Table of Contents | Appendix G
Appendix F
Resources for Sustainable Communities
The add to the information presented in this appendix, please send them
to the PCSD office, “re: resource additions,” preferably via email
General Sustainable Communities Resources
Sustainable Communities Awards Programs
Resources for Community Capacity Building
Resources for Partnerships for Design
Resources for Economic Development and Jobs
Resources for Safe and Healthy Communities
General Sustainable Communities Resources
Center for Neighborhood Technology
2125 W. North Avenue
Chicago, IL 60647
312 278 4800
Publishes The Neighborhood Works: Building Alternative Visions for the
City, $30 for one year, bi-monthly subscription; and conducts policy analysis
on a broad range of sustainable communities issues.
Center for Policy Alternatives
1875 Connecticut Avenue
NW, Suite 710
Washington, DC 20009
202 387 6030
fx 202 986 2539
web .
Works with state legislators throughout the United States on a wide
range of issues including campaigns on creating community capital and mobilizing
participation for tomorrow'
s communities.
Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Denver Regional Support Office
1617 Cole Blvd
Golden, CO 80401
800 357 7732
web .
Communities by Choice: An Introduction to Sustainable Community Development,
published by the
Mountain Association for Community Economic Development
433 Chestnut Street
Berea, KY 40403
606 986 2373
web site
Community Sustainability Resource Institute
174 Weston Road
P.O. Box 981
Arden, NC 28704
704 681 1955
fx 704 687 0441
1794 Columbia Road, NW
Washington, DC 20009
202 328 8160
fx 202 387 3378
Context Institute
PO Box 946
Langley, WA 98260
360 221 6044
fx 360 221 6045
web .
2841 Scarborough Road
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
216 932 3007 (fax same)
Publishers of the EcoCity Cleveland Journal, $20 for one year, monthly
Friends of the Earth
U.S. Community Support Project
1025 Vermont Avenue, NW, Third Floor,
Washington, DC 20005-6303
202 783 7400 x211
Global Environmental Options
900 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10021
212 439 6042
fx 212 794 4378,
Greening Cities: Building Just and Sustainable Communities, by Joan
The Bootstrap Press
777 United Nations Plaza, Suite 3C
New York, NY 10017
800 316 2739.
International City/County Management Association
777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20002
202 962 3680
fx 202 962 3500
web .
For a publications and services catalog call 800 745 8780, or (if outside
the United States) 301 498 1227.
International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives
U.S. Office
15 Shattuck Square
Suite 215
Berkeley, CA 94704
International headquarters
City Hall, East Tower, 8th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, M5H 2N2, Canada
416 392 1462
fx 416 392 1478
Publishers of The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, a guide that presents
the planning elements, methods, and tools being used by local governments
to implement sustainable development in their communities (send $35 plus
$8 postage to the United States, in U.S. dollars); and Tools for a Sustainable
Community: One-Stop Guide for Local Governments (send $5.00, payable to
ICLEI-USA c/o Josh Wolfe to the U.S. office or by sending an email to
Joint Center for Sustainable Communities
a partnership between the National Association of Counties and the
U.S. Conference of Mayors to promote the leadership of mayors, county commissioners,
and their staff in pursuing sustainable development locally. Contacts:
Nick Keller, Co-Director for the National Association of Counties, 440
First Street, NW,Washington, DC 20001, 202 942 4224, fx 202 737 0480, email,
web ; or Carol Everett, Co-Director for the U.S.
Conference of Mayors, 1620 Eye Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20006, 202 293
7330, fx 202 429 0422, email,
web .
Making Cities Livable Conference
P.O. Box 7586
Carmel, CA 93921
408 626 9080
fx 408 624 5126
Publishes the Making Cities Livable Newsletter.
Millennium Communications Group, Inc.
1150 18th Street NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC
202 872 8800
fx 202 872 8845
web site .
Minnesota Sustainable Communities Network email update on sustainability-related
activities. The list is moderated by staff of the sustainable communities
team at the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance (OEA). Join by
sending an email message with your name, organizational affiliation (if
any), address, phone (optional) and fax to. Let them know
if you don'
t want your name listed in the MnSCN member directory.
National Association of Counties
440 First Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001
202 393 6226
fx 202 737 0480
National Association of Towns and Townships
444 North Capitol Street, Suite 294
Washington, DC 20001
202 624 3550.
