THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION Wednesday, September 2, 1998
Since it was first seen by human eyes, the new world has been a
revelation to the old. The American countryside used to make travelers
stand still in astonishment. That's how beautiful it was.
From the Lakota storytellers who described the vast clearness of the
Western sky as a metaphor for inner courage; to the Hudson River painters
whose canvases and brush strokes grew ever larger and wider in an effort
to show old Europe just how majestic were the cliffs of the Storm King;
from Thoreau, who saw an entire pilgrimage in a still body of water in a
Massachusetts meadow; to Mark Twain, who wrote back to his Eastern
readers that the Tahoe depths were so lucid, you could see straight down
a mile to the stones on the lake's bed; to Spanish settlers who named the
high places in California after the views they commanded -- Buena Vista
and Alta Vista; all these Americans knew that their home was a place of
natural grace.
This nation's cities and villages used to be a model of civil life.
We were the experts at creating the gathering-places, the very
architecture, that set the stage for democracy: the Puritans built their
villages around common greens; the livestock grazed there, but, more
importantly, the village green was where news was proclaimed, and where
neighbors chatted or argued over the issues of the day.
As our cities grew, their life took the vibrant shape of America: the
mixed-use building of dwellings over small shops allowed people to work
long hours, raise families close by, and start the climb up the economic
ladder; as the nineteenth century drew to an end and America looked
around at its new wealth and diversity, the City Beautiful movement was
inaugurated: proud civic buildings -- libraries and post offices, town
halls and colleges, parks and recreation areas for working men and
women's days off, ornate commercial buildings and statuary -- proclaimed
to the world that though Cleveland or Milwaukee or Corvallis or
Tuscaloosa were new, they had plenty to be proud of.
The great civic buildings and recreation areas drew the people together
in the heart of the cities: at best, the working people mingled with the
affluent, Latin families picnicked alongside Anglos, and students of
Chinese parentage sat in reading-rooms alongside those whose folks were
Irish. The civic spaces, by drawing people together in pride and
enjoyment, also helped create the diversity and self-respect that
characterized our bold new country.
In the hearts of our cities, those who are willing to seek them still
find the precious gifts of culture and history. Our communities are a
reflection of who we are as a people, and where we have been. From 18th
Street and Vine District in Kansas City; to the Bronzeville area in
Chicago, one of the homes of jazz; to historic Beale Street in Memphis --
our cherished landscape tells the story of how we came to be just who we
We can still see the greatness of what those Americans saw in our
natural and civic landscape -- but all too often, in too many places, we
see only traces of that greatness, because over the last thirty years,
bad planning has too often distorted our towns and landscapes out of all
recognition. We drive the same majestic scenery, but in too many places,
the land we pass through is often burdened by an ugliness that leaves us
with a quiet sense of sadness. The burden is national. No state has
escaped it.
From the desert Southwest to the forested Northeast, from the most
pristine snowfields in Alaska, to the loveliest hollows of the Carolinas
-- thickets of strip development distort the landscape our grandparents
remember. We walk through the hearts of the cities, but so often the
downtown is a wasteland of boarded-up storefronts that goes silent at
night, as commuters start their grueling commute to further and further
periphery suburbs.
Many of our walkable main streets have emptied out, and their small
shops closed, one by one, leaving a night-time vacuum for crime and
disorder. Acre upon acre of asphalt have transformed what were once
mountain clearings and congenial villages into little more than massive
parking lots. The ill-thought-out sprawl hastily developed around our
nation's cities has turned what used to be friendly, easy suburbs into
lonely cul-de-sacs, so distant from the city center that if a family
wants to buy an affordable house they have to drive so far that a parent
gets home too late to read a bedtime story. In many such developments,
an absence of sidewalks, amenities, and green spaces discourages walking,
biking, and playing -- and kids learn more about Nintendo and isolation
than about fresh air and taking turns.
Houses in such places were built fast and heedlessly by bulldozing
flat an ecosystem, and ripping out the century-old trees that had
sustained the neighborhood's birds and wildlife. People move in and make
their lives, but as the bulldozers leapfrog their dreams, they begin to
long for something they remember -- the meadow that used to be the
children's paradise at the end of the suburban street, the local shops
where neighbors passed the local news from one to another, the park where
families shared picnics.
The problem which we suffer in too many of our cities, suburbs, and
rural areas is made up of so many different pieces that until recently it
has been a problem that lacked a name. "Sprawl" hardly does justice to
But Americans are resourceful people. While the blight of poor
development and its social consequences have many names, the solutions,
pioneered by local citizens, are starting to coalesce into a movement.
