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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Name of Initiative or Program Activity: HIV Prevention Among Gay Men of Color
Description of Initiative: These funds will support HIV prevention organizations serving gay men of color for delivery of health education, outreach, counseling and testing, prevention case management and formal referral to services. Technical assistance will also be provided to support a durable capacity to deliver effective prevention interventions and services.
Eligible Entities: CBOs, National Regional and Local Minority Organizations (NRLMOs)
Type of Funding: Cooperative agreement
Amount of Funds: $7 million
How Many Grants anticipated: 15-20 CBOs
3-5 NRLMOs (technical assistance providers)
Dates: RFA expected - April 1999
Expected date of awards - August 1999
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Directly Funded Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)
Description of Initiative: For direct funding of grant applications of indigenous organizations with a history of working with African-American communities to target high-risk populations. The goals of this initiative are: (1) provide financial and technical assistance to indigenous CBOs to provide HIV prevention services to primarily African-American populations for which gaps in services are demonstrated; (2) support HIV prevention programs that reflect national program goals and are consistent with the HIV prevention priorities outlined in the jurisdiction's comprehensive HIV plan; and (3) promote the collaboration and coordination of HIV prevention efforts among CBOs and other local, State, and federally funded programs. This extends CDC's program providing direct funding to community-based organizations (CBOs).
Eligible applicants: Minority CBOs, including faith based organizations, in either: (1) the 20 MSAs with more than 1,000 AIDS cases in the African-American population in 1997; or (2) 30 counties and cities with highest rate of syphilis infection in 1997.
Eligible Entities:

Minority CBOs, including faith based organizations (must have 501(c) status)

Type of Funding: Cooperative agreements
Amount of Funds: $10 million
Average Amount of Award: $200,000
How Many Grants anticipated: approximately 45
Dates: RFA expected - March 1999
Grants to be awarded - July 1999
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Technical Assistance to Directly Funded Community-Based Organizations (CBOs)
Description of Initiative: This funding will be used to provide targeted technical assistance through cooperative agreements with national organizations to assist minority community-based organizations (CBOs) in developing expertise in fiscal and administrative grants management and the preparation of competitive funding applications, and through organizational mentoring strategies. The goal of this program is to improve the capacity of CBOs, including faith-based organizations, to deliver effective HIV prevention services to African Americans. The program also serves to increase the effectiveness and responsiveness of the HIV prevention community planning process and health departments' HIV prevention programs to meet the needs of African-American communities heavily affected by HIV and AIDS.
Eligible Entities: National, Regional, Local, Minority Organizations (NRLMOs) and national, regional and local minority religious, spiritual, or faith-based organizations
Type of Funding: Cooperative agreements
Amount of Funds: $2.5 million
How Many Grants anticipated: 5
Dates: RFA expected-April 1999
Grants to be awarded - August 1999
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Investment in Minority Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) Providing Prevention
Description of Initiative: Approximately $4.0 million was awarded through state and local health departments by CDC on a competitive basis to support racial and ethnic minority community-based organizations (CBOs) in 30 locations to address high priority HIV prevention needs in African American and Latino populations. These CBOs must have a governing board composed of more than 50 percent racial or ethnic minority members, a significant number of minority individuals in key program positions, and an established record of service to racial or ethnic minority communities. This funding began in FY98 and is continued with FY99 resources.
Eligible Entities: State and local health departments**
Type of Funding: Cooperative agreements
Amount of Funds: $4.0 million
How Many Grants anticipated: 30 - CA; CO; CT; FL; GA; IL; IN; KS; LA; MA; MD; MI; MN; MO; NJ; NM; NY; OH; RI; TX; WA; WI; VA; VT; Chicago; Los Angeles; New York City; Philadelphia; San Francisco; Washington, D.C.
Dates: Awards were made September 1998, with continuation funding in FY 1999.
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

