Office of the Press Secretary
PRESIDENT CLINTON NAMES LLOYD N. CUTLER AS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE ON U.S.-CANADA SALMON NEGOTIATIONS President Clinton today named Lloyd N. Cutler as Senior White House Representative on Pacific Salmon to coordinate U.S. strategy for Pacific Salmon treaty negotiations with Canada. The appointment reflects the high priority placed by the Administration on concluding negotiations this year. Mr. Cutler, an attorney with Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering in Washington, D.C., has served in senior or advisory capacities in five Administrations on issues ranging from urban housing to nuclear disarmament. He served as Special Counsel to President Clinton in 1994, as Counsel to President Carter in 1979-80, and as a Senior Consultant to the President's Commission on Strategic Forces in 1983-84. As Senior Representative on Pacific Salmon, Mr. Cutler also will serve as White House liaison to the Governors of Alaska, Washington, and Oregon, the 24 Treaty Indian tribes, and Congress. Mr. Cutler will coordinate closely with U.S. Negotiator James Pipkin and Deputy Negotiator Larry Rutter. The U.S. negotiating team includes representatives of the Governors of Alaska, Washington and Oregon, and the concerned Treaty Indian tribes. Mr. Pipkin, Director of the Office of Policy at the Department of the Interior, has served as Special Negotiator for Pacific Salmon since 1994. Mr. Rutter, a Senior Policy Analyst for Pacific Salmon Treaty and Columbia River issues at the National Marine Fisheries Service, serves as his deputy. Mr. Cutler and Mr. Pipkin also will work closely with Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs Frank Loy. Negotiations with Canadian officials under way since January have produced progress toward resolution of the underlying issues and reformation of management arrangements to deal with conservation needs. Talks are expected to continue over the coming weeks.
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