Some call it "sustainability;" some call it "smart growth;" others refer
to "metropolitan strategies;" still others prefer to talk about
"regionalism." In New York and Portland, in towns like Celebration in
Florida and in other areas nationwide, it's been called the movement for
"liveability." And that's as good a word as any to describe the many
solutions that local citizens are crafting.
This movement across the country is showing us how we can build more
liveable communities -- places where families work, learn, and worship
together -- where they can walk and bike and shop and play together -- or
choose to drive -- and actually find a parking place! -- and get out and
have fun.
A liveable suburb or city is one that lets us get home after work fast
-- so we can spend more time with friends and family, and less time stuck
in traffic. It is one that restores and sustains our historic
neighborhoods, so they are not abandoned and bulldozed under, but are
alive with shops and cultural events. It is one that preserves among the
new development some family farms and green spaces -- so that even in the
age of cyberspace, kids can still grow up knowing what it's like to eat
locally-grown produce, or to toss a ball in an open field on a summer
evening. Most of us can't afford to travel to Yellowstone or the Grand
Canyon when we want to enjoy the rich American landscape; a liveable
neighborhood lets you and your spouse walk through a natural ecosystem as
you simply take an evening stroll down your street.
A liveable community cares about parks as well as parking lots, and
develops in a way that draws and local strength and uniqueness --
resisting the "cookie-cutter monster" that has made so much of our
country look all the same.
And increasingly, in the 21st Century, a liveable community will be
an economically powerful community: a place where a high quality of life
attracts the best-educated and trained workers and entrepreneurs. A
place where good schools and strong families fuel creativity and
productivity. A place where the best minds and the best companies share
ideas and shape our common future.
So many towns and suburbs are building more livable communities, and
showing that you can embrace community development while growing stronger
economically in the process. Indeed, first and foremost, our cities,
suburbs, and neighborhoods need continued economic growth and strength to
That is why our efforts to make communities more livable today must
emphasize the right kind of growth -- sustainable growth. Promoting a
better quality of life for our families need never come at the expense of
economic growth. Indeed, in the 21st Century, it can and must be an
engine for economic growth.
In the last fifty years, we've built flat, not tall: because land is
cheaper the further out it lies, new office buildings, roads, and malls
go up farther and farther out, lengthening commutes and adding to
pollution. This outward stretch leaves a vacuum in the cities and
suburbs which sucks away jobs, businesses, homes, and hope; as people
stop walking in downtown areas, the vacuum is filled up fast with crime,
drugs, and danger.
Drive times and congestion increase; Americans waste about half a
billion hours a year stuck in traffic congestion. An hour and a half
commute each day is ten full workdays a year spent just stuck in
traffic. The problem isn't the cars themselves; for so much of this
century, cars have given us the chance to chase our dreams. We just
never expected to hit a traffic jam along the way.
So the exhausted commuter seeks affordable housing further out -- and
can't help pushing local farmers out of business, since family farms
can't pay the rising property taxes. Orchards and dairy farms go under;
the commute gets even longer; and nobody wins, least of all our
children. America, which is losing 50 acres of farmland to development
each hour, could become the largest net importer of food, instead of the
world's largest exporter by the next century.
This kind of uncoordinated growth means more than a long drive to work;
it means a half hour to buy a loaf of bread; it means that working
families have to spend thousands of dollars a year more on transportation
costs when they might want the option of spending that money on a year of
a good college for a son or daughter. It means that people coming off
welfare and eager to work, especially if they have children, find that
they don't have a way to reach an available job and still pick a child up
from day care.
It means mothers isolated with small children far from play-mates,
and old people stuck in their homes alone. Air and water quality go
down; taxes go up; there are no sidewalks, and even if there were, there
is nowhere to walk to.
We gather at the mall, but there is nowhere to sit outside with family
on a fine day. Suddenly we see: this is not the community we were
looking for.
I often refer to the well-known theory called "broken windows." When
a criminal sees a community with broken windows, garbage strewn on the
street, and graffiti on the walls, there is a powerful but unspoken
message: if you're looking for a place to commit a crime, it's here,
because we have a high tolerance for disorder.
If a young family is looking for a place to live, or an entrepreneur
is looking for a place to start a business, what kind of message does a
community send if there are no parks and green spaces; nowhere to shop
and walk and play with your children; no running paths to help people
stay well and productive; no nearby countrysides or family farms?
The message is clear: you'd better not raise your family here, because
we don't value the quality of life you want. But a liveable, walkable,
playable community -- like a safe community or a good, modern classroom,
sends a very different message: we care about this place, and you should,
So many generations moved out to the suburbs to find the good life
-- more space, more safety, more privacy, and a better quality of life.