National Conference of State Legislatures
1560 Broadway, Suite 700
Denver, CO 80202
303 830 2200
fx 303 863 8003
Sustainable Communities Network
resources under the following issues areas:
creating community
$mart growth
growing a sustainable economy
protecting natural resources
living sustainably
governing community
For more information contact: CONCERN, Inc., 1794 Columbia Road, NW,
Washington, DC 20009, 202 328 8160, fx 202 387 3378, email,
or Community Sustainability Resource Institute, 174 Weston Road, P.O. Box
981, Arden, NC 28704, 704 681 1955, fx 704 687 0441, email
Sustainable Community Roundtable
2129 Bethel St. NW
Olympia, WA 98506
360 754 7842
web site .
Urban Ecology
405 14th Street, Suite 701
Oakland, CA 94612
510 251 6330
$30 membership for The Urban Ecologist newsletter; publications and
books also available.
Worldwatch Institute
1776 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20036
202 452 1999
fx 296 7365
web site .
Publishes the annual State of the World report, Vital Signs, the Environmental
Alert Book Series, Worldwatch Paper Series ($5.00 each; any combination
of 2-5 copies $4.00 each; 6-20 copies $3.00 each; 21+ copies: $2.00 each),
and the bimonthly World Watch magazine (one year, $20). Many of the Paper
Series topics address sustainable communities issues -- check the web site
for a listing.
Yes! A Journal of Positive Futures
P.O. Box 10818
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110-0818
206 842 0216
fx 206 842 5208
$24 for one year, four issues.
Sustainable Communities Awards Programs
All-America City Award sponsored by the National Civic League
with a $10,000 prize provided by the Allstate Foundation. Awards goes to
vibrant, resourceful places where neighborhoods pitch in together; places
with a diverse collection of talents and people who dwell not on problems
of the past, but on opportunities of the present and possibilities of the
future. National Civic League, 1445 Market Street, Suite 300, Denver, CO
80202-1728, 800 233 6004, 303 571 4343, fx 303 571 4404, email,
web .
s Most Livable Communities and Entrepreneurial American Leadership,
presented once every decade to recognize exemplary achievements of public
and private leaders that are responsible for improving the quality of life
in communities across the country. Partners for Livable Communities, 1429
21st Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036, 202 887 5990, fx 202 466 4845.
Annual Engineering Excellence Awards Competition recognizes engineering
achievements that reflect the highest degree of ingenuity, owner satisfaction,
technological advancement, environmental enhancement, increased public
safety, and other factors—state winners and national awards. American Consulting
Engineers Council, 1015 Fifteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005-2605,
202 347 7474, fx 202 898 0068.
Community Spotlight Award recognizing exemplary community achievement
in natural catastrophe damage mitigation to protect people, homes, and
businesses. Presented by the Insurance Institute for Property Loss Reduction
and the International City/County Management Association. Contact the Insurance
Institute at 73 Tremont Street, Suite 510, Boston, MA 02108-3910, Attn:
James Russell, 617 722 0200 x 215, fx 617 722 0202.
Environmental Excellence Awards for projects, processes, and
individuals in the following categories: non-motorized transportation,
habitat, water quality and wetland preservation, historic and archaeological
preservation, roadside vegetation management, air quality improvement,
noise abatement, community cohesion, environmental leadership, environmental
reserach, and environmental process. Contact James Shrouds, 202 366 2074,
Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation.
Evergreen Award for Pollution Prevention, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Region 10. Award honors environmental leaders in the
business community who have demonstrated that preventing pollution is a
sound business practice. For more information, contact Carolyn Gangmark
at 206 553 4072, email,
or John Palmer at 206 553 6521.
Great American Main Street Awards, a national competition that
recognizes exceptional accomplishments in revitalizing America'
s historic
and traditional downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts. Bill McCloud,
National Main Street Center, National Trust for Historic Preservation,
1785 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036, 202 588 6140, 1 800
944 6847, fx 202 588 6050.
National Awards Program for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,
U.S. Department of Energy. Awards given in the following categories: building
technology, energy and environmental sustainability, industrial technology,
transportation technology, and utility technology. Project Descriptions
available from the National Technical Information Service, 703 487 4650.
National Excellence Awards for the City Summit, 25 examples of
excellence in building healthy communities prepared by the U.S. government
as best practices for the Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements,
Habitat II. Descriptions available in Communities at Work: Addressing the
Urban Challenge available from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,
HUD USER, P.O. Box 6091, Rockville, MD 20849.
