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Nonproliferation and Export Controls
Special Assistant to
the President and Senior Director
The Nonproliferation and Export Controls Office advises and assists the
President and the National Security Advisor on all aspects of U.S.
foreign policy with respect to all issues relating to nonproliferation
and arms control.
Among the issues are:
Diplomatic efforts with respect to North Korea, China, Japan, the former Soviet Union, South Asia, the Middle East, South Africa and Latin America;
Fissile material initiatives and controls including the US-Russia Agreement on Highly-Enriched Uranium and efforts to combat nuclear smuggling;
Multilateral regimes such as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention, Chemical Weapons Convention, Australia Group, Missile Technology Control Regime, Nuclear Suppliers Group and the Wassenaar Arrangements;
Export controls for specific economic sectors as well as the Export Administration Act; and conventional arms transfer policy.