  ** Some of these funds may be competitively available at the state and local level
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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Faith Based Initiatives
Description of Initiative: For developing HIV and substance abuse prevention programs at divinity schools located at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and for expanding the ability of other faith-centered programs in this area.
Eligible Entities: Faith-based CBOs/HBCU Divinity Schools
Type of Funding: Cooperative agreement
Amount of Funds: $1.5 million
How Many Grants anticipated: 6-12
Dates: RFA expected-April 1999
Grants to be awarded - August 1999
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Community Development Grants for HIV/ STD/ TB/ Substance Abuse Integration and Linkages
Description of Initiative: The goal of this program is to improve the health status of African-American community members by increasing access to linked networks of health services, including, HIV, STD, TB and substance abuse prevention treatment and care. This will be accomplished by planning and developing a linked network between HIV, STD, TB and substance abuse programs.
Eligible Entities: Local non-profit health, social service, or voluntary service organizations, or CBOs with 501(c) tax exempt status and a governing or advisory body composed of more than 50 percent of the racial or ethnic minority population to be served.
Type of Grant: Cooperative agreements
Amount of Funds: $8.0 million
How Many Grants anticipated: Approximately 20 - 25 planning awards and 3-6 implementation awards
Dates: RFA expected - April 1999
Funds to be awarded - September 1999
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Pilot Prison Programs for Linkages of Incareerated Populations with Community Prevention and Care
Description of Initiative: Several pilot projects will be initiated related to disease intervention and prevention in correctional settings that build upon our existing programs within correctional settings. The goal of this initiative is to improve access to health care and the health status of both incarcerated and at-risk disproportionately affected racial and ethnic minorities, especially HIV-infected persons, and their communities. This will be accomplished by: 1) increasing access to HIV/AIDS primary health care and prevention services; 2) strengthening HIV transitional services between correctional settings and communities, and 3) linking networks of HIV health and social services. Models of linked networks of health services including HIV/AIDS, STD, TB, hepatitis and substance abuse prevention and treatment during and after incarceration will be developed and evaluated for use by other primary eare, prevention, criminal justice, and community service organizations. In addition, a portion of these funds will be used to provide technical assistance to health departments working with correctional facilities. This funding will be provided through interagency agreements with facilities. This funding will be coordinated with other federal agencies, such as National Institute of Justice, HRSA, and SAMHSA.
Eligible Entities: State and local health departments
Type of Funding: Cooperative agreements, interagency agreements
Amount of Funds: $7.5 million
How Many Grants anticipated: 7-8 awards
Dates: RFA expected - April l 999
Grants to be awarded - August 1999
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Strengthen the Requirements in CDC's HIV Prevention Community Planning
Description of Initiative: This initiative will strengthen the requirements in CDC's HIV prevention community planning cooperative agreements so that State allocation decisions must reflect the demographics of the HIV epidemic in that State. CDC has been working collaboratively with State and local health departments over the last several years to achieve this objective. This activity reflects a redirection of funds within the existing HIV prevention cooperative agreements to ensure that currently available resources are spent proportionate to the epidemic in a given locale, and does not fully address substantial unmet needs. To implement these requirements, CDC will analyze the budgets of all State health departments in October-November 1998, to ensure that HIV Prevention funds are being allocated based on the latest HIV/AIDS surveillance data. For any State in which this is not the case, CDC will take immediate action to work with the State to correct these budget gaps. CDC estimates that approximately $15 million will be redirected toward prevention programs within the African-American community.
Eligible Entities: State and local health departments
Type of Funding: Cooperative agreements
Amount of Funds: Within the HIV Prevention Community Planning Cooperative Agreements, approximately $15 million will be redirected towards African American communities
How Many Grants anticipated: 65
Dates: Awards were made January 1999**
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

