The United States Treasury Department is a key contributor to U.S.
and international
efforts to support accelerated growth and development in Africa
Development Assistance via the International Financial
Institutions (IFIs).
Treasury leads U.S. participation in the IMF, the World Bank, and the
African Development
Bank. Over the past five years, these institutions have committed a
total of about $18
billion in development assistance, on highly concessional terms, to
Sub-Saharan Africa.
IFI assistance is increasing for those countries implementing strong
Debt Reduction. Under Treasury leadership, the U.S. has
forgiven over $1 billion
in concessional debt owed by 19 African countries. An additional $250
million has been
reduced within the Paris Club since 1994, and Treasury expects to
provide another $1.6
billion in debt reduction in FY 1999 under the Paris Club and the
Partnership for Economic Growth and Opportunity.
Treasury was a strong force behind the creation in 1996 of the
Heavily Indebted Poor
Countries (HIPC) Initiative, which includes, for the first time, debt
reduction by the
international financial institutions. HIPC is designed to achieve
sustainable development
and growth and manageable debt burdens for countries with
exceptionally heavy debt. Under
HIPC, Uganda is expected to receive $700 million in debt relief from
all creditors.
Mozambique, Burkina Faso and Cote dIvoire also have been
declared eligible for HIPC
relief, and we expect that other African countries will be declared
eligible this year.
Technical Assistance. One of the most direct ways Treasury
supports economic
reform is through technical assistance. In South Africa, a Treasury
expert is helping the
government to implement "fiscal federalism" by assisting
with the creation of a
mechanism for allocating resources between the central government and
local governments.
Bilateral Tax Treaties. The Treasury Department negotiated
the U.S. - S.A. Tax
Treaty which went into effect on January 1, 1998. The Treaty furthers
Treasury's goal of
establishing tax treaties with important trading partners.
Post Conflict Recovery. In 1997, Treasury appointed a
post-conflict economic
recovery coordinator to work with countries emerging from conflict,
assisting in their
efforts to adopt sound economic policies as the basis for