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Office of Minority Health
Office of Public Health and Science

Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Minority Community Health Coalition Demonstration Program (continuation)
Description of Initiative: The purpose of this Of fice of Minority Health Program is to improve the health status of targeted minority populations through health promotion and disease risk reduction intervention programs. This program is intended to demonstrate the effectiveness of community-based coalitions in: (1) developing, implementing and conducting demonstration projects which coordinate integrated community-based screening and outreach services and include linkages for access and treatment, to minorities in high-risk, low-income communities; and (2) addressing sociocultural and linguistic barriers to health care.
Eligible Entities: Public and private, nonprofit minority community-based organizations which represent an established community coalition of at least three discrete organizations.
Type of Funding: Non-Competitive Grants
Amount of Funds: $748,225
How Many Grants anticipated: 5*
Date RFA Expected: Not applicable
Date Grants to be Awarded: Awards were made in FY 98 with continuation funding to be provided on 7/1/99
Contact persons for additional information:

Cynthia Amis Rockwall II
Suite 1000
5515 Security Lane
Rockville, MD 20852
Tel. (301) 594-0769
Fax (301) 443-5655


** Recipient grantees: El Concilio of San Mateo County, Burlingame, CA;

Partners in Health, Cambridge, MA;

Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center, San Francisco, CA;

Bienestar Human Services, Los Angeles, CA;

Esperanza Health Center, Philadelphia, PA

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Minority Community Health Coalition Demonstration Program (competitive)
Description of Initiative: The purpose of this Of fice of Minority Health Program is to improve the health status, relative to HIV/AIDS, of targeted minority populations through health promotion and education activities. This program in intended to demonstrate the effectiveness of community-based coalitions involving non-traditional partners in: (1) developing an integrated community-based response to the HIV/AIDS crisis through community dialogue and interaction; (2) developing and conducting HIV/AIDS education and outreach demonstration projects for hardly reached populations; and (3) addressing sociocultural and linguistic barriers to HIV/AIDS treatment.
Eligible Entities:

Public and private, nonprofit minority community-based organizations which represent an established community coalition of at least three discrete organizations. In order to maximize the use of the limited resources available for this program and to address prevention where the HIV/AIDS epidemic is most prevalent, eligible applicants must be located in one of the following 15 metropolitan statistical areas. These are the areas identified by the CDC in its HIV/AIDS Surveillance Reports for 1996 and 1997 as having the highest number of newly reported AIDS cases in 1995, 1996 and 1997:

Atlanta, GA Miami, FL
Baltimore, MD New York, NY
Boston, MA Newark, NJ
Chicago, IL Philadelphia, PA
Dallas, TX San Francisco, CA
Ft. Lauderdale, FL San Juan, PR
Houston, TX Washington, DC
Los Angeles, CA  

National organizations, universities and schools of higher learning are not eligible to apply. However, local affiliates of national organizations which meet the definition of a minority community-based organization are eligible. Currently funded OMH grantees are not eligible to apply, as organizations are not eligible to receive funding from more than one OMH grant program.

Type of Funding: Competitive
Amount of Funds: $500,000
How Many Grants anticipated: 3
Dates: RFA Expected - 2/9/99
Grants to be Awarded - 9/30/99
Contact persons for additional information: Cynthia Amis Rockwall II
Suite 1000
5515 Security Lane
Rockville, MD 20852
Tel. (301) 594-0769
Fax (301) 443-5655
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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Bilingual/Bicultural Service Demonstration Program
Description of Initiative: The purpose of this Office of Minority Health Program is to improve and expand the capacity for linguistic and cultural competence of health care professionals and para-professionals working with limited-English-proficient (LEP) minority communities; and improve the accessibility and utilization of health care services among the LEP minority populations. These grants are intended to demonstrate the merit of programs that involve partnerships between minority community-based organizations and health care facilities in a collaborative effort to address cultural and linguistic barriers to effective health care service delivery and to increase access to effective health care for the LEP minority populations living in the United States.
Eligible Entities: Public and private, nonprofit minority community-based organizations or health care facilities which serve a targeted LEP minority community. A linkage must be in place between a minority community-based organization and a health care facility, one of which is the grantee organization.
Type of Funding: Non-Competitive Continuation
Amount of Funds: $500,000 continuation of FY98 funds
How Many Grants anticipated:


  • Casa Blanca Home of Neighborly Services, Riverside, CA
  • African Services Committee, Inc., New York, NY
  • Vista Community Clinic, Vista, CA
  • Special Services for Groups, Los Angeles, CA
  • Hispanic AIDS Committee, San Antonio, TX
Date RFA Expected: Not applicable
Date Grants to be Awarded: Awards were made in FY98 with continuation funding to be provided on 9/30/99
Contact persons for additional information: Cynthia Amis Rockwall II
Suite 1000
5515 Security Lane
Rockville, MD 20852
Tel. (301) 594-0769
Fax (301) 443-5655
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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Addressing AIDS in Minority Populations
Description of Initiative: The purpose of this Office of Minority Health Program is to provide ongoing information and programmatic support to racial/ethnic individuals and organizations addressing HIV/AIDS in disadvantaged populations. Through various activities, the program provides timely information and technical assistance on prevention, service and research issues affecting minority populations.
Eligible Entities: National Minority AIDS Council
Type of Funding: Non-Competitive Award
Amount of Funds: $100,000
How Many Grants anticipated: 1
Date RFA Expected: N/A
Date Grants to be Awarded: Funds were awarded in FY98 with continuation funding to be provided on 4/l/99
Contact persons for additional information: Cynthia Amis Rockwall II
Suite 1000
5515 Security Lane
Rockville, MD 20852
Tel. (301) 594-0769
Fax (301) 443-5655
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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Office of Minority Health Resource Center: Minority HIV/AIDS Information Services
Description of Initiative: The Office of Minority Health will expand the capability of the Congressionally-mandated Minority Health Resource Center to develop an information service dedicated to minority health related HIV/AIDS information and issues. This initiative will help assess community needs and make HIV/AIDS resource information available to community-based organizations for the purpose of expanding their capability as they promote messages on prevention and state-of-the-art treatment. The Office of Minority Health Resource Center will have staff dedicated to HIV/AIDS information services who collect, organize, and disseminate information concerning National, State, and local HIV/AIDS programs. Information services will include: identifying: sources of funds to support HIV/AIDS prevention, research, and treatment programs for minority populations; programs in minority communities that have proven to be successful or promising for reducing the occurrence or severity of HIV/AIDS; strategies for preventing and regimens for treating HIV/AIDS that have proven effective or promising in minority populations; data concerning the occurrence of HIV/AIDS in minority populations; and personnel who have a documented record of expertise in program management for HIV/AIDS prevention, research, or treatment for minority populations. This Center will collaborate with DHHS Operating and Staff Divisions and work actively with community groups to develop and deliver information concerning HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment using a wide variety of strategies.
Eligible Entities: Minority-Owned Small Businesses
Type of Funding: Competitive Contract
Amount of Funds: $341,000 continuation funding
How Many Grants anticipated: One (l) Contract
Date Grants to be Awarded: Funding awarded in FY98 with FY99 continuation funding to be provided
Contact persons for additional information:

Blake Crawford
DIE, Office of Minority Health, OPHS, OS
5515 Security Lane, Suite 1000
Rockville, Md. 20857
Tel (301) 443-5224
Fax (301) 443-5224

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