Administration Outreach & Schedule of Upcoming Events
The Clinton Administration is committed to engaging the American people in a substantive dialogue about the issue of climate change and to listening to a range of views about how best to address the problem. President Clinton and Vice President Gore hosted a meeting including three Nobel Laureates at the White House in July to explore climate change science. They have also met with key constituencies on the issue, including business, labor and environmental leaders. Members of the Cabinet are discussing climate change in communities across the nation. Senior White House officials have met with a variety of constituencies, including organized labor, a wide array of business interests, the environmental community and others to listen to specific concerns and discuss ways of addressing climate change that are consistent with maintaining economic growth. NOAA is sponsoring a briefing on climate change for weather forecasters from across the country on October 1, to provide basic scientific information on the issue. The President and Vice President will also address the group. The President and Vice President will host the White House Conference on Climate Change: The Challenge of Global Warming on October 6 at Georgetown University.