National Preservation Honor Awards for projects, communities,
businesses, and individuals contributing to the preservation of historic
buildings and areas. $5,000 prize to each of five winners. National Trust
for Historic Preservation, 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
20036, 202 588 6140, 1 800 944 6847, fx 202 588 6050.
National Wetlands Awards recognize outstanding individuals who
have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to the conservation and restoration
of wetlands. Sponsored by the Environmental Law Institute and the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.
Contact the Environmental Law Institute
1616 P St., NW
Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036
202 939 3800
web .
Phoenix Awards: National Awards of Distinction for Brownfield
Redevelopment honors individuals or groups who have implemented innovative
yet practical programs that remediated environmental contamination at brownfields,
thereby stimulating economic development and job creation or retention.
Awards given in two categories: public sector projects, and private sector
Society of Western Pennsylvania
337 Fourth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
412 261 0710.
Renew America
1400 16th Street, NW
Suite 710
Washington, DC 20036
202 232 2252
fx 202 232 2617
web site .
Renew America is the premiere awards organization recognizing the best
domestic sustainable development activities across a broad range of areas
including many environmental protection and economic and human development
The Business Enterprise Trust, founded by prominent members of
American business, labor, academia, and the media recognizes business people
of courage, integrity and social vision. Videos, cases and teaching materials
are available through Harvard Business School publishing.
204 Junipero Serra Blvd.
Stanford, CA 94305
415 321 5100
fx 415 321 5774
web .
Resources for Community Capacity Building Resources on community-based
public dialogue, planning, priority-setting, improved decisionmaking, access
to information, and community cooperation.
Izaak Walton League of America
Carrying Capacity Project
707 Conservation Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
301 548 0150
Monitoring Sustainability in Your Community1995, describes
indicators for monitoring and evaluating community sustainability. Better
Local Government: A Resource Guide, a one-stop source for the best books
on local government operations. For a copy, call 301 490 2204.
Building a Sustainable Community: An Organizer'
s Handbook,
published by the Task Force for Sustainable Community Development, Action
Coalition for Global Change. To order, send $9.00 c/o Ruth Petersen, 177
Bovet Road, Suite 600, San Mateo, CA 94402, 415 341 1126, fx 415 341 1395.
Common Ground: Achieving Sustainable Communities in Minnesota,
September 1995, a report of the Sustainable Economic Development and Environmental
Protection Task Force to the Governor, the Minnesota Legislature, and the
Minnesota Environmental Quality Board. Request a copy by contacting Susan
Hass or Rolf Nordstrom at the Environmental Quality Board, MN Planning,
658 Cedar Street, St. Paul, MN 55155, 612 296 3985.
The Journal for Quality and Participation, $52 (seven
issues per year) w/membership to the Association for Quality and Participation,
Subscription Services, 801-B West 8th Street, Suite 501, Cincinnati, OH
45203-1607, 513 381 1959, fx 513 381 0070.
Local Sustainability: A One-Stop Guide to Resources for Local
Governments, available for $5 (check made out to ICLEI to “One-Stop”)
the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, U.S. Projects
Office, 15 Shattuck Square, Suite 215, Berkeley, CA 94709. email
National Civic League, 1445 Market Street, Suite 300, Denver,
CO 80202-1728, 303 571 4343, fx 303 571 4404, email,
web site.
Not Just Prosperity: Achieving Sustainability with Environmental
Justice by Benjamin A. Goldman, February 1994. National Wildlife
Federation, 8925 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22184, 703 790 4100, web site .
National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC)
Office of Environmental Justice
401 M Street
SW, Mail Code: 2201A
Washington, DC 20460
202 564 2515.
Model Plan for Public Participation, prepared by representatives of
the NEJAC Public Participation and Accountability Subcommittee.
Signs of Progress, Signs of Caution: How to Prepare a Healthy
Sustainable Community Progress Report/Card by Eric Hellman. Send
$20 (U.S.) to Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition, 415 Yonge Street,
Suite 1202, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2E7, 416 408 4841 x343, fx 416 408 4843.
Strategic Directions for Community Sustainability published
by the British Columbia Round Table on Environment and the Economy, Suite
229, 560 Johnson Street, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3C6, Canada, 604
387 5422, fx 604 356 9276.