Today, it is where the vast majority of new jobs are created. We should
be able to reclaim that dream.
We're starting to see that the lives of suburbs and cities are not
at odds, but intertwined. No one in a suburb wants to live outside a
dying city.
No one in the city wants to be trapped by surrounding rings of parking
lots instead of thriving, liveable suburban communities. And no one
wants to do away with the open spaces and farmland that give food,
beauty, and balance to our post-industrial, speeded-up lives.
Fortunately, all across America, communities are coming together to
meet these new challenges of growth -- to restore historic neighborhoods,
to protect centuries-old farmland, to turn shopping malls into village
squares, to preserve both our natural and our cultural heritage. These
communities are proving that America can grow according to its values --
which include goodness, but also include beauty. By working together,
they show us we can build an America that is not just better off, but
What is being gained is not just liveability, but new life for our
As citizens come together to plan their common future -- as they realize
that they can make a difference right in their own neighborhoods -- we
open the door to more vibrant civic life and self-government on a much
broader scale. That is why smart, green growth must happen at the local
and community level.
The American Heritage Rivers initiative rewards communities that restore
their rivers and waterfronts. Empowerment zones unite communities to
revitalize central cities. These initiatives reveal that rediscovering
the pride of place, the delight of home, has an unparalleled power.
In the words of Daniel Kemmis, who was one of several thinkers who
joined Tipper and me at our home early in 1997 for a series of
discussions on this subject, "what holds people together long enough to
discover their power as citizens is their common inhabiting of a single
place." In other words, to paraphrase the TV show: "everyone needs a
place where everybody knows your name." When I was a child, I lived in a
community just like that -- Carthage, Tennessee. I've often described it
as a place where people know about it when you're born, and care about it
when you die. There are a lot of Americans who want to live in a
community that has that feeling.
Let me share a few examples of what is happening across the country:
Consider Chattanooga, a city of black and white families, both affluent
and working class, in my home state of Tennessee. Like the Spanish
settlers who made their home on the Buena Vista, Chattanooga's founders
were entranced by the beauty of the land that lies between two majestic
mountains and a sweeping bend of the Tennessee River. Each feature of
the landscape speaking to the soul, in Wordsworth's memorable phrase,
"like a mighty voice." But by the time I was growing up, that voice had
grown hoarse. The smog was so thick people couldn't even see the
mountains. The air was so polluted that on some occasions, when women
wore nylon stockings outside, their legwear would actually disintegrate
from the pollution. The riverfront was littered with dilapidated
warehouses and a vacant high school, and the town's oldest bridge was
considered so unsafe the state wanted to tear it down. According to one
council member, in Chattanooga, "the prosperity of one generation became
the burden of the next one."
Then the people of Chattanooga decided to reclaim the natural beauty
of the place. More than 2,500 people turned out for public meetings and
listening sessions. They looked at pictures of different neighborhoods
and communities, and were consulted for their ideas and preferences.
Students proposed turning the old warehouses into an aquarium that
families could visit. Soon after, the vacant high school reopened as a
nationally-recognized magnet school. The old bridge was reinforced, and
reopened as the country's longest pedestrian walkway over a river, a
beautiful sight. As Tennessee's Senator, I was proud to help Chattanooga
develop an electric bus system to give people an alternative to all those
hours in traffic. And best of all -- just as those students had dreamed
-- those old warehouse properties were turned into the largest freshwater
aquarium in the world -- attracting 1.3 million visitors every year since
it has opened, making kids, fish, and retailers very happy. Today,
Chattanooga is not only cleaner than it has been in decades -- it is led
the entire state in job growth for the first half of last year.
In St. Paul, people like Mary Gruber are showing us the power of citizen
action. She is a nurse living with her husband -- a pipe fitter -- in
the working class north end of St. Paul. She is also active in the St.
Paul Ecumenical Alliance of Congregations. In the early 1990's, she met
a social worker who told her that she spent the first six weeks of every
school year looking for shoes for kids. She saw that poverty was
undermining their community's efforts to provide a good education. But
when she wondered where all the jobs would come from, all she saw in her
neighborhood were abandoned old factories. Doing a little research, she
found that there were more 4,000 acres of abandoned factories in inner
cities, barring job growth.
