White House Events
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The President and First Lady at the Names Memorial AIDS Quilt exposition in Washington, DC
The President and First Lady at the Names Memorial AIDS Quilt exposition in Washington, DC
The President and Sandra Thurman meet with the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS
The President and Sandra Thurman with the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS (12/18/98)
The First Lady with Dr. Scott Hitt, Chairperson of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV and AIDS (12/18/98)
The President, Rep. Maxine Waters, and Denise Stokes at the announcement of a new HIV/AIDS initiative for racial and ethnic minorities  (10/28/98)
The President, Secretary Albright, and Surgeon General Satcher greet Cynthia and Amy Slemmer at the World AIDS Day Commemoration (12/1/98)
The President and Amy Slemmer at the World AIDS Day Commemoration (12/1/98)
Amy Slemmer from Mother's Voices Against AIDS speaking at the World AIDS Day Commemoration (12/1/98)
The President with USAID Administrator Atwood, Secretary Albright, Sandra Thurman, and Christopher Jennings arriving at White House World AIDS Day Commemoration (12/1/98)
The President with Senators Harking and Bumpers
The President with Senator and Mrs. Bumpers
The President and Senator Bumpers
Sandra Thurman and Todd Summers with Drs. Elizabeth and Gary Nabel
Dedication Ceremony for the Dale and Betty Bumpers Vaccine Research Center at the NIH
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