This chapter introduces the MAXData Entry System User Manual and provides background information on several topics. This chapter contains the following modules:
Overview of this Document
Assumptions About You (the User)
MAX A-11 Requirements
Who to Call for Help
Overview of this Document
This user manual instructs OMB examiners and agency analysts in the use of the MAX Data Entry System.
This document is organized into chapters. Each chapter contains a number of related modules. This document is process-oriented, not screen- or menu-oriented. Each module instructs you how to perform one task; a module doesnot explain what a particular menu option does. For example, a module might tell you how to view an account's Treasury data. This user manual is more of a tutorial than a reference manual.
The average module is two pages. Each module contains the following:
A heading that describes the entry's topic. For example: "Deleting an Amount."
Detailed instructions that expand on the entry's heading..
An exhibit(s) such as a diagram, table, or screen image to help explain the topic. Most but not all modules have an exhibit.
Notes to cover any material not covered by one of the above sections. Not every module has notes.
We use certain conventions throughout this document. They are:
Screen names, box names, field names, and button names are shown in initial caps (e.g., "The system then presents the SaveAccount box.").
Menu options are shown in all capitals with a hyphen separating the main menu option from its drop-down menu option (e.g., "Selectthe EDIT-PASTE option."). This means you must select the Edit option from the main menu, then choose the Paste option from the Edit drop-down menu.
Keys are shown in all capitals (e.g., "the ENTER key").
Other sections of the manual are shown in initial caps and in quotes (e.g., 'Refer to "Who to Call for Help" in Chapter1.').
The following is a list of the chapters in the manual:
Appendix A Chameleon
Appendix B Window 95 or NT
Appendix C Internet
Appendix D Forms
Assumptions About You (theUser)
InstructionsThis user manual makes several assumptions. If you do not feel comfortable with the topics identified below, ask for help from a more knowledgeable user at your site or call the number provided in the "Who to Call For Help" module in this chapter.
This manual assumes that:
You are familiar with the OMB Circular No. A-11 and budget concepts. It is not the purpose of this user manual to teach A-11 and data-related concepts.
You (or someone else) have installed the MAX and associated software on your PC.
You have an OMB userid and a SecurID card. The data entry system will only permit you to download those accounts that you are authorized to view or edit. To make changes to your authorization level, call Jane Moy or Hazel Briggs.
MAX A-11 Requirements
InstructionsFor the FY 1998 Budget (Fall 1996) the minimum PC software and hardware configuration needed to use OMB MAX A-11 software areas follows:
486 processor or better
Microsoft Windows 3.1 or better
9600 baud or better Hayes compatible modem or an agency=sInternet capability (Telnet to the Internet). Hayes compatible288 modem is recommended. 10MB of available hard disk space for installation 3.5% 1.44MB floppy disk drive Analog telephone line for data calls, like those used by FAX machines. NotesISDN and ROLM voice/data-phone systems will NOT work with newdial-up networking software that will replace FT/Term next fall. Who to Call for Help InstructionsPlease call, if you have problems on: MAX software Jane Moy (202) 395-6934 Hazel Briggs (202) 395-4672 Installation of the MAX software Martha Wallace (202) 395-5682 Chameleon Software Client Services (202) 395-7370 They will take your calls Mondays through Fridays, 9:00am to 5:30pm (Eastern time). If you get no answer when you call, please leave your name, number, and a message on voice mail. Please have the following information available when you call: Your userid, The version of Windows you are using, The model of hardware you are using (e.g., IBM PS/2 Model 55 SX), What communication software you are using, What you were doing when the problem occurred.
Table of Contents | |
Chpt 1: Introduction and Background | Chpt 2: Communicating w/ OMB Host |
Chpt 3: Basic Editing | Chpt 4: Additional Editing |
Chpt 5: Reviewing Data | Chpt 6: Utilities and Misc Topics |