Study Circles Resource Center
P.O. Box 203
Route 169
Pomfret, CT 06258
Publishes the free Focus on Study Circles newsletter.
Sun and Shadow, quarterly newsletter.
Center for the Study of Community
4018 Old Santa Fe
Santa Fe, NM 87505
505 982 2752
fx 505 982 9201.
Sustainability and Justice: A Message to the President'
s Council
on Sustainable Development, a collection of analytical pieces and
reports gathered as a response to the Bay Area meeting of the PCSD. 44
pp., $5 from the Urban Habitat Program, Earth Island Institute, 300 Broadway,
Suite 28, San Francisco, CA 94133, 415 788 3666, fx 415 788 7324.
Sustainable Community Checklist, a workbook designed for
rural communities that want to put sustainable development into practice.
$12.50 for first copy, $6 for each additional in the same order. Northwest
Policy Center, University of Washington, Box 353060, Seattle, WA 98195-3060,
make checks payable to University of Washington. Web site provides info
on program areas, publications, and current projects at .
Resources for Partnerships for Design Resources on building design
and rehabilitation, community design, sprawl, and smart growth.
Alternatives to Sprawl by Dwight Young $18, How Superstore
Sprawl Can Harm Communities (and What Citizens Can Do About It), by Constance
E. Beaumont, $19 to National Trust for Historic Preservation, Department
of Public Policy, 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036,
202 588 6140, 1 800 944 6847, fx 202 588 6050.
America WALKs, 156 Milk Street, Boston, MA 02109, 503
228 5441. A national coalition of walking advocacy groups dedicated to
fostering real transportation choices through the creation of walkable,
livable, sustainable local communities.
American Association of Retired Persons, Public Policy Institute,
601 E Street, NW,Washington, DC 20049, 202 434 2277. Provides information
on the impacts of housing and transportation policy on aging America. Making
Your Community Livable: Programs that Work, community programs helping
older people remain in their homes. Free from AARP'
s Fulfillment Office.
Publications lists are also available from that address, including one
specifically focused on housing and transportation.
American Institute of Architects, 1735 New York Avenue, NW, Washington,
DC 20006-5292, 202 626 7300, 800 242 3837, fx 202 626 7518, web .
American Public Transit Association, web.
Information on conferences, services, and events,Transit News available
online, links to othe transit-oriented sites.
Center for Livable Communities, Local Government Commission,
1414 K Street, Suite 250, Sacramento, CA 95814, 916 448 1198, fx 916 448
8246, hotline 800 290 8208. Participation Tools for Better Land-Use Planning:
Techniques and Case Studies, $10, an informative guidebook describing ways
to improve the level and quality of public participation in land-use planning;
publication order form available at its web site.
Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology, 1200
18th Street, NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20036, 202 530 2202, fx 202
887 0497, email, web .
CREST operates their web site, Solstice, one of the leading internet resources
on renewable energy, energy efficiency, and green technologies. They also
design and maintain web sites for leaders in sustainable energy and development,
and can work with organizations to establish online commerce and sales.
Cities and Counties Resource Guide: Meeting Today'
s Energy Need
Without Sacrificing Tomorrow'
s Resources, U.S. Department of Energy.
To order call 303 275 4285.
Choices for Our Future: Finding Transportation Alternatives for
An Aging Population, November 1995, a final report to the White
House Conference on Aging prepared by the Alliance for Transportation Research,
Pennsylvania State University, and the Surface Transportation Policy Project.
To order contact the Alliance at 1001 University Blvd., SE, Suite 103,
Albuquerque, NM 87106-4342, 505 246 6410, fx 505 246 6001, email
Community Transportation Association of America, 1440 New York
Avenue, NW, Suite 440, Washington, DC 20005, 202 628 1480, fx 202 737 9197,
web site .
GreenClips, a summary of recent articles in the media on sustainable
building design, green architecture, and related government and business
issues. To request a free subscription, email
GreenClips archives for reference and research can be found on these web
sites> and web
site .
The Legislative Guidebook, available from the American
Planning Association'
s Planner Book Service. 312 786 6344, fx 312 431 9985.
Cost is $16.00. The Guidebook appears in a portable document format(PDF)
at the project'
s web site and
can be downloaded for free, using Adobe Acrobat reader software. Downloading
instructions are available at the site.Also available at the site are summaries
of the planning statutes for all 50 states, two annotated bibliographies
on planning statue reform, and project newsletters.