Together with the members of her religious coalition, she helped bring
together 45 inner-city and suburban churches, environmental groups,
developers, and government officials to clean up those old sites and
bring jobs back. They came up with their own slogan: "Turn Polluted Dirt
Into Paydirt." They held rallies, they sent letters, they met with state
legislators. And they persuaded the legislature to pass a seven-year
plan to reclaim 175 acres of polluted sites, create more than 2,000 new
jobs there, and leverage up to $70 million in private investment in the
once-neglected community. One of them summed it up this way: "I hate to
sound like a civic cheerleader, come away thinking that this is
worth your time." In St. Paul, changing the physical landscape meant a
change for the better in people's lives.
In Routt County, Colorado, in the Rocky Mountains, residents and
businesses became concerned that an explosion of year-round resorts and
tourism could degrade the character of their small ranching and mining
community. On summer weekdays, in a town with a population of just
15,000, it wasn't unusual for 28,000 cars to crowd the main street. One
bank president said: "It's not a question of whether we are going to
grow. It's a question of how we're going to manage that growth to
maintain the things we all came here for." They also realized that
destroying their rural way of life would only hurt tourism. So more than
1,000 residents worked on a plan called "Controlling Our Own Destiny,"
which led to plans for affordable housing, more open space, and better
transportation and schools.
More than 10,000 acres have been set aside as permanent land-ranches
that the town can grow around. And former adversaries, from ranchers to
business people to conservationists, are now working together for strong,
sustainable, and beautiful growth.
Then there is the City of Detroit. We all remember how Detroit seemed
to be in a free-fall just a few years ago -- losing jobs, losing
businesses, gaining crime and poverty. Distrust between the city and the
surrounding suburbs was the norm. Today, Detroit is experiencing an
economic renaissance -- and much of that progress is due to Mayor
Archer's efforts to work with the surrounding counties.
Our Empowerment Zone in Detroit not only helped to attract $4 billion
in private investment and thousands of jobs to the once-ravaged city
core, it also linked the zone's residents with available jobs out in the
suburbs. The natural surroundings benefit, too. Communities have come
together to protect and preserve the Detroit River as one of our new
American Heritage Rivers. Thirteen communities, three counties, and the
state have banded together to fight urban blight along Detroit's northern
border. And last year, city residents even approved $38 million in
improvements for recreational facilities located out in the suburbs.
Diverse religions are seeing a common interest. They all realize that
the only way to achieve growth and prosperity for everyone is to work
In the 1970's, Portland, Oregon was consuming 30,000 acres of its rich
agricultural land every year, and threatening the pristine forests
leading to Mount Hood. To protect the land, Portland passed a smart
growth plan -- creating a more walkable, liveable community while
preserving historic areas rather than builder farther and farther out.
They were told that it would be impossible -- that the new emphasis on
quality of life would force out businesses and force down property
values. Instead, the opposite has come to pass: high-tech campuses
sprung up, home values have increased, Portland's population swelled with
families fleeing sprawl and congestion elsewhere -- and a new light
rail system has attracted 40% of all commuters.
Today, the environment is better protected; developers advertise "not
sprawl but community villages;" new developments, crafted with care,
boast community spaces, light rail stations, and on-the-block day care;
and Portland's community spirit is one of joy.
As one newspaper described: "many of the newer companies in Oregon
-- like Hewlett-Packard, Intel, and Hyundai -- say they moved here
because there are forests, fruit orchards and meandering creeks just
across the street from the contained urban areas. The employers said
they wanted to locate in an area that could attract educated workers who
were as interested in quality of life as a paycheck." Or as one Intel
employee put it: "companies that can locate anywhere they want will go
where they can attract good people in good places." Coming together as a
community made good common sense.
And we see this kind of success across the nation -- from Chicago to
Fresno to South Florida to Indianapolis to San Antonio.
How, then, can the federal government encourage and strengthen smarter,
more liveable, sustainable growth? Again, smart growth is about local
and community decisions, and we don't want to tell anyone where to live,
or where to locate a business. But I believe there is an important role
for federal support for local energies.
We, the federal government, can start by getting our own house in order,
and making it look good. We should start paying closer attention to
liveability and smart growth in the building and planning we provide to
taxpayers -- such as where we locate new libraries, post offices, and so
on, and whether we should fix up old beautiful old buildings in historic
areas before rushing to build bland new ones farther out.
Secondly, we can get our own house in order by reexamining federal
policies that may have been well-intentioned, but have encouraged the
wrong kind of growth and runaway sprawl.
For example, in some cases, federal subsidies actually encouraged
communities to extend sewage lines far out into undeveloped areas, rather
than improving and expanding them in places where families already relied
on them. And until we changed the policy, the federal government gave
employers big subsidies to offer parking spaces to their employees, but
much less help in covering their mass transit costs. We need a national
dialogue on these kinds of policies.