  ** Every January the state health departments receive base HIV prevention fund awards. The budget table analyses for FY98 are near completion and CDC is providing feedback to the states on how their funding is tracking with their HIV epidemics. States will report in September 1999 on the uses of the FY99 funds based on CDC's analyses, which projects that approximately $15 million will be redirected into programs for African American communities.
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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Prevention Education and Early Identification Project
Description of Initiative: These funds will support the development of new and innovative early identification strategies to reach populations at high risk for HIV infection and create linkages with care, especially minority populations, including women and adolescents. Activities may include coalition building, product developrnent, outreach activities, and evaluation of effective interventions.
Eligible Entities: Local health departments/CBOs (either directly or indirectly)
Type of Funding: Cooperative agreement, contracts
Amount of Funds: $5.0 million
How Many Grants anticipated: Cooperative Agreements or Contracts (up to 5)
Dates: RFA - end of April 1999
Awards - August/September 1999
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Reducing Transmission Among People of Color
Description of Initiative: As part of CDC's initiative to reduce HIV transmission among people of color, $400,000 has been awarded to develop population-specific strategies aimed at (1) better targeting of HIV prevention resources toward those communities experiencing the greatest impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and (2) improving the capacity of community-based organizations (CBOs) to deliver effective interventions. This funding was a redirection of FY98 funds.
Eligible Entities: Academy for Educational Development
Type of Funding: Task order contract
Amount of Funds: $400,000 continuation
How Many Grants anticipated: 1
Dates: This award was made September 1998. CDC anticipates extending this contract in FY 1999.
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Prevention Among HIV-Positive Persons
Description of Initiative: Approximately $3.9 million was awarded competitively through state and local health departments by CDC to support 5 demonstration projects to provide priority HIV prevention services to HIV-infected individuals, especially to racial and ethnic minorities and others having difficulty accessing prevention or treatment services. Health departments will subcontract with community-based primary care facilities in carrying out these activities.
Eligible Entities: State and local health departments
Type of Funding: Cooperative agreements
Amount of Funds: $3.9 million
Average Grant Size: $780,000
How Many Grants anticipated: 5 - Wisconsin; Los Angeles; Maryland; California; San Francisco
Dates: Awards were made September 1998 with continuation funding to be provided in FY 99.
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Prevention of HIV Through STD Treatment
Description of Initiative: CDC has awarded, through state and local health departments, an additional $ 1.7 million to enhance syphilis elimination efforts in 13 areas most heavily affected by the disease. Syphilis has a disproportionate impact on communities of color, with approximately 89 percent of all cases occurring in minority communities (84 percent occurring in African Americans). Early detection and treatment of STDs can have a major impact on sexual transmission of HIV, as untreated STDs can increase the risk of HIV transmission by 2 to 5-fold. This funding began with FY 98 funds and is continuing with FY99 resources.
Eligible Entities: State and local health departments
Type of Funding: Cooperative agreements
Amount of Funds: $1.7 million
Average Grant Size: $130,800
How Many Grants anticipated: 13 (San Francisco; South Carolina; Chicago; North Carolina; Maryland; Louisiana; Alabama; Baltimore; Wisconsin; Philadelphia; Arizona; Michigan; Los Angeles)
Dates: Awards were made September 1998, with continuation funding to be provided in FY 1999.
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Prevention Among Gay Men
Description of Initiative: Approximately $800,000 was competitively awarded by CDC to support behavioral research investigating the effectiveness of HIV prevention interventions serving HIV seropositive gay men, especially gay men of color. CDC has completed the formative evaluation phase of this research to learn how to best construct effective interventions for HIV seropositive gay men of color. CDC has now moved into the next phase, testing new prevention interventions. Grant recipients are universities and organizations with expertise in conducting research interventions. The funding reflects a continued and expanded emphasis on conducting prevention research projects in communities of color.
Eligible Entities: Universities and research organizations
Type of Funding: Cooperative agreements
Amount of Funds: $800,000 continuation
How Many Grants anticipated: 2 - University of California - San Francisco; New Jersey City University
Dates: Awards were made September 1998 with continuation funding to be provided in FY 1999.
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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Name of Initiative or Program Activity: Research and Program Intervention Models for HIV+ Minority Communities
Description of Initiative: To start research projects that evaluate innovative preventions for HIV- positive African-American women and their sex partners. This will complement existing CDC research on developing interventions for HIV-positive men.
Eligible Entities: State and local health departments
Type of Funding: Cooperative agreements
Amount of Funds: $1.0 million
How Many Grants anticipated: 5 - Los Angeles; San Francisco; California; Maryland; Wisconsin
Dates: Funds were awarded in September 1998 and will be continued in FY 1999.
Contact persons for additional information:

Carmine Bozzi/Eva M. Seiler CDC
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
1600 Clifton Road, NE (E07)
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Tel: (404) 639-8004/8008
Fax: (404) 639-8600

E-mail addresses: /

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