the President on budgetary matters.)

(In addition to a personal or confidential assistant the Director's office often includes one or more assistants with roles ranging from office manager to policy advisor and/or the lead on specific issues for OMB.)

The Deputy Director (DD) is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The DD substitutes for the Director when he or she is not available and usually is responsible for advising the Director on all budgetary issues.

The Deputy Director for Management (DDM) is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The DDM is responsible for government-wide management issues and other duties as assigned by the Director. The DDM serves as the chairperson for the President's Management Council, the President's Council on Management and Integrity and the Chief Financial Officers Council. The following OMB statutory offices also report directly to the DDM: Office of Federal Financial Management (OFFM), Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP), and Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).

This document was last revised on

Comments or suggestions on this page and other
OMB organizational pages can be sent to
Art Stigile, ext. 5-6832