Third, we can provide carefully targeted incentives to encourage smarter
growth -- such as support for mass transit and light rail systems -- not
to restrict growth in any way, but to reward growth that strengthens
family-friendly communities.
Fourth, we can play an enormously positive role as a partner with
cities, suburbs, and rural areas, as we have already started to do
through our empowerment initiative and through out work with the U.S.
Conference of Mayors and the National Association of County Organizations
on their Joint Center for Sustainable Communities. That way, whole
regions can create a vision and build together for their common future.
President Clinton and I have already done a lot to make the federal
government a better partner -- part of the solution. We are cleaning up
old Brownfield sites and toxic waste dumps, and replacing them with
parks, new businesses, and new homes. The President's Council on
Sustainable Development has worked very hard to encourage better, more
liveable communities. Our community empowerment strategy is bringing
billions of dollars in new private investment to central cities, and
breathing new life into America's central cities. We have passed
targeted tax cuts for families, small businesses, and communities. We
are rebuilding and modernizing crumbling schools. Under our new
transportation bill, we are giving local communities an unprecedented
local control over the kind of infrastructure they choose, and we will
make sure that control is preserved. We are putting 100,000 community
police on the streets -- police who walk a neighborhood beat and know the
kids on the sidewalk by name. We have taken new action to help local
communities protect their farmland, wetlands, and private forests.
Today, on behalf of President Clinton, I am pleased to announce three
additional steps we will take to help encourage smarter growth and more
liveable communities all across America.
First, today I am announcing that FANNIE MAE will launch a new $100
million pilot program that will recognize an economic reality that has
long been ignored by our mortgage system: families that live near mass
transit save as much as hundreds of dollars a month, and therefore should
qualify for larger mortgages. These new location-efficient mortgages,
which come with a 30-year transit pass, will give families more choices,
by enabling them to live in more desirable neighborhoods, with higher
property values. They will also illuminate whether this financial
innovation will encourage smarter growth nationwide.
Second, I am announcing two new initiatives to give more information
to communities. We will offer grants that enable communities to get and
display federal information on easy-to-understand computerized maps, to
see all the parks and buildings and farmlands in the region, and even
predictions of future growth. This will make it dramatically easier to
envision and plan smarter, more liveable growth for the future.
Third, we are taking new action to protect our farmland. On my
family's farm in Carthage, I learned a simple truth: if you lose an acre
of fertile farmland, you lose it forever. That's why, two years ago, we
reached out to states, tribes, and local governments and asked them to
help us protect our farmland through the purchase of easements. Today, I
am proud to announce today that we are awarding more than $17 million to
19 states to ensure that thousands of acres of our best farmland are
preserved for generations to come. This investment will protect more
than 53,000 acres of precious farmland on 217 farms across America. Our
kids will see horses, cows, and farms outside books and movies.
This is just the beginning of a renewed federal commitment to smarter,
more liveable growth -- and I will be announcing additional actions in
the coming months. But in every case, our goal will be to put more
control, more information, more decision-making power into the hands of
families, communities, and regions -- to give them all the freedom and
flexibility they need to reclaim their own unique place in the world.
That is why I will begin this fall by holding several listening sessions
on smart growth and liveability, to hear first-hand what is working, and
what the federal government can do to become a better partner. In the
coming months, members of the President's Cabinet will hold several
additional sessions around the country as well.
What is clear to the local and federal governments, more and more,
is something any parent has known when struggling to afford and then
protect a home: places matter to people; they shape people, for good or
ill. Our communities must be more than mere plots of bulldozed land,
more than mere networks of roads and soulless buildings. They must allow
us to come together, to walk and bike and play with our children, and to
know that we can shape the communities we want for their children. They
are a reflection of who we are as a people.
We must preserve and protect what is special about our natural
landscape, and about our man-made landscape as well. That is why America
must always seek strong and aggressive growth -- but growth that is
consistent with local values.
Wallace Stegner once reminded us that, as deeply as we treasure the
mythic cowboys and pioneer men and women and lone rangers who tamed
America's great frontier, we treasure our traditions of homesteading and
community-building just as much. As Stegner wrote: "This is the native
home of hope. When [America] fully learns that the
pattern that most characterizes and preserves it, then it will have
achieved itself and outlived its origins. Then, [we have] a chance to
create a society to match [our] scenery."
All across America, you and your neighbors have started to do just
that. And it's high time. Because this land is your land. From
California to the New York island -- from the Redwood Forests to the Gulf
Stream waters -- this land was made for you and me. Thank you -- and God
bless our most beautiful nation, America.
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