Lincoln Institute for Land Policy, 113 Brattle Street, Cambridge,
MA 02138-3400, 617 661 3016.
Urban Land Institute, 625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Washington, DC
20004-2930, 202 624 7000, web site . For a resources
catalog call 1 800 321 5011.
Rocky Mountain Institute, 1739 Snowmass Creek Road, Snowmass,
CO, 81654, 303 927 3851, web .
$mart Growth Network, a network of companies and organizations
working to promote metropolitan development that serves economy, community,
and environment—an emerging trend in development across the country. For
membership information, contact Noah Simon, ICMA-$mart Growth Network,
777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20002-4201, 202
962 3591, email For
information on the $mart Growth Speaker Series held regularly in Washington,
DC, contact the U.S. EPA, Urban and Economic Development Division, fx 202
260 0174, email
Surface Transportation Policy Project, 1100 17th Street, NW,
Tenth Floor, Washington, DC 20036, 202 466 2636, fx 466 2247, web site .
Sprawl bibliography available from Don Chen at email
Getting a Fair Share: An Analysis of Federal Transportation Spending, July
1996. Transit-Oriented Communities Case Studies (available quarterly).
Sustainable Suburbs Study: Creating More Fiscally, Socially,
and Environmentally Sustainable Communities published by the city of Calgary,
Planning Information Centre, P.O. Box 2100, Station M, Calgary, Alberta
T2P 2M5, Canada, 403 268 5333. Printed version available for $10, or download
it for free at its web site .
Walkable Communities, Inc., 320 South Main Street, High Springs,
FL 32643, 904 454 3304,
Helps neighborhoods, towns, and cities become more walkable, livable, and
Resources for Economic Development and Jobs Resources on economic development,
training and lifelong learning, and financing.
Aspen Institute, Rural Economic Policy Program, 1333 New Hampshire
Avenue, NW, Suite 1070, Washington, DC 20036, 202 736 5804.
Corporation for Enterprise Development, National Office, 777
N. Capitol Street, NE, Suite 410, Washington, DC, 20002, 202 408 9788.
CFED South, 1829 E. Franklin Street, Suite 1200-M, Chapel Hill, NC 27514,
919 967 5300. CFED West, 353 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, 415
495 2333.
Federal Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Communities — Urban EZ/EC
Task Force: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Room 7136,
451 Seventh Street, SW, Washington, DC 20410, 202 619 0314; Rural EZ/EC
Task Force: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, Norm Reid,
Deputy Director, 202 260 6332, fx 202 401 7420.
Environmental Financial Advisory Board, United States Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of the Comptroller/Environmental Finance Branch,
401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460, contact George Ames at 202 260
1020. Provides the Environmental Protection Agency Administrator with analysis
and advice regarding environmental finance issues at the federal, state,
and local levels to assist EPA in carrying out its environmental mandates.
Heartland Center for Leadership Development, 941 O Street, Suite
920, Lincoln, NE 68508, 402 474 7667. Helps small towns and rural communities
faced with challenges due to economic changes.
In Business magazine, 419 State Avenue, Emmaus, PA 18049, 610
967 4135. $23 one year subscription (six issues).
Institute for Local Self-Reliance, National Office, 2425 18th
Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009-2096, 202 232 4108, fx 332 0463; Midwest
Office, 1313 Fifth Street, SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414-1546, 612 379 3815,
fx 612 379 3920, web site . Published Manufacturing
from Recyclables: 24 Case Studies of Successful Recycling Enterprises,
to order call the Institute at 202 232 4108. There is a $3.75 fee for shipping
and handling.
Jobs and the Economy: A National Conference for Funders, February
21-23, 1996 conference report. Copies available from the Neighborhood Funders
Group, 6862 Elm Street, Suite 320, McLean, VA 22101, 703 448 1777, fx 703
448 1780.
National Rural Development Partnership, 300 7th Street, SW, Suite
714, Washington, DC 20024-4703, 202 690 2394, fx 202 690 1262. Facilitates
the collaboration of federal, state, local, and tribal governments, and
the private sector in order to address complex and unique rural development
The Nature Conservancy, Center for Compatible Economic Development,
7 East Market Street, Suite 210, Leesburg, VA 20176, 703 779 1728, fx 703
779 1746, email
National Community Education Association, Fairfax, VA , 703 359
8973. Publishes the Community Education Journal.
Lessons Without Borders, Contact: U.S. Agency for International
Development (USAID) Bureau for Legislative and Public Affairs, Office of
Public Affairs, Washington, DC 20523-0056, 202 647 1850. Facilitates information
flow between poor communities in the United States and USAID'
s successful
programs in lesser developed countries.
