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Council On Environmental Quality
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Overview of CEQ
The Council On Environmental Quality (CEQ) has led the
Administration's effort to reinvent
environment and natural resource programs. In this effort, the
Administration is cutting
paperwork, saving taxpayers money and developing new partnerships
with industry, landowners
and the states to provide more flexibility for the regulated
community in return for better
environmental results.
Congress first established CEQ within the Executive Office of the President
as part of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. Additional responsibilities
were provided by the Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1970. The Council
is headed by an Acting Chairman, George T. Frampton, Jr.
enacting NEPA, Congress
recognized that nearly all federal activities affect the
environment in some way, and realized that
before federal agencies make decisions, they must consider the
effects of their actions on the
quality of the human environment. NEPA assigns CEQ the task of
ensuring that federal agencies
meet their obligations under the Act. The challenge of
harmonizing our economic, environmental
and social aspirations has put NEPA at the at the forefront of
our nation's efforts to protect the
Specific functions of CEQ include the following:
- Advise and assist the President in the development of
environmental policies and proposed
legislation as requested by the President;
- Advise the President on national and international policies
relating to the environment;
- Identify, assess, and report on trends in environmental
quality and recommend appropriate response strategies;
- Oversee federal agency implementation of the environmental
impact assessment process and act as a referee for
interagency disputes regarding the adequacy of such assessments;
- Report annually to the President on the state of the
environment through preparation of the annual Environmental
Quality Report;
- Provide general support and leadership to the coordination of
activities of the federal
departments and agencies which affect, protect, and
improve environmental quality;
- Support and participate in the government-wide effort to
reinvent environmental regulation;
- Foster cooperation between the federal, state and local
governments, the private sector and American citizens on
matters of environmental concern;
- Interpret NEPA and the CEQ regulations in response to
requests from federal, state and local agencies and citizens,
- Approve agency NEPA procedures and issue guidance to address
systemic problems.
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