Resources for Safe and Healthy Communities Resources on public
safety, brownfields, environmental protection, pollution prevention, and
natural disaster prevention and mitigation
Brownfields Economic Redevelopment Initiative, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of Outreach and Special Projects, 401 M Street,
SW (Mail Code #5101), Washington, DC 20460, web .
Provides states, cities, towns, counties, and tribes with funding to assess,
safely clean up, and sustainably reuse brownfields or contaminated sites
with potential for redevelopment.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse (EREC), P.O. Box
3048, Merrifield, VA 22116, 800 363 3732. Funded by the U.S. Department
of Energy, free clearinghouse that responds to inquiries on energy efficiency
and renewable energy technologies from simple requests to complex technical
Environmental Justice, Urban Revitalization, and Brownfields: The
Search for Authentic Signs of Hope, December 1996, a report on the
public dialogues on urban revitalization and brownfields conducted by the
National Environmental Justice Advisory Council, Waste and Facility Siting
Subcommittee. Report can be viewed on the brownfields web site under the
section on “Recent Reports and Documents.” Contact Jim Maas at 202 260
Linking Sustainable Community Activities to Pollution Prevention:
A Sourcebook, Beth E. Lachman, Critical Technologies Institute at RAND.
Provides an introduction to sustainable community activities and ways in
which supporters of pollution prevention can take advantage of such efforts.
It includes an extensive annotated bibliography. Cost: $ 15.00. Order by
phone 310 451 7002, fx 310 451 6915, email,
or mail: RAND Distribution Services, P.O. Box 2138 Santa Monica, CA 90407-2138.
When ordering please include the ISBN number: 0-8330-2500-7.
Making Mitigation Work: Recasting Natural Hazards Planning and Implementation,
(David R. Godschalk et al., Center for Urban and Regional Studies, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997). A limited number of copies will
be available for $30, including postage, from the Center for Urban and
Regional Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3410.
National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, 2000 P Street, NW, Suite 708,
Washington, DC 20036, 202 466 7272, fx 202 466 7964.
s Crime Prevention Council, 736 Jackson Place, NW,
Washington, DC 20503, 202 395 5555, fx 202 395 395 5567. Preventing Pollution
in Our Cities and Counties: A Compendium of Case Studies, Fall 1995. Published
by the National Association of Counties, National Association of County
and City Health Officials, National Pollution Planning Roundtable, Municipal
Waste Management Association, and U.S. Conference of Mayors. National Pollution
Prevention Roundtable, 202 466 7272.
Public Technology, Inc.
1301 Pennsylvania Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20004-17926
fx 202 626 2498,
800 852 4934,
.Right-to-Know Network, web
. Free access to numerous databases, text files,
and conference information.
Society for Prevention of Violence
3439 West Brainard, #102
Woodmere, OH 44122
216 591 1876
Dedicated to reducing the prevalence of violent acts and asocial behaviors
in children and adults through education. Their mission includes integration
of social and academic skills to encourage those who use them to reach
their full potential and contribute to society by being able to make decisions
and solve problems through effective and appropriate means.
Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities Clearinghouse
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, web site provides
information on a broad range of community and ecosystem-related issues,
tools, and other resources, fax on demand system 202 260 5339 allows callers
to select documents from a menu and have them automatically faxed or mailed,
bi-weekly newsletter available via email by sending a request to
For more information, contact Karen Metchis at 202 260 7069 or email,
or Aurelia Pugh-Feaster at 202 260 3614 or email
The Greening of Federal Disaster Relief Policies by Alliance to
Save Energy, Seiben Energy Associates, Ltd., and Nancy Skinner.
For information or copies of the report, contact the Alliance at 1725 K
Street, NW, Suite 509, WDC 20006, 202 857 0666, fx 202 331 9588.
Urban Resources Partnership, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment, 14th and Independence
Ave. SW, Rm. 217E, Washington, DC 20250. Provides technical and financial
assistance for a collaboration between seven federal agencies, local and
state governments, community organizations, and private and non-profit
organizations to provide for natural resource